Brooklyn News Review at 10 a.m. [Inoreader digest]

Brooklyn News Review at 10 a.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  Jul 27 2022

Brooklyn News Review at 10 a.m. EST Daily
Current Brooklyn News:
Selected Articles Review From The News And Times -
Current Selected Articles:
All Current Articles:
Springsteen Manager Fires Back Against Ticket Price Complaints - Ticket News
Springsteen Manager Fires Back Against Ticket Price Complaints  Ticket News
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 2m
With its New Manhattan Clinic, Oula Aims to Reach More Parents and Raise the Standard...
With its New Manhattan Clinic, Oula Aims to Reach More Parents and Raise the Standard for Maternity Care  Yahoo...
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 2m
BP Reynoso allocates $18.5M to Coney hospital's women's health department
Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso met with local leaders Tuesday to announce the second of three...
Brooklyn Paper 8m
Siemens не выполняет работы по ремонту двигателей, заявил «Газпром»
В российской газовой компании сообщили, что на станции «Портовая» в рабочем состоянии находится только...
Аргументы и Факты 12m
Volkswagen намерен продать свой завод в Калуге — СМИ
Предприятие уже посетили две делегации потенциальных покупателей из Казахстана и Австрии.
Аргументы и Факты 12m
Более 250 волонтеров ЕР приняли участие во флешмобе в поддержку СВО
Участники выстроились в слово «спасибо», чтобы поблагодарить тех, кто защищает независимость ЛНР и ДНР.
Аргументы и Факты 12m
В РФ появились первые электромобили на отечественных литий-ионных батареях
В новом транспорте с запасом хода до 100 км могут поместиться семь пассажиров.
Аргументы и Факты 12m
Западные СМИ: Путин в ситуации с поставками газа выставил Европу бессильной
Британский журналист Кларк считает, что сокращение поставок газа грозит Европе большими экономическими...
Аргументы и Факты 12m
Братья Кристовские рассказали, как Ума Турман слепила для них пельмени
Также она записала видеопоздравление к 40-летию Владимира.
Аргументы и Факты 12m
Депутат Рады обвинил нового генпрокурора в посещении Крыма
По словам Алексея Гончаренко, назначать на эту должность человека, у которого нет четкого ответа на вопрос,...
Аргументы и Факты 12m
«Ленфильм» признал невозможность импортозамещения в кинопроизводстве
Причиной в киностудии назвали отсутствие отечественного оборудования.
Аргументы и Факты 12m
МИД: Украина сознательно ведет дело к техногенной катастрофе
Такое заявление в МИД сделали в связи с атаками на Запорожскую АЭС.
Аргументы и Факты 12m
Former CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Announces New Job at Rival Network - The Epoch Times
Former CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Announces New Job at Rival Network  The Epoch Times
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 21m
NPR News: 07-27-2022 9AM ET
NPR News: 07-27-2022 9AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 24m
American Coney Island Thrives in the Restaurant's Rich History - CBS Local
American Coney Island Thrives in the Restaurant's Rich History  CBS Local
"Coney Island" - Google News 26m
Busy Surf Avenue Intersection Gets Crosswalk, Stop Signs to Create Safe Pathway for...
Busy Surf Avenue Intersection Gets Crosswalk, Stop Signs to Create Safe Pathway for Seniors  Brownstoner
"Coney Island" - Google News 26m
With its New Manhattan Clinic, Oula Aims to Reach More Parents and Raise the Standard...
With its New Manhattan Clinic, Oula Aims to Reach More Parents and Raise the Standard for Maternity Care  PR...
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 33m
Rancho Cucamonga couple celebrate 75th anniversary - Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Rancho Cucamonga couple celebrate 75th anniversary  Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 33m
New video shows suspects just minutes before flashy Brooklyn bishop is robbed
New footage shows the trio who cops believe accosted a flashy Brooklyn bishop and snatched up more than...
brooklyn | New York Post 36m
'He was always with me.' Guide dog dies after being left in van for hours on 90-degree...
'He was always with me.' Guide dog dies after being left in van for hours on 90-degree day  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 41m
Эксперт рассказала, как долго в Москве будет сохраняться непогода
Синоптик также рассказала, что ждет москвичей в августе.
Аргументы и Факты 43m
В Совфеде объяснили, в каком случае в России может вернуться смертная казнь
В настоящее время в стране действует мораторий на смертную казнь.
Аргументы и Факты 43m
Эксперт отреагировал на слухи о возможном назначении Джонсона генсеком НАТО
Ранее в СМИ появилась информация о том, что он может стать следующим генсеком альянса.
Аргументы и Факты 43m
Мишустин призвал уделить приоритетное внимание вопросам селекции в АПК
Премьер подчеркнул, что важно не только наращивать производство отечественных овощей, но и выпускать...
Аргументы и Факты 43m
За полгода в Турции от разных причин скончались 50 российских туристов
По словам посла РФ Алексея Ерхова, путешественники погибают вследствие обострения хронических заболеваний,...
Аргументы и Факты 43m
Временную поверенную в делах Латвии вызвали в МИД РФ
Ей выражен протест в связи с давлением на россиян, прибывающих в республику.
Аргументы и Факты 43m
Мэр Донецка сообщил о гибели двух мужчин после обстрела со стороны ВСУ
ЧП произошло в Куйбышевском районе города.
Аргументы и Факты 43m
Зеленский с женой провели фотосессию для журнала Vogue
Пару снимал знаменитый американский фотограф Энни Лейбовиц
Аргументы и Факты 43m
Турция назвала условие для продления продуктовой сделки
В Минобороны страны отметили, что соглашения будут продлеваться по мере необходимости и согласия сторон.
Аргументы и Факты 43m
Mega Millions jackpot keeps climbing
If you didn't win, you're not alone.
CBS New York 46m
N.J. umpire suing parent coach accused of attacking him
A 72-year-old umpire who was attacked by a parent coach during a 13-and-under baseball game in New Jersey...
CBS New York 46m
Минобороны РФ запускает паром Ейск-Мариуполь
Минобороны РФ объявило о запуске регулярной паромной переправы "Ейск-Мариуполь". Об этом сообщается в...
Каспаров.Ru 50m
Суд Красноярска приговорил к 3 годам колонии суррогатную мать по делу о торговле...
Суд Красноярска приговорил к 3 годам колонии общего режима Тамару Яндиеву, которая стала суррогатной...
Каспаров.Ru 50m
Body Dumped in Brooklyn Driveway - NBC New York
Body Dumped in Brooklyn Driveway  NBC New York
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 56m
French fashion boss Gérald Marie, 72, is said to have used the Russian Mafia to try...
French fashion boss Gérald Marie, 72, is said to have used the Russian Mafia to try and kill Lisa Brinkworth,...
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 56m
Griner testifies at Russia drug trial about interrogation - Spectrum News NY1
Griner testifies at Russia drug trial about interrogation  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 57m
Brooklyn Politicians Ask Maimonides CEO for Town Hall to Address Concerns -
Brooklyn Politicians Ask Maimonides CEO for Town Hall to Address Concerns
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 57m
Is Russia killing off the International Space Station? - The Guardian
Is Russia killing off the International Space Station?  The Guardian
Russia - Google News 1h
NYC medical examiner confirms second heat-related death
The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. The person had hypertensive cardiovascular...
Gothamist 1h
Mega Millions now jackpot tops $1 billion; 4 new millionaires in NY and NJ
Chantee Lans reports on the new, massive jackpot - and the new millionaires in NY and NJ. Read...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 1h
BMW, 2 suspects sought after children shot in front of playground in the Bronx
The NYPD has released surveillance video as they search for whoever shot a 12-year-old girl and a 16-year-old...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 1h
At 4.3% CAGR, Automotive Headliners Market Size to Surpass - GlobeNewswire
At 4.3% CAGR, Automotive Headliners Market Size to Surpass  GlobeNewswire
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 1h
Цифровая маркировка пивной продукции стартует с 1 апреля 2023 года
В Ассоциации производителей пива назвали обозначенные сроки реалистичными.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Эксперт объяснила, почему рост доходов не влияет на увеличение финансов
Специалист также рассказала, зачем нужен пассивный источник дохода.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Эксперт прокомментировал удар по Антоновскому мосту со стороны ВСУ
По мнению Игоря Коротченко, в офисе президента Зеленского больше не считают Херсон своей территорией.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Эксперт оценил вероятность контрнаступления ВСУ под Херсоном
Военный эксперт предлагает исходить из того, что оно состоится.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
СМИ: проститутки в Норвегии выдают себя за украинок ради большего заработка
Чаще всего украинками прикидываются женщины с паспортами Литвы, Молдавии и Испании.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
В Омской области пропавший мальчик утонул в реке
По факту несчастного случая возбуждено уголовное дело.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Правительство Германии назвало личным делом поездку Шредера в Москву
По словам представителя кабмина, поездка не обсуждалась с канцлером Олафом Шольцем.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
As Global Brands Exit, Does the Russian Market Present Overseas Opportunities to...
As Global Brands Exit, Does the Russian Market Present Overseas Opportunities to Li-Ning?  Jing Daily
"Russian New York" - Google News 1h
Fed expected to raise interest rates again
The move is meant to curb historically high inflation.
CBS New York 1h
New video of Brooklyn bishop robbery suspects surfaces
Armed thieves barged into a Brooklyn church on Sunday and robbed a bishop and his wife mid-sermon, police...
PIX11 News 1h
Литва запретила въезд патриарху Кириллу
Власти Литвы запретили патриарху Московскому и всея Руси Кириллу въезд на территорию страны.
Каспаров.Ru 1h
As war rages, Ukraine President Zelenskyy and wife Zelenska poses for Vogue - Free...
As war rages, Ukraine President Zelenskyy and wife Zelenska poses for Vogue  Free Press Journal
"Bucha" - Google News 1h
NPR News: 07-27-2022 8AM ET
NPR News: 07-27-2022 8AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 1h
Bulgaria's political crisis enters third loop with new election in sight - EURACTIV
Bulgaria's political crisis enters third loop with new election in sight  EURACTIV
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 1h
Russian FM, on African tour, denies 'so-called food crisis' - The Associated Press...
Russian FM, on African tour, denies 'so-called food crisis'  The Associated Press - en Español
"Russian America" - Google News 1h
US teacher sentenced to 14 years for traveling to Russia with cannabis - WMTV – NBC15
US teacher sentenced to 14 years for traveling to Russia with cannabis  WMTV – NBC15
"Russian America" - Google News 1h
Trump returns to D.C. for 1st time since leaving office - Yahoo News
Trump returns to D.C. for 1st time since leaving office  Yahoo News
"Trump and the Russian Mob" - Google News 1h
В Херсоне пострадали полицейские из-за срабатывания взрывного устройства
Аргументы и Факты 1h
В Запорожье снесли стоявший более 20 лет памятник А.С. Пушкину
Скульптуру убрали на хранение для определения ее дальнейшей судьбы.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
В ГД предложили создать список недружественных зарубежных отелей
Поводом для появления реестра стал произошедший в одной из турецких гостиниц инцидент.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
В Крыму чиновников будут назначать с трехмесячным испытательным сроком
По мнению главы республики Сергея Аксенова, трех месяцев достаточно для управленца, чтобы он показал...
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Минобороны РФ запустило регулярную паромную линию в ДНР
Из Ейска в Мариуполь будут доставлять грузы для восстановления инфраструктуры Донбасса.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
В Германии заявили, что поставки газа пока остаются стабильными
Прокачка по «Северному потоку» снизилась до 19,5% от мощности газопровода.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Производитель лифтов Otis продал свой бизнес в России
Предприятия компании возобновят работу 1 августа под новым брендом.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Собянин поздравил коллектив «Мосэнерго» со 135-летием предприятия
Мэр Москвы также отметил, что подготовка к отопительному сезону в столице идет в соответствии с графиком.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Brooklyn Development Scores $134M - MHN - Multi-Housing News
Brooklyn Development Scores $134M - MHN  Multi-Housing News
"brooklyn news" - Google News 1h
Russian FM, on African Tour, Denies 'So-Called Food Crisis' - U.S. News & World Report
Russian FM, on African Tour, Denies 'So-Called Food Crisis'  U.S. News & World Report
"Russian World" - Google News 1h
Russia says its strike on July 24 destroyed 100 HIMARS missiles - Reuters
Russia says its strike on July 24 destroyed 100 HIMARS missiles  Reuters
"Russian World" - Google News 1h
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 9:50 a.m. EDT | Sports | - Fort Bend Herald
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 9:50 a.m. EDT | Sports |  Fort Bend Herald
"russian fifth column" - Google News 1h
A hungover Malcolm Freberg almost pulled from 'Snake in the Grass' - Entertainment...
A hungover Malcolm Freberg almost pulled from 'Snake in the Grass'  Entertainment Weekly News
"Red Mafia" - Google News 1h
40 Brighton 1st Rd Unit 17-G, New York, NY, 11235 | MLS #OLRS-1986498 | RocketHomes
BEST RENOVATION PROJECT IN SOUTH BROOKLYN! Step right into Apt 17G at the Brighton Towers luxury Cooperative...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 1h
Филиппины отменили сделку о покупке у России вертолётов Ми-17 из-за санкций
Власти Филиппин отменили сделку о покупке у России вертолётов Ми-17 из-за опасений перед санкциями США.
Каспаров.Ru 1h
Песков пообещал ответные меры за запрет вещания телеканала RT France
В Кремле обещают ответные меры на запрет вещания телеканала RT France.
Каспаров.Ru 1h
Exotic cat spotted on Long Island
The large cat was seen roaming around Islip.
CBS New York 1h
Video shows 3 men wanted after Brooklyn bishop robbed at gunpoint during church service...
Video shows 3 men wanted after Brooklyn bishop robbed at gunpoint during church service  WABC-TV
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 1h
The bail reform special session that wasn't - POLITICO
The bail reform special session that wasn't  POLITICO
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 1h
Man wheels body into Brooklyn driveway on hand truck, dumps corpse - New York Daily...
Man wheels body into Brooklyn driveway on hand truck, dumps corpse  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 1h
Jury unanimously convicts "lottery lawyer" of scamming big winners - New York Daily...
Jury unanimously convicts "lottery lawyer" of scamming big winners  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 1h
Breakingviews - Russia is giving German industry a slow puncture - Reuters
Breakingviews - Russia is giving German industry a slow puncture  Reuters
Russia - Google News 1h
U.S. Treasury Deputy Secretary discusses price cap on Russia with European counterparts...
U.S. Treasury Deputy Secretary discusses price cap on Russia with European counterparts  Reuters
Russia - Google News 1h
Russia Vows to Hinder Work of Western Media After RT France Ban - The Moscow Times
Russia Vows to Hinder Work of Western Media After RT France Ban  The Moscow Times
Russia - Google News 1h
NYC's digital health funding, deals decline, mirroring national trends, report finds...
NYC's digital health funding, deals decline, mirroring national trends, report finds  Crain's New York...
"Coney Island" - Google News 1h
It's gonna be a beautiful day, #NYC! 😎 With low humidity and temperatures in the mid-80s, it's expected...
NY1 Weather (Twitter) 2h
Shirley Hines Obituary (2022) - Brooklyn, NY -
Shirley Hines Obituary (2022) - Brooklyn, NY
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 2h
В Британии хотят заменить фразу «грудное вскармливание» из-за трансгендеров
С соответствующей инициативой выступил Королевский колледж акушерства и гинекологии.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Власти Германии заявили, что турбина Siemens готова к передаче России
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Власти Турции объявили о начале работы координационного центра по зерну
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Лавров пошутил про алкоголь в ходе церемонии высадки деревьев в Эфиопии
Глава МИД прилетел в Эфиопию в рамках африканского турне.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Минцифры определило социально значимые приложения для размещения в RuStore
Их всего четыре - «Госуслуги», «Госуслуги Авто», «Госуслуги Культура» и «Госуслуги. Решаем вместе».
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Троих жителей Подмосковья будут судить за автомобильные кражи
Следствие установило, что злоумышленники угнали как минимум 13 машин.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Зеленский вновь пригласил Штайнмайера приехать на Украину
В апреле президент ФРГ уже планировал приехать в Киев, однако тогда власти Украины отменили его прием.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Суд оставил в силе штраф Моргенштерну* за пропаганду наркотиков
Сумма взыскания составляет 100 тысяч рублей.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines - News 12 Brooklyn
Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 2h
Mega Millions picks numbers. Did you win $830 million? - News 12 Brooklyn
Mega Millions picks numbers. Did you win $830 million?  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 2h
Global food crisis: Beyond the Ukraine-Russia grain deal, what else can the world...
Global food crisis: Beyond the Ukraine-Russia grain deal, what else can the world do?  Grid
"Russian World" - Google News 2h
Kremlin says Kaliningrad transit outlook 'positive' - Reuters
Kremlin says Kaliningrad transit outlook 'positive'  Reuters
"Russian World" - Google News 2h
Yellen Discusses Price Cap on Russian Oil With UK's Zahawi - U.S. Treasury - U.S....
Yellen Discusses Price Cap on Russian Oil With UK's Zahawi - U.S. Treasury  U.S. News & World Report
"Russian World" - Google News 2h
Permits Filed for 965 Bedford Avenue in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn - New York YIMBY
Permits have been filed to convert two-story structure into a six-story mixed-use building at 965 Bedford...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 2h
After decades of opposing the Taliban, India may be forming a relationship with them
As the Taliban struggles to maintain control over Afghanistan, India may become an unlikely ally to help...
News : NPR 2h
Seasonable temps, low humidity in NY, NJ
Afternoon temperatures will only reach the low and mid-80s in most locations in the tri-state area.
PIX11 News 2h
NPR News: 07-27-2022 7AM ET
NPR News: 07-27-2022 7AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 2h
If not Biden, then who? - The Week
If not Biden, then who?  The Week
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 2h
amNY Weekender | 7 things to do in NYC, July 29-31 - AMNY
amNY Weekender | 7 things to do in NYC, July 29-31  AMNY
"Coney Island" - Google News 2h
В Киеве закрылся ТРЦ «Ocean Plaza»
В Киеве полностью закрылся один из крупнейших торгово-развлекательных центров «Ocean Plaza», который...
Русский Мир 2h
ON THIS DAY IN 1913, a Brooklyn Daily Eagle editorial said, "Have you ever thought, as you read of the...
Brooklyn Eagle 2h
В РФ зафиксировано семь случаев заражения подвидом коронавируса «кентавр»
В стране наблюдается рост заболеваемости ковидом.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Лавров: РФ и Эфиопия готовы продолжить военно-техническое сотрудничество
По его словам, страны будут реализовывать новые планы с учетом интересов Эфиопии в обеспечении своей...
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Мэр Донецка сообщил о погибшем мужчине после обстрела ВСУ здания кафе
Несколько человек получили ранения.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
В Великобритании создали жвачку от коронавируса
В результате использования количество бактерий во рту снижалось на 95%.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Лавров обсудил с властями Эфиопии развитие двусторонней торговли
Рассмотрены перспективы сотрудничества в энергетике, сельхозпроизводстве и добыче полезных ископаемых.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
СМИ: цена на газ в Европе превысила 2 500 долларов за тысячу кубометров
Аргументы и Факты 2h
У Пьера Нарцисса нашелся внебрачный сын
Восьмилетний мальчик проживает в Москве.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
В Кремле прокомментировали проект США о запрете поставок нефти РФ в Китай
Ранее Пекин выступил против данных санкций.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
«Газпром» подтвердил OMV поставку около 40 процентов заказанного газа
Газ поставляют для крупного газового хаба Баумгартена.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Ученые «Вектора» выделили штамм оспы обезьян у заболевшего
Специалисты выяснили, что штамм относится к западноафриканскому варианту вируса с низкой летальностью.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Ukrainian forces attack key Russian supply route into occupied Kherson; Gazprom cuts...
A hotel has been shelled in the Donetsk town of Bakhmut, leaving one person dead and others...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h
Buoyant company earnings lift recession-focused markets - Reuters
Buoyant company earnings lift recession-focused markets  Reuters
"Russian World" - Google News 2h
Global Economic Growth Slows Amid Gloomy and More Uncertain Outlook - International...
Global Economic Growth Slows Amid Gloomy and More Uncertain Outlook  International Monetary Fund
"Russian World" - Google News 2h
2650 E 13th St Unit 4E, New York, NY, 11235 | MLS #RLMX-0016800260546 | RocketHomes
2650 E 13th St Unit 4E, New York City, NY, 11235 is a 928 sq. foot 2 bed, 1 bath condo for sale. Price:...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 2h
FLIP Go at T-Mobile Nostrand Ave and Ave X | Brooklyn, NY
Get the TCL FLIP Go today at T-Mobile Nostrand Ave and Ave X nearby in Brooklyn, NY. Click to check stock,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 2h
Long Beach film festival returns in person
Thousands are expected to attend the festival between Wednesday and Saturday.
CBS New York 2h
New video of suspects wanted for robbing bishop
Police hope new video will help them track down three suspects accused of robbing a bishop and his wife...
CBS New York 2h
NYC spreading word about new speed camera rules
The Department of Transportation is holding a citywide day of awareness.
CBS New York 2h
The Real Deal: The hidden cost of using a credit card at a restaurant - News 12 Brooklyn
The Real Deal: The hidden cost of using a credit card at a restaurant  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 2h
'Naïve' to think Russia can be trusted, says Polish diplomat - CNN
'Naïve' to think Russia can be trusted, says Polish diplomat  CNN
"Russia" - Google News 2h
🌱 Brooklyn Pre-Foreclosures Climb + Rabbi Attacked In Crown Heights - Patch
🌱 Brooklyn Pre-Foreclosures Climb + Rabbi Attacked In Crown Heights  Patch
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 3h
Permits Filed for 965 Bedford Avenue in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn - New York YIMBY
Permits Filed for 965 Bedford Avenue in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn  New York YIMBY
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 3h
Brooklyn, NY - Five-Year-Old Hospitalized After Near-Drowning at City Pool, Lifeguard...
Brooklyn, NY - Five-Year-Old Hospitalized After Near-Drowning at City Pool, Lifeguard Inaction Being...
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 3h
Jackie Robinson Museum opens in New York after 14 years of planning - OCRegister
Jackie Robinson Museum opens in New York after 14 years of planning  OCRegister
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 3h
Brooklyn Pizzeria Roberta's to Open Design District Pop-Up - Miami New Times
In the past six months, two sought-after New York-based pizzerias set up shop in Miami. Pizza Tropical...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 3h
Russia-Ukraine war: The West must stop its unconditional support for Kyiv - Middle...
Russia-Ukraine war: The West must stop its unconditional support for Kyiv  Middle East Eye
"Kremlin and Pandora Papers" - Google News 3h
The grainy video of anti-corruption chief in bed with prostitutes that set Putin...
The grainy video of anti-corruption chief in bed with prostitutes that set Putin on path to the Kremlin  MailPlus
"Kremlin and Pandora Papers" - Google News 3h
Кортеж главы правящей партии Польши Ярослава Качиньского забросали яйцами
Нарушителя уже задержала полиция.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Литва закрыла патриарху Кириллу въезд на территорию страны
Решение принято из-за поддержки главой РПЦ специальной военной операции России на Украине.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Песков: военно-техническое сотрудничество с Турцией всегда на повестке дня
Ранее Тайип Эрдоган рассказал, что лидер РФ Владимир Путин хочет наладить сотрудничество с производителем...
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Генпрокурором Украины назначен депутат партии «Слуга народа» Костин
За его назначение проголосовала Верховная рада.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Эксперты оценили снижение ставки по кредитам для промышленников в Москве
По их мнению, благодаря подобным мерам в кризис перед компаниями открываются новые возможности.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Пушков объяснил, при каких условиях Байден уйдёт в отставку
По мнению сенатора, шансов у американского лидера на второй срок нет.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Пушков призвал сократить использование англицизмов в России
По словам Пушкова, использование англицизмов ведет к идеологической зависимости.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Песков назвал позитивным фактом разблокировку транзита в Калининград
Запад в этом вопросе проявил здравую позицию, подчеркнули в Кремле.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
В Красноярске вынесен первый приговор по делу о торговле новорожденными
Суд приговорил гражданку Казахстана к трем годам колонии.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Свердловский ФСИН прокомментировал сравнение их мебели с товарами IKEA
Отмечается, что продукция учреждений ФСИН хоть дешевая, но качественная, и ее реализуют во многих российских...
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Песков: власти Молдавии методично насаждают антироссийскую повестку
По его мнению, это делается для того, чтобы дистанцироваться от взаимодействия с Россией.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Поставки газа в Европу сократились до 20%
Поставки газа в Европу по "Северному потоку" сократились до 20% от мощности газопровода.
Каспаров.Ru 3h
Fate of Ukraine's second biggest power plant in balance after Russian advance - Reuters
Fate of Ukraine's second biggest power plant in balance after Russian advance  Reuters
"Russian World" - Google News 3h
Dead Body Found in Brooklyn Driveway After Being Rolled There in Hand Truck: Police
Get the NBC 4 New York app for iOS or Android and pick your alerts. The victim's identity was not immediately...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 3h
New York Solar Panels [Cost & Installation Pricing Guide 2022] - EcoWatch
How much do solar panels cost in New York? We'll explain what you ... Watch Below: See how solar panels...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 3h
First Alert Weather: Mix of sun and clouds
CBS2's Elise Finch has the latest weather forecast.
CBS New York 3h
17-year-old shot in the head in the Bronx
Police say the teen is fighting for his life this morning.
CBS New York 3h
NYC health officials looking to rename monkeypox as cases rise
They're calling on the World Health Organization to change the name, which they say has created a stigma...
CBS New York 3h
New video of Bronx playground shooting
Police say a 12-year-old girl and 16-year-old boy were shot on a basketball court in Longwood.
CBS New York 3h
NPR News: 07-27-2022 6AM ET
NPR News: 07-27-2022 6AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 3h
There is a dark war we cannot see that could decide Ukraine's fate - Evening Standard
There is a dark war we cannot see that could decide Ukraine's fate  Evening Standard
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 3h
Russia has struggled in Ukraine, but everyone else has still lost - The Jerusalem...
Russia has struggled in Ukraine, but everyone else has still lost  The Jerusalem Post
"Russia" - Google News 3h
Gantz: Israel Has the Ability to Seriously Damage Iran's Nuclear Program
Edited by:  Fern SidmanAs the Iranian nuclear arms program continues to dominate headlines in the immediate...
The Jewish Voice 3h
NY Non-Citizen Voting Ban Challenged by Adams & Democratic Machine
By:  Dean WeinerNew York State Democratic leaders are attempting yet again to make it possible for non-US...
The Jewish Voice 3h
Michael Long, Conservative Party Chairman of NY Passes Away at 82
By: Don DriggersNew York has lost a political leader that always went above and beyond to help his state...
The Jewish Voice 3h
Patients at Bklyn's Maimonides Hospital "Traumatized" by Poor Medical Care
Edited by: TJVNews.comAs the Jewish Voice has previously reported, Brooklyn's Maimonides Hospital has...
The Jewish Voice 3h
New Russian airstrikes target Black Sea regions of Ukraine
KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia targeted Ukraine's southern Black Sea regions of Odesa and Mykolaiv...
Advertising at The News And Times 3h
Fed to raise rates, ex-Minneapolis cops to be sentenced, Brittney Griner's trial:...
Fed to raise rates, ex-Minneapolis cops to be sentenced, Brittney Griner's trial: 5 things to know Wednesday  USA...
"Russian USA" - Google News 3h
Russia-Ukraine war: Invasion has left these historic sites in ruins - USA TODAY
Russia-Ukraine war: Invasion has left these historic sites in ruins  USA TODAY
"Russian USA" - Google News 3h
Иран начнет п&
Власти России и Ирана договорились об активации в Иране российской платежной системы "Мир".
Каспаров.Ru 3h
Global stocks, oil prices higher before likely US rate hike - Spectrum News NY1
Global stocks, oil prices higher before likely US rate hike  Spectrum News NY1
"weather Brooklyn NY" - Google News 3h
Додон предложил принять срочные меры для вывода Молдавии из кризиса
Экс-президент Молдавии назвал пять антикризисных мер.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Песков: Газпром не может гарантировать прокачку топлива в ЕС из-за санкций
Пресс-секретарь президента напомнил, что импортное оборудование газопровода не могут вовремя обслуживать...
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Пушков: у Google в России есть политические интересы
По словам Пушкова, об этом свидетельствует готовность компании оставаться в России.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
ФАС оштрафовала семь поставщиков металлопроката за картельный сговор
Размер штрафа составил 1,77 млрд рублей.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Мэр Феодосии ушел в отставку
Как сообщил глава Крыма Сергей Аксенов, Андрей Лебедев не справился с поставленными задачами.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Шакира отказалась от соглашения с прокуратурой по делу о неуплате налогов
Певица утверждает, что у нее нет непогашенных долгов перед испанскими властями.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
МИД ДНР: число погибших детей после получения Украиной оружия НАТО выросло
По данным властей республики, за всё время вооруженного конфликта на территории республики погибли 130...
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Врач развеяла миф о пользе регулярного приема витаминов
Эксперт отметила, что постоянный прием поливитаминов не несет в себе пользы, а может даже нанести вред.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
В ДНР заявили о ранении жителя Ясиноватой при обстрелах со стороны ВСУ
Украинские военные вели огонь по городу из артиллерии разных калибров.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
2650 E 13th St Unit 2E, New York, NY, 11235 | MLS #PRCH-3734548 | RocketHomes
2650 E 13th St Unit 2E, New York City, NY, 11235 is a 2 bed, 1 bath condo for sale. Price: $309000. ......
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 3h
Tour 2805 E 26th St #1, New York, NY - Zumper
About 2805 E 26th St #1. Home · New York Rentals · Apartments in New York · Sheepshead Bay 2805 E 26th...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 3h
Russia Today loses fight against EU ban, Moscow warns of retaliation - Reuters
Russia Today loses fight against EU ban, Moscow warns of retaliation  Reuters
Russia - Google News 3h
Brooklyn scientist tries out 'rock dust' to grow better garden and fight carbon pollution...
Brooklyn scientist tries out 'rock dust' to grow better garden and fight carbon pollution  Gothamist
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 3h
WNBA star Brittney Griner set to give testimony in Russia trial - The Washington...
WNBA star Brittney Griner set to give testimony in Russia trial  The Washington Post
"Russia" - Google News 3h
RT Loses Court Fight Against EU Crackdown on Russia 'Propaganda' - Bloomberg
RT Loses Court Fight Against EU Crackdown on Russia 'Propaganda'  Bloomberg
"Russia" - Google News 3h
Inside FCI Tallahassee: Ghislaine Maxwell's low-security prison - The Week UK
Inside FCI Tallahassee: Ghislaine Maxwell's low-security prison  The Week UK
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 3h
NYC Moving Companies Fight Over Use of Proprietary Technology 
By:  Serach NissimSeveral of New York City's leading moving companies are having a legal dispute over...
The Jewish Voice 4h
NY Luxury Rental Developers Add "Work-at-Home" Amenities  in Apt Bldgs
By:  Ilana SiyanceThe work-at-home phenomenon, which was stimulated by the pandemic, has had numerous...
The Jewish Voice 4h
Judge Approves $15M Bankruptcy Retention Bonuses for Revlon Employees 
By: Hellen ZaboulaniRevlon gained a victory in court, which will help it hang on to its employees amid...
The Jewish Voice 4h
Top Summer Broadway Theatrical Productions to See in the Big Apple  
By: Ellen CansNew York City is back, and at its best.Tourists are happy to be back in the Big Apple,...
The Jewish Voice 4h
Alan Bernstein | Obituaries | - LNP | LancasterOnline
Alan Bernstein | Obituaries |  LNP | LancasterOnline
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 4h
European Midday Briefing: Banks & Tech Stocks -2- -
European Midday Briefing: Banks & Tech Stocks -2-
"Trump and the Russian Mob" - Google News 4h
Gerrymander lets NY Democrats, GOP switch for Aug. 23 primary - New York Post
New Yorkers will be able to change their voter registration much closer to primary election time. EPA/JUSTIN...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 4h
Disinformation on Climate Change Leaves Lasting Mark as World Heats - NBC New York
The memo, later leaked to The New York Times that year, went on to outline how fossil fuel companies...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 4h
As Monkeypox Spread in New York, 300000 Vaccine Doses Sat in Denmark
H.H.S. said that the vaccine supply in the early days was sufficient given that states weren't requesting...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 4h
Tory squabbles re-animating the Remainers, Brexit now at risk, says BERNARD INGHAM...
Tory squabbles re-animating the Remainers, Brexit now at risk, says BERNARD INGHAM  Express
"russian fifth column" - Google News 4h
Danny Garcia vs. Jose Benavidez Jr.: Date, fight time, TV channel and live stream...
Garcia, a former unified junior welterweight champion and former WBC welterweight titlist, last fought...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 4h
В Москве полуголый мужчина напал на женщину с коляской
Личность мужчины уже установлена.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
В Турции назвали условие ратификации членства Швеции и Финляндии в НАТО
Страны должны выполнить условия мадридского меморандума.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Боррель пожаловался, что менее популярен в западных СМИ, чем Лавров
Глава европейской дипломатии призвал удвоить усилия, чтобы противостоять распространению российской информации,...
Аргументы и Факты 4h
ВКС России уничтожили более 100 ракет к HIMARS в Днепропетровской области
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Москвичей предупредили о грозе и шквалистом ветре
Водителям рекомендовали снизить скорость в непогоду, пешеходам - не прятаться под деревьями.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
МО РФ сообщило об уничтожении до 200 военных ВСУ в Николаеве
Удар ВКС России был нанесен по территории бывшего завода «Николаевстройтранс».
Аргументы и Факты 4h
МИД РФ: выход первых судов с зерном может начаться в ближайшее время
В Турции добавляют, что на отгрузку первой партии украинского зерна уйдет несколько дней.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Mercedes-Benz потерял 1,4 млрд евро из-за приостановки поставок в РФ – СМИ
Об этом говорится в отчетности компании за прошлое полугодие.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
«Союз МС-22» получит имя Константина Циолковского
Запуск космического корабля запланирован на сентябрь 2022 года.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Суд в Уфе 5 августа начнет рассмотрение дела Шевчука о дискредитации ВС
Музыканту грозит штраф от 30 до 50 тысяч рублей.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Проект о сохранении прожиточного минимума за должниками внесли в Госдуму
Законодательная инициатива нацелена в первую очередь на поддержку пенсионеров.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Extreme Weather Is Soaking New York City. Community Gardens Can Help. - The New York...
Extreme Weather Is Soaking New York City. Community Gardens Can Help.  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 4h
Facing 'Putin's energy blackmail,' Europe agrees to cut Russian gas use - The Indian...
Facing 'Putin's energy blackmail,' Europe agrees to cut Russian gas use  The Indian Express
"Russian World" - Google News 4h
NPR News: 07-27-2022 5AM ET
NPR News: 07-27-2022 5AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 4h
Bulgaria to hold snap election as ITN refuses to return to coalition - bne IntelliNews
Bulgaria to hold snap election as ITN refuses to return to coalition  bne IntelliNews
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 4h
Russia-Ukraine Latest News: July 24, 2022 - Bloomberg
Russia-Ukraine Latest News: July 24, 2022  Bloomberg
"Russia" - Google News 4h
Russia cuts gas through Nord Stream 1 to 20% of capacity - Spectrum News NY1
Russia cuts gas through Nord Stream 1 to 20% of capacity  Spectrum News NY1
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 4h
Leveling the Gender Playing Field
Men competing against women has a long history.By: Lloyd BillingsleyThe Federation Internationale de...
The Jewish Voice 4h
The Strategic Fallout of Biden's Trip to the Mideast
While his contradictory pandering was sufficient to render the president's trip a bust, the unbridgeable...
The Jewish Voice 4h
Designer Stuart Weitzman Talks Shoes and Ping Pong in Tel Aviv
The globally famous designer, an 82-year-old Maccabiah athlete, urges listeners at Tel Aviv Museum of...
The Jewish Voice 4h
"My Name Is Sara"  – An Impressive Directorial Debut by Steven Oritt
It's not surprising that Zuzanna Surowy was selected out of 650 amateurs for the role, even though she...
The Jewish Voice 4h
В Москве задержан мундеп Виктор Баранцев
В Москве полиция задержала муниципального депутата района Замоскворечье Виктора Баранцева.
Каспаров.Ru 4h
AP Exclusive: Philippines scraps Russian chopper deal – Metro US - Metro US
AP Exclusive: Philippines scraps Russian chopper deal – Metro US  Metro US
"Russian USA" - Google News 4h
Russia's Fifth Column - Jewish Journal
Russia's Fifth Column  Jewish Journal
"russian fifth column" - Google News 4h
Medical Doctors In Brooklyn Ny - Day of Difference Foundation
Best 30 Medical Doctors in Brooklyn, NY with Reviews - ... MD 5 mi Primary Care Doctor 99 Brighton...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 4h
British American Tobacco после ухода из РФ потеряла 1,2 млрд долларов
В марте компания сообщила о прекращении деятельности в России и передаче местного бизнеса.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
В Эфиопии Лавров принял участие в традиционной церемонии приготовления кофе
Глава внешнеполитического ведомства России принял участие в традиционной церемонии.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Путин и Эрдоган могут обсудить украинский вопрос на встрече в Сочи
Президент России проведет 5 августа переговоры с турецким лидером.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
За сутки в России выявили более 9 тыс. новых случаев коронавируса
Свыше 1,6 тыс. человек госпитализированы.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Певцов объяснил свое отношение к концертам Киркорова
Актер считает, что выступления Филиппа Киркорова не имеют никакого отношения к искусству.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Поставки газа по «Северному потоку» упали в два раза
Объем поставок упал до 1,3 млн куб. м в час, это менее 20% мощности трубопровода.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Эксперты рассказали, какими препаратами ревакцинироваться от COVID-19
Профессор Анча Баранова считает, что «Спутник Лайт» подходит не во всех случаях.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Концерт Бутусова отменили в Хельсинки
Выступление должно было состояться в сентябре.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Iran to start accepting Russian Mir payment cards soon -official - Reuters
Iran to start accepting Russian Mir payment cards soon -official  Reuters
"Russian World" - Google News 4h
Invesco Pays $44M for Brooklyn Self Storage - Multi-Housing News
Invesco Pays $44M for Brooklyn Self Storage  Multi-Housing News
"brooklyn news" - Google News 4h
Europe Energy Prices Keep Soaring as Russia Tightens Supply - Bloomberg
Europe Energy Prices Keep Soaring as Russia Tightens Supply  Bloomberg
Russia - Google News 4h
Sana Bucha's bitter reaction to PTI's victory draws criticism - Global Village space
Sana Bucha's bitter reaction to PTI's victory draws criticism  Global Village space
"Bucha" - Google News 4h
Biker in need helped by Bronx day camp lifeguards - News 12 Brooklyn
Biker in need helped by Bronx day camp lifeguards  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 4h
Mets and Yankees battle at Citi Field for Game 1 of Subway Series - News 12 Brooklyn
Mets and Yankees battle at Citi Field for Game 1 of Subway Series  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 4h
3 Brooklyn Orgs Awarded Alfresco Grants for Adding to Neighborhood Vibrancy - Brooklyn...
3 Brooklyn Orgs Awarded Alfresco Grants for Adding to Neighborhood Vibrancy  Brooklyn Reader
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 4h
Disability advocate says now-deleted tweet from lawmaker criticized VP Harris for...
Disability advocate says now-deleted tweet from lawmaker criticized VP Harris for saying her pronouns  News...
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 4h
Dead Body Found in Brooklyn Driveway After Being Rolled There in Hand Truck: Police...
Dead Body Found in Brooklyn Driveway After Being Rolled There in Hand Truck: Police  NBC New York
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 5h
Summer 2022: Recommended Movies, Streaming Series & Books
By: Howard BarbanelSummer '22 is seeing a return of vast swaths of the population to movie theaters –...
The Jewish Voice 5h
Hamptons Summer Sizzles with Benefits and Dinners Galore
By: Lieba NesisArriving in East Hampton on Thursday July 21st my first stop was Stephen Talkhouse a music...
The Jewish Voice 5h
FCC Orders Blocking of Auto Warranty Robocall Scam Campaign
Edited by: TJVNews.comThe FCC's Robocall Response Team on Thursday announced that the Enforcement Bureau...
The Jewish Voice 5h
The Voyage of the "Exodus" Through Cartoonists' Eyes
By: Rafael MedoffSeventy-five years ago this week, the incredible voyage of the refugee ship Exodus captured...
The Jewish Voice 5h
Liquid Death channels Russian Mob member, comedian in hilarious, uncomfortable, lycra...
Liquid Death channels Russian Mob member, comedian in hilarious, uncomfortable, lycra obsessed campaign  Marketing...
"Russian Mob" - Google News 5h
WePlay Academy League Season 5 will start on July 25, 2022 - European Gaming Industry...
WePlay Academy League Season 5 will start on July 25, 2022  European Gaming Industry News
"Russian Speaking Mafia" - Google News 5h
Jodi Rudoren - The Forward
... more than two decades as a reporter and editor at The New York Times. ... to receive her weekly newsletter,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 5h
Five Gun Traffickers Arrested for Selling Over 25 Firearms, Including Assault Rifles,...
Five Gun Traffickers Arrested for Selling Over 25 Firearms, Including Assault Rifles, Connected to Four...
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 5h
Shocking video shows driver fleeing cops crash into Brooklyn store after mowing down...
Shocking video shows driver fleeing cops crash into Brooklyn store after mowing down grandmother (EXCLUSIVE)  New...
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 5h
В России выявлено более более 9 тысяч случаев коронавируса
В России впервые с апреля за день зафиксировали более 9 тысяч случаев заражения коронавирусом.
Каспаров.Ru 5h
Суд нашел в стилизованном изображении Путина пропаганду нацизма и дал штраф активисту
Заельцовский районный суд Новосибирска 25 июля оштрафовал 19-летнего Павла Лукина на тысячу рублей по статье...
Каспаров.Ru 5h
YMCA of Greater NY to Offer Free Swimming Lessons for up to 100 Children in Need...
Community Offshore Wind's grant will enable the Y to provide financial assistance to even more families...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 5h
Mega Millions picks numbers in the $830 million jackpot | Georgia Public Broadcasting
The Mega Millions lottery jackpot is advertised outside a smoke shop in the Bushwick neighborhood in...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 5h
Patricia Bowen Obituary (1953 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY - Legacy Remembers
... passing at the age of 68 on Saturday, July 16, 2022 has been publicly announced by Frank R. Bell...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 5h
Мэр Донецка сообщил, что в городе сработала система ПВО
Отмечается, что без стекол осталась дирекция парков города Донецка в парке Щербакова.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
До конца года по зерновому коридору могут перевезти до 50 млн тонн зерна
Об этом заявил официальный представитель президента Турции Ибрагим Калын.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Сенатор Пушков отреагировал на слова вице-президента США Харрис о ее поле
Он назвал это заявление «самым внятным» за все время ее вице-президентства.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
В одном из районов Уханя ввели карантин из-за четырех случаев коронавируса
Жителям Цзянся нельзя покидать район в течение трех дней.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Microsoft потеряла 126 млн долларов после ухода из РФ
Сокращение деятельности корпорации затронуло 400 сотрудников.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Новые модели iMac могут получить закругленный стеклянный корпус
Согласно описанию патента, угол наклона экрана будет регулироваться с помощью подставки.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
23% россиян поддержали возобновление масочного режима - опрос
48% опрошенных, напротив, не поддерживают эту меру.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
«Газпром» уведомил Eni о сокращении поставок газа до 27 млн куб. м
Ранее поставки голубого топлива достигали 34 млн куб. м.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Стало известно, как почтят память Шатунова на 40-й день после его смерти
1 августа на могиле Юрия Шатунова состоится панихида.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Кабмин Японии оценил решение России выйти из проекта МКС
Япония приложит все силы для безопасного использования МКС, заявили в правительстве.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
US teacher sentenced to 14 years for traveling to Russia with cannabis - WAFF
US teacher sentenced to 14 years for traveling to Russia with cannabis  WAFF
Russia - Google News 5h
NPR News: 07-27-2022 4AM ET
NPR News: 07-27-2022 4AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 5h
Prosecutor: Burned body of Ewing woman found near Hamilton cemetery - News 12 Brooklyn
Prosecutor: Burned body of Ewing woman found near Hamilton cemetery  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 5h
'We're suffering.' Disabled tenants unable to return home after elevators break at...
'We're suffering.' Disabled tenants unable to return home after elevators break at Melrose Houses  News...
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 5h
Woman says her wheelchair was lost, damaged while flying on Delta - News 12 Brooklyn
Woman says her wheelchair was lost, damaged while flying on Delta  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 5h
Reports: Jersey City councilwoman involved in hit-and-run crash with cyclist - News...
Reports: Jersey City councilwoman involved in hit-and-run crash with cyclist  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 5h
10 Facts to Know About the Month of Av
By: Dina ZirkindWhat's in a Name?The 11th month of the Jewish year (counting from Tishrei) is also referred...
The Jewish Voice 5h
Parshas Matos-Maasei – The Power of Prayer
By: Shlomo KatzWe read in this week's parashah that one who commits unintentional manslaughter is exiled...
The Jewish Voice 5h
Parshas Matos – Putting People First
By: Rabbi Mordechai KamenetzkyDuring the presidential run of 1992, candidate Bill Clinton published a...
The Jewish Voice 5h
American Airlines Earns $476 Million on Record Revenue in 2Q
By: David KoenigAmerican Airlines earned $476 million in the second quarter on record revenue from summer...
The Jewish Voice 5h
6 dream venues for a New Jersey high school football game -
6 dream venues for a New Jersey high school football game
"Coney Island" - Google News 5h
Royal Bank ordered to reveal who's behind 97 offshore accounts - CBC News
Royal Bank ordered to reveal who's behind 97 offshore accounts  CBC News
"panama papers" - Google News 5h
Лишь треть должн
Результаты исследования "Арифметика пыток:Оренбург" были направлены по 45 адресам. Ответили только 13...
Каспаров.Ru 5h
Drawing nears for estimated $830M Mega Millions prize - WKMG News 6 & ClickOrlando
Drawing nears for estimated $830M Mega Millions prize  WKMG News 6 & ClickOrlando
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 5h
2 bedroom apartments for rent sheepshead bay 1200 in private house. Find 2 bedroom...
Apartments For Rent in Sheepshead Bay, New York. 51 rentals available on Trulia. Sort: 1,200 sqft. 704...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 5h
Пекин выступил против санкций США из-за поставок российской нефти КНР
В КНР назвали противозаконными подобные ограничительные меры.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Бочкарев: при строительстве корпуса больницы №1 применяются «умные» сервисы
По словам заммэра Москвы, они направлены на оптимизацию процессов, ускорение согласований и сокращение...
Аргументы и Факты 5h
В Иране будет запущена платежная система «Мир»
Это должно произойти в скором времени, отметили в иранском МИД.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Собянин втрое снизил ставки по льготным инвесткредитам для промышленности
Уточняется, что сниженные процентные ставки будут действовать как для новых заемщиков, так и по кредитам,...
Аргументы и Факты 5h
В аэропорту Хабаровска задержан авиадебошир
Мужчина находился в состоянии алкогольного и наркотического опьянения.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Россия приступила к строительству второго газопровода в Китай
Ожидается, что поставки по нему составят до 10 млрд кубометров топлива в год.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Лавров встретился с президентом Эфиопии
Министр прибыл в Эфиопию в рамках африканского турне.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
РФ передала нескольким странам СНГ тесты для выявления оспы обезьян
Специалисты Роспотребнадзора организуют семинары по методам лабораторной диагностики заболевания.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams endorses Elizabeth Crowley for state Senate -...
City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams endorses Elizabeth Crowley for state Senate  City & State
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 5h
Fighter Jets and Warships: Russians Get a Taste of Crimea Summer Vacation - The Moscow...
Fighter Jets and Warships: Russians Get a Taste of Crimea Summer Vacation  The Moscow Times
"Russia" - Google News 5h
Brooklyn Mourns 'Bedrock Of Bed-Stuy' Albert Vann, Dead At 87 - Patch
Brooklyn Mourns 'Bedrock Of Bed-Stuy' Albert Vann, Dead At 87  Patch
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 6h
The Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
By: Whimsy AndersonG‑d said, "I have given to you all herbage yielding seed that is on the surface of...
The Jewish Voice 6h
Lenox Health Greenwich Village Opens State-of-The-Art Endoscopy Suite 
Edited by: TJVNews.comLenox Health Greenwich Village (LHGV) has opened a brand new, state-of-the-art...
The Jewish Voice 6h
Artificial Intelligence Device Tells You Why Your Baby is Crying 
It learns little one's behavior patterns and messages parent's smartphone with updatesBy: Shimona ShemerParents...
The Jewish Voice 6h
Heatwave Alert: Stay Safe in Searing Temps
By: HealthDayNews.comAs blistering temperatures blanket much of the country, more people are at risk...
The Jewish Voice 6h
Госдума предложила установить день памяти погибших в Донбассе
Председатель Госдумы Вячеслав Володин сообщил, что депутаты предложили установить день памяти погибших...
Каспаров.Ru 6h
В Тюмени в сильный ветер упал башенный кран: погибла крановщица
На производственной базе на улице Республики в Тюмени случилась трагедия с башенным краном. Погибла 31-летняя...
Каспаров.Ru 6h
В Херсонской области полностью закрыли для движения Антоновский мост
В Херсонской области полностью закрыли для движения Антоновский мост после обстрелов украинских войск.
Каспаров.Ru 6h
В Греции вертолетный винт обезглавил британского туриста
Молодой человек хотел сделать селфи у вертолета, но подошел к нему слишком близко.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
КНР впервые запустила национальную ракету-носитель «Лицзянь-1»
С ее помощью на орбиту были выведены шесть спутников.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Более 40 судов примут участие в параде в День ВМФ в Петербурге и Кронштадте
Минобороны опубликовало порядок прохода кораблей и пролета авиации в ходе парада.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
СМИ: Борис Джонсон может стать генсеком НАТО
Источники предрекли при этом, что его кандидатуру может не поддержать президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
В Госдуме предложили установить День памяти всех погибших в Донбассе
Спикер ГД Вячеслав Володин подчеркнул, что киевская власть до сих пор убивает мирных граждан и ведет...
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Поставки газа по «Северному потоку» упали до 20% от максимума
Причиной стала остановка работы еще одной турбины.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
AP Exclusive: Philippines Scraps Russian Chopper Deal - U.S. News & World Report
AP Exclusive: Philippines Scraps Russian Chopper Deal  U.S. News & World Report
"Russian World" - Google News 6h
NPR News: 07-27-2022 3AM ET
NPR News: 07-27-2022 3AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 6h
Protesting Dutch farmers dump manure, garbage on roads - Spectrum News NY1
Protesting Dutch farmers dump manure, garbage on roads  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 6h
AP Exclusive: Philippines scraps Russian chopper deal - Spectrum News NY1
AP Exclusive: Philippines scraps Russian chopper deal  Spectrum News NY1
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 6h
AP Exclusive: Philippines scraps Russian chopper deal - ABC News
AP Exclusive: Philippines scraps Russian chopper deal  ABC News
"Russian America" - Google News 6h
Илья Яшин признан политическим заключенным
Правозащитный проект "Поддержка политзаключённых. Мемориал", руководствуясь международными критериями,...
Каспаров.Ru 6h
Курс евро поднялся выше 62 руб. впервые с 11 июля
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Первый компонент «Спутника V» подходит для ревакцинации – Минздрав
Врач подчеркнул, что в регионах имеется необходимый запас вакцины.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Врач рассказала о заболеваниях, о которых сигнализирует кожный зуд
Он может предупреждать о нехватке витаминов, гипотиреозе и депрессии.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
В Сочи из-за схода грунта после ливня задержали движение 13 поездов
Повреждены две контактные опоры электросети.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Цена на газ в Европе превысила $2300 впервые с начала марта
Всплеск спроса на европейском газовом рынке связан со снижением уровня прокачки топлива по «Северному...
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Китай может помешать визиту Пелоси на Тайвань, пишут СМИ
Власти КНР считают, что поездка даст ложные сигналы силам, поддерживающим независимость Тайваня.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
В России планируют создать оборудование для связи 6G
«Сколтех» и НИИ радио запросили из бюджета 30 млрд рублей на разработку оборудования.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Зеленский предложил на пост генпрокурора Украины депутата Костина
Соответствующий документ зарегистрирован на сайте Рады.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
В Херсоне после удара по Антоновскому мосту создали переправы через Днепр
В ВГА региона заявили, что перекрытие моста не повлияет на исход боевых действий.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Производитель специй Kamis может уйти с российского рынка
Официального уведомления об уходе компании не было.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
США намерены передать погранслужбе Украины партию тепловизионных биноклей
Общая стоимость контракта оценивается в $3,24 млн.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
CNN: Белый дом предупредил Пелоси о рисках в случае ее визита на Тайвань
В КНР потребовали отменить поездку спикера палаты представителей США.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
В Херсонской области заявили об ударе ВСУ по Антоновскому мосту
Власти полностью закрыли для движения мост через Днепр.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
В Муроме вручили звезду Героя РФ семье погибшего в ходе СВО майора
Командующий Северным флотом Александр Моисеев отметил, что военнослужащий спас жизни десятков своих подчиненных.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Подозреваемого в убийстве 17-летней девушки задержали в Новосибирске
Потерпевшая скончалась от многочисленных ножевых ранений.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Власти Украины потребовали от США дать им новые самолеты вместо старых А-10
Советник министра обороны Украины считает, что ВСУ нужны более современные модели техники.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Кардиолог назвал симптомы «немого инфаркта»
Появление признаков патологии требует срочного обращения к врачу.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
На Филиппинах произошло землетрясение магнитудой 7,3
Проживающие на Филиппинах граждане РФ не обращались за помощью в российское посольство.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Жители Запорожской области возвращаются в регион для участия в референдуме
Голосование по самоопределению региона могут провести в сентябре.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Минобороны РФ построит в Мариуполе новый жилой микрорайон до конца года
В городе с нуля возведут 12 пятиэтажных домов, в которых будут обустроены более 2,5 тысячи квартир.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
В Крыму предложили расширить географию СВО на Украине
По словам Владимира Константинова, освобождение ряда регионов позволит обеспечить безопасность границ.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Russian Firm Wagner Made Tactical Advances in Donbas - UK Intelligence - U.S. News...
Russian Firm Wagner Made Tactical Advances in Donbas - UK Intelligence  U.S. News & World Report
"Russian World" - Google News 6h
Ukrainian envoy draws attention to 'Russian war crimes' - NHK WORLD
Ukrainian envoy draws attention to 'Russian war crimes'  NHK WORLD
"Russian World" - Google News 6h
Brooklyn shooting suspect wounds 4, including teen boy - PIX11 New York News
Brooklyn shooting suspect wounds 4, including teen boy  PIX11 New York News
"brooklyn news" - Google News 6h
Readers sound off on banning assault weapons, clergy heist and tokenism - New York...
Readers sound off on banning assault weapons, clergy heist and tokenism  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 6h
Что такое оффшор и зачем он нужен
Самое простое описание оффшора – это страна или территория, где вы тратите минимум денег на обслуживание...
Русский Мир 6h
Strong earthquake kills at least 4 and injures dozens in the northern Philippines
A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines in Wednesday....
News : NPR 6h
President Biden Says 'Defeated' Trump 'Lacked the Courage' to Act as Cops Faced 'Medieval...
President Biden Says 'Defeated' Trump 'Lacked the Courage' to Act as Cops Faced 'Medieval Hell' on Jan....
"Trump and the Russian Mob" - Google News 7h
МВД заплатит оренбуржцу за пытку электрошокером
Судья Ленинского районного суда Оренбурга удовлетворил исковые требования Романа Чиквиладзе к МВД России...
Каспаров.Ru 7h
В России зако&
В России закончилась вакцина для ревакцинация "Спутник Лайт".
Каспаров.Ru 7h
Preacher and his wife robbed of $1 million in jewelry during sermon - The Washington...
Bishop Lamor Miller-Whitehead was live-streaming his Sunday sermon at the Leaders of Tomorrow International...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 7h
'I'm an Issue Person': Jo Anne Simon Runs for Congress in the New NY-10
She added that the congressional race was left open once Rep. Jerry Nadler, who represents the current...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 7h
Lucky Strike maker BAT takes $1.2 bln hit from Russian exit - Reuters UK
Lucky Strike maker BAT takes $1.2 bln hit from Russian exit  Reuters UK
"Russian World" - Google News 7h
Vladimir Putin's Doctors Rush To His Bedside As Russian Leader Complains of "Severe...
Vladimir Putin's Doctors Rush To His Bedside As Russian Leader Complains of "Severe Nausea": Report  NDTV
"Russian World" - Google News 7h
NPR News: 07-27-2022 2AM ET
NPR News: 07-27-2022 2AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 7h
'Grad Bags' - College freshmen from Yonkers get free dorm supplies - News 12 Brooklyn
'Grad Bags' - College freshmen from Yonkers get free dorm supplies  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 7h
New Jersey residents rush to buy Mega Millions tickets for chance of $830M jackpot...
New Jersey residents rush to buy Mega Millions tickets for chance of $830M jackpot  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 7h
'We're demanding basic needs.' Brooklyn tenants face filthy conditions after maintenance...
'We're demanding basic needs.' Brooklyn tenants face filthy conditions after maintenance crew fired  News...
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 7h
Зеленський вніс до Ради постанову про призначення нового генпрокурора
У Верховну Раду внесли постанову № 7593 за поданням президента Володимира Зеленського про призначення...
Русский Мир 7h
Ann Marley Obituary (1935 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY -
Ann Marley Obituary (1935 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 7h
William Gann Obituary (1968 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY -
William Gann Obituary (1968 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 7h
Russians setting up pontoon bridges in Kharkiv region, trying to improve logistics...
Russians setting up pontoon bridges in Kharkiv region, trying to improve logistics  Ukrinform
"Russian New York" - Google News 7h
В Воронеже в отделе полиции погиб местный житель
В Воронеже в отделе полиции №5 погиб 36-летний житель Панинского района. 
Каспаров.Ru 7h
Квартиру главреда пензенского издания обыскали по доносу единоросса из провластного...
Вечером 26 июля в квартире главного редактора пензенской оппозиционной газеты "Новая Альтернатива" Максима...
Каспаров.Ru 7h
Самарский губер&
21 июля Совет Евросоюза утвердил седьмой пакет санкций против России. Под санкции в числе прочих попали...
Каспаров.Ru 7h
Russia doing better than expected despite sanctions: IMF - Economic Times
Russia doing better than expected despite sanctions: IMF  Economic Times
Russia - Google News 7h
'We're demanding basic needs.' Brooklyn tenants face filthy conditions after maintenance...
'We're demanding basic needs.' Brooklyn tenants face filthy conditions after maintenance crew fired  News...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 7h
NYC crime: 24-year-old man shot in back of head in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, Brooklyn...
NYC crime: 24-year-old man shot in back of head in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, Brooklyn  WABC-TV
"brooklyn news" - Google News 7h
Putin's new gas squeeze condemns Europe to recession and a hard winter of rationing...
Putin's new gas squeeze condemns Europe to recession and a hard winter of rationing  CNBC
"Russian America" - Google News 8h
Cornelia Miller Obituary (1927 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY -
Cornelia Miller Obituary (1927 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 8h
In Little Haiti, a “machan-n” reflects on her sidewalk stand as neighborhood...
In Brooklyn's Little Haiti, a vendor shares her reasons for operating a ... but here is as close to Haiti...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 8h
Bishop Lamor Whitehead explodes after jewelry heist is compared to Tyler Perry movie
While police sources cited by The New York Times said the stolen jewelry was worth ... The Brooklyn bishop...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 8h
Названы имена...
В колонии № 19 в городе Красный Луч на территории так называемой "ЛНР" находится не менее 14 человек...
Каспаров.Ru 8h
What is the Seaward? Brad Pitt buys $40M century-old house amid French winery drama...
What is the Seaward? Brad Pitt buys $40M century-old house amid French winery drama with Angelina Jolie  MEAWW
"Russian Mob" - Google News 8h
Philip Graham III Obituary (1969 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY - Legacy Remembers
Philip Lamar Graham III passed away on July 17, 2022. Born in Seattle, Washington on June 18, 1969 to...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 8h
Five-Year-Old Hospitalized After Near-Drowning at City Pool, Lifeguard Inaction to...
Brooklyn, NY (July 26, 2022) – A Good Samaritan rescued a 5-year-old boy who almost drowned in a pool...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 8h
Man leaves body in Brooklyn driveway: NYPD - PIX11
DYKER HEIGHTS, Brooklyn (PIX11) — A man dumped a body in a Brooklyn driveway, police said Tuesday. The...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 8h
Latham Can't Shake Russian Bank As Client In Jet Crash Suit - Law360
Latham Can't Shake Russian Bank As Client In Jet Crash Suit  Law360
"Russian New York" - Google News 8h
Queen Of The South Season 6 Release Date: Renewed Or Cancelled? - Alpha News Call
Queen Of The South Season 6 Release Date: Renewed Or Cancelled?  Alpha News Call
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 8h
NPR News: 07-27-2022 1AM ET
NPR News: 07-27-2022 1AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 8h
Зеленський про удари росіян: Ми будемо бити у відповідь
Президент України Володимир Зеленський заявив, що на удари росіян по українських містах обовязково...
Русский Мир 8h
Окупанти вдарили ракетами С-300 по одному з районів Харкова
Вранці 27 липня у Харкові прогриміли вибухи. Військо РФ завдало ракетних ударів по Індустріальному району....
Русский Мир 8h
Грузия: правящая партия усиливает нападки на послов США и Евросоюза
Беспрецедентные нападки на западных партнеров Грузии вызвали упреки со стороны Брюсселя и Вашингтона.
Eurasianet: Русская Служба 8h
США сожалеют о...
Американский предприниматель, владелец компании SpaceX Илон Маск отреагировал на решение России выйти...
Каспаров.Ru 8h
ФСИН предлагает заменить продукцию IKEA произведенными в колониях товарами
После того, как сотни зарубежных компаний покинули Россию из-за ее вторжения 24 февраля на территорию...
Каспаров.Ru 8h
Иран поможет спасти российскую авиацию
Россия и Иран подписали соглашение об экспорте в Россию деталей и оборудования для самолетов и предоставлении...
Каспаров.Ru 8h
Дмитрий Михайлов: Все они явно вышли из шинели Мюллера.
Огромные деньги, вложенные в ТВ, излучатели ненависти типа Соловьева, Киселева, Скабеевой и Симоньян,...
Каспаров.Ru 8h
Ukraine Races to Meet Global Trade Goals as Russia War Drags On - Bloomberg
Ukraine Races to Meet Global Trade Goals as Russia War Drags On  Bloomberg
"Russian World" - Google News 8h
Check your lucky numbers: Did you win the $830M Mega Millions prize? - WJXT News4JAX
Check your lucky numbers: Did you win the $830M Mega Millions prize?  WJXT News4JAX
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 8h
What are the ingredients to the perfect bagel? News 12 stops at one shop to find...
What are the ingredients to the perfect bagel? News 12 stops at one shop to find out  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 8h
NBA Exec: Teams Struggling With Nets' Asking Price for Kevin Durant - Sports Illustrated
NBA Exec: Teams Struggling With Nets' Asking Price for Kevin Durant  Sports Illustrated
"brooklyn news" - Google News 8h
Man charged in shootout with police in Brooklyn Park - KSTP
Man charged in shootout with police in Brooklyn Park  KSTP
"brooklyn news" - Google News 8h
The 13 best games like GTA - Dot Esports
The 13 best games like GTA  Dot Esports
"Red Mafia" - Google News 9h
The Mega Millions jackpot is now over $1 billion
A giant Mega Millions lottery jackpot ballooned to $1.02 billion after no one matched all six numbers...
News : NPR 9h
Net zero vision can deliver missing climate momentum for Europe - EURACTIV
Net zero vision can deliver missing climate momentum for Europe  EURACTIV
"russian fifth column" - Google News 9h
Brooklyn, NY - Five-Year-Old Hospitalized After Near-Drowning at City Pool, Lifeguard...
Brooklyn, NY - Five-Year-Old Hospitalized After Near-Drowning at City Pool, Lifeguard Inaction to Blame  MetroLaw
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 9h
Trevor Reed Says White House 'Has Ability to' Bring Brittney Griner Home: 'They've...
Trevor Reed Says White House 'Has Ability to' Bring Brittney Griner Home: 'They've Clearly Chosen Not...
"Russian New York" - Google News 9h
Man gets 18 years for shooting pregnant woman twice in the head in Brooklyn | PIX11
Steven Bynum, now 40, fired multiple shots as he drove by on Sept. 10, 2017. Tatiana Sparks, who was...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 9h
Satellite: Radio AlHara and Purple Tape Pedigree (PTP) - Announcements - e-flux
Join us at Bar Laika on Thursday, July 28 for a special Radio AlHara takeover with DJ sets by Yousef...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 9h
First Alert Forecast: CBS2 7/26 Nightly Weather at 11PM
CBS2's Vanessa Murdock has your weather forecast for July 26 at 11 p.m.
CBS New York 9h
Man found dead in Brooklyn driveway; police investigating
Police say a man was discovered dead in the driveway at 931 72nd Street in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn around...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 9h
'It's unfathomable': Mom speaks out after Columbia grad student beaten
Columbia University graduate student Jay Reist is fighting for his life in an ICU suite after being brutally...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 9h
CAATSA waiver to India in US interest, need strong partnership: US lawmaker - Business...
CAATSA waiver to India in US interest, need strong partnership: US lawmaker  Business Standard
"Russian America" - Google News 9h
Trump's revenge tour over Michigan Republican's impeachment vote - - KTEN
Trump's revenge tour over Michigan Republican's impeachment vote -  KTEN
"Red Mafia" - Google News 9h
Barbara Anderson Obituary (1933 - 2022) - Island Park, NY -
Barbara Anderson Obituary (1933 - 2022) - Island Park, NY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 9h
3440 Guider Ave Unit 5B Off-Campus Housing, Brooklyn, NY | ForRentUniversity
3440 Guider Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235 ... Read More. 3440 Guider Ave Unit 5B Apartment is located in Brooklyn,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 9h
Camille Thurman Brooklyn Tickets, On Stage at Kingsborough Oct 28, 2022 | Bandsintown
2001 Oriental Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11235. Oct. 28th, 2022. 8:00 PM. artist. Find a place to stay. Add or...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 9h
'Into the Woods' and a Missing Giant's Boot - The New York Times
'Into the Woods' and a Missing Giant's Boot  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 9h
Pete Wells's Search for the Perfect Bite - The New York Times
Pete Wells's Search for the Perfect Bite  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 9h
The Explainer: Why a New Penn Station Leaves So Many People So Angry - Streetsblog
The Explainer: Why a New Penn Station Leaves So Many People So Angry  Streetsblog
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 9h
Good Morning, Brooklyn: Wednesday, July 27, 2022
MAN FOUND DEAD INSIDE NYC CRIMINAL COURT BUILDING: Police on Monday found a 50 year old male, unconscious...
Brooklyn Eagle 9h
Russia warns of 'retaliatory measures' if its citizens denied Schengen visas - Anadolu...
Russia warns of 'retaliatory measures' if its citizens denied Schengen visas  Anadolu Agency | English
Russia - Google News 9h
Yankees-Mets meet for Subway Series showdown
The 2022 edition of the Subway Series starts up at Citi Field Tuesday with both New York teams in first...
PIX11 News 9h
New York City renters are getting priced out
Those once sweet pandemic-era rent bargains are now turning sour. More than a third of New York City's...
PIX11 News 9h
John Wick: 10 Most Awesome Kills, Ranked - GameRant
John Wick: 10 Most Awesome Kills, Ranked  GameRant
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 9h
Urban sites such as Berkeley and Brooklyn have their individual magnetic pulse -...
Urban sites such as Berkeley and Brooklyn have their individual magnetic pulse  EurekAlert
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 9h
NPR News: 07-27-2022 12AM ET
NPR News: 07-27-2022 12AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 9h
Facing 'Putin's energy blackmail,' Europe agrees to cut Russian gas use - The Seattle...
Facing 'Putin's energy blackmail,' Europe agrees to cut Russian gas use  The Seattle Times
"Russian New York" - Google News 9h
Several county beaches, pools closed for the summer - News 12 Brooklyn
Several county beaches, pools closed for the summer  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 9h
Brooklyn borough president announces donation of capital funding to fight maternal...
Brooklyn borough president announces donation of capital funding to fight maternal mortality  News 12...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 9h
Hopeful New Yorkers have Mega Millions jackpot dreams
The Mega Millions jackpot for Tuesday's drawing has soared to $830 million, the third-largest jackpot...
CBS New York 9h
The New York Review of Books
At a time when the threat of authoritarianism is rising, Democrats have a duty to make crystal clear...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 10h
The Linda Lindas Share Cover of The Go-Go's 'Tonite' - Broadway World
... wide critical praise with The New York Times calling it "a combination of wholesome and ... Oct 2...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 10h
Aanika Biosciences Launches Insurance Vehicle "Aanika Re" with Initial Backing From...
BROOKLYN, N.Y., July 26, 2022--Adit Ventures, a global venture capital firm with over $400 million in...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 10h
Skywire Networks Adds Tom Gambino as Chief Operating Officer
Brooklyn, New York (PRWEB) July 26, 2022 -- Skywire Networks, one of the fastest growing internet, network...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 10h
20 must-read Detroit News stories on Michigan politics this summer - Detroit News
20 must-read Detroit News stories on Michigan politics this summer  Detroit News
"Coney Island" - Google News 10h
В российских банках подешевели потребкредиты и ипотека
Условия по займам после снижения ключевой ставки изменили 34 банка.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
С пенсионеров-должников запретят списывать прожиточный минимум
Ожидается, что соответствующий проект закона будет внесен в Госдуму 27 июля.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
В США представили законопроект о санкциях за продажу Китаю российской нефти
Агентство Bloomberg утверждает, что у него мало шансов на одобрение.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Newsweek: американский наемник рассказал о проблемах ВСУ
По его словам, украинские войска сталкиваются с недостатком оборудования, в том числе принтеров для распечатки...
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Во время дебатов кандидатов в премьеры Британии ведущая упала в обморок
Несмотря на то, что с ней было все в порядке, прения прервали.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
РИА Новости: РФ применила на Украине новый разведкомплекс на базе Су-34
Они позволяют с высокой точностью определять координаты и другие параметры целей противника.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
СМИ: телефонный разговор Байдена и лидера КНР планируется на четверг
Последний раз они общались в марте в формате видеоконференции.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
В Запорожской области выросло число пунктов оформления гражданства РФ
Об этом сообщил член главного совета ВГА региона Владимир Рогов.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Метеоролог заявил, что до России не дойдет аномальная жара из Европы
По его словам, на европейскую часть России, наоборот, надвигается циклон, который принесет понижение...
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Вирусолог рассказал, когда ВОЗ может объявить об окончании пандемии
По мнению Анатолия Альтштейна, международная организация может объявить об окончании пандемии уже через...
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Политолог назвал ослабление санкций против России поражением Запада
По словам эксперта, это означает, что конфликт на Украине больше не является приоритетом и общим делом...
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Юрист рассказала, кому из россиян положены сверхурочные
По словам специалиста, за работу сверхурочно должны платить в двойном размере.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Киркоров прокомментировал свое посещение военного госпиталя в Крыму
Певец заявил, что он «должен был заглянуть в глаза этим ребятам», которые едва не лишились жизней в ходе...
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Дипломат: Швейцария не выдает визы российским делегатам, которые едут в ООН
Российская сторона считает подобную практику категорически неприемлемой.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Трамп заявил, что США могут повторить судьбу Советского Союза
По его мнению, главная угроза Штатам исходит изнутри.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Иран подпишет соглашение о техобслуживании российских самолетов
При этом число еженедельных пассажирских рейсов между двумя странами будет увеличено до 35.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Лавров провел краткую встречу с главой МИД Эфиопии Меконненом
У российского министра продолжается турне по африканским странам.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Эксперты рассказали, могут ли проникнуть в РФ бубонная чума и вирус Марбург
По словам специалистов, в России предпринимаются все необходимые меры для того, чтобы исключить риск...
Аргументы и Факты 10h
СМИ: в городах Чехии начали снимать украинские флаги
Где-то этого потребовали горожане, а где-то поводом стало проведение ремонта.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
В лонг-лист Букеровской премии вошли 13 писателей
Одна из них — Элизабет Страут — является обладательницей Пулитцеровской премии.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Нетаньяху обвинил действующие власти Израиля в кризисе с Россией
По словам экс-премьера, в течение многих лет страна выстраивала и вела взвешенные, сбалансированные и...
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Jayson Tatum Was Just Asked About Kevin Durant Trade Rumors - Sports Illustrated
Jayson Tatum Was Just Asked About Kevin Durant Trade Rumors  Sports Illustrated
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 10h
US News and World Report: NYU Langone ranked as best hospital in NY, 3rd best in...
US News and World Report: NYU Langone ranked as best hospital in NY, 3rd best in nation  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 10h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 11PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 11PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 10h
Data shows 53 percent increase in transit crime compared to last year
Commuters say they're avoiding the subway as new numbers reveal crime underground is on the rise. New...
CBS New York 10h
Mets beat Yankees in Subway Series Game 1
Game 1 of the Subway Series is in the books. CBS2's Dick Brennan spoke to fans outside Citi Field.
CBS New York 10h
2737 Brown Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235 | Compass
2737 Brown Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235 is a property listed available for rent at $1500. This is a 1-bed,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 10h
2506 East 24th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235 | MLS 464531 | Listing Information | Vylla...
See details for 2506 East 24th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235, 3 Full/1 Half Bathrooms, 2160 Sq Ft., Single...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 10h
Russia's Plan to Annex Parts of Ukraine Apparently Involves Tacky T-Shirts, PR Experts,...
Russia's Plan to Annex Parts of Ukraine Apparently Involves Tacky T-Shirts, PR Experts, and Bribes  The...
Russia - Google News 10h
Time, temperature, the price of Doge? They're all on my Tidbyt. - Input
Time, temperature, the price of Doge? They're all on my Tidbyt.  Input
"Coney Island" - Google News 10h
Ridgefield funeral home accused of putting wrong body in casket
As a beloved grandma's casket was being lowered into a grave, funeral home employees ordered the casket...
PIX11 News 10h
At least 13 dead after Russian missiles strike Ukrainian mall crowded with 1,000...
At least 13 dead after Russian missiles strike Ukrainian mall crowded with 1,000 shoppers  New York Post...
"Russian New York" - Google News 10h
Yellen discusses price cap on Russian oil with UK's Zahawi - U.S. Treasury - Reuters
Yellen discusses price cap on Russian oil with UK's Zahawi - U.S. Treasury  Reuters
"Russian America" - Google News 10h
В Пензенской области построили копию русского форта в Русской Америке
Здесь прошел фестиваль, посвященый исследователю Русской Америки Лаврентию Загоскину. 23 июля 2022 года... 10h
Brooklyn preacher talks about gunmen who stormed his church - YouTube
While Bishop Lamor Whitehead was delivering a Sunday sermon on a livestream, three masked gunmen stormed...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11h
Man uses hand truck to dump dead body in NYC driveway
A dead man was found in a Brooklyn driveway Tuesday — dumped there by another guy using a hand truck,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11h
Brooklyn great-grandma needs home repairs after apartment floods multiple times |...
EAST NEW YORK, Brooklyn (PIX11) — Eighty-year-old Barbara Mobley is a retired traffic enforcement officer...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 11h
New home, same purpose: LGBTQ wrestling's Uncanny Attractions returns - Outsports
The return came with a new logo, a relocation from Brooklyn, N.Y., ... now balances Uncanny with her...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 11h
Bishop Had Jewelry Worth $1M Stolen During Livestreamed Service - Insider
A New York bishop who had $1 million worth of jewelry stolen from him and his ... church in Canarsie,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 11h
Drawing nears for estimated $830M Mega Millions prize - Washington Times
The Mega Millions lottery jackpot is advertised outside a smoke shop in the Bushwick neighborhood in...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 11h
Bihar: Ex-MP, Strongman Anand Mohan Acquitted In 33-Yr-Old Kidnapping Case | Nation...
Bihar: Ex-MP, Strongman Anand Mohan Acquitted In 33-Yr-Old Kidnapping Case | Nation  Ommcom News
"Red Mafia" - Google News 11h
Jury convicts 'lottery lawyer' on wire fraud, money laundering charges - Reuters
Jury convicts 'lottery lawyer' on wire fraud, money laundering charges  Reuters
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 11h
NYC businesses pledge $8m to support Breaking Ground homeless service - AMNY
NYC businesses pledge $8m to support Breaking Ground homeless service  AMNY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 11h
NewsNation signs Chris Cuomo, who will be back on cable news this fall - msnNOW
NewsNation signs Chris Cuomo, who will be back on cable news this fall  msnNOW
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 11h
Police respond to possible bobcat sighting in West Islip - News 12 Brooklyn
Police respond to possible bobcat sighting in West Islip  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 11h
This Knicks-Nets Trade Is Centered On Joe Harris - NBA Analysis Network
This Knicks-Nets Trade Is Centered On Joe Harris  NBA Analysis Network
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 11h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 10PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 10PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 11h
'I'm an Issue Person': Jo Anne Simon Runs for Congress in the New NY-10 - Gotham...
'I'm an Issue Person': Jo Anne Simon Runs for Congress in the New NY-10  Gotham Gazette
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 11h
Suspect arrested in shooting death of Bronx man - New York Daily News
Suspect arrested in shooting death of Bronx man  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 11h
Alert Center: New law allows Briarcliff Manor to impose up to 3% tax on hotel, motel...
Alert Center: New law allows Briarcliff Manor to impose up to 3% tax on hotel, motel rooms  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 11h
Police: 2 men robbed woman at gunpoint in Smithtown driveway - News 12 Brooklyn
Police: 2 men robbed woman at gunpoint in Smithtown driveway  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 11h
Brooklyn mother pleads for help with bathroom that is falling apart in her apartment...
Brooklyn mother pleads for help with bathroom that is falling apart in her apartment  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 11h
R. Kelly associate pleads guilty to threatening and intimidating Kelly victim - CBS...
R. Kelly associate pleads guilty to threatening and intimidating Kelly victim  CBS News
"brooklyn news" - Google News 11h
Владельцы сети «русских магазинов» European Market в Каролине арестованы
Пара из Северной Каролины обвинена в том, что, якобы, уклонялась от налогов на миллионные доходы. Налоговый... 11h
'The Same Old Playbook Has Not Worked': Dan Goldman Runs for Congress in the New...
'The Same Old Playbook Has Not Worked': Dan Goldman Runs for Congress in the New NY-10  Gotham Gazette
"Russian Speaking Mafia" - Google News 11h
2506 E 24TH ST, Brooklyn, NY 11235 For Sale | MLS# 464531 | RE/MAX
Take a closer look at this $1488000, 4 bath, 2160 SqFt, Multi-Family for sale, located at 2506 E 24TH...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 11h
2737 Brown St, Brooklyn, NY 11235 - MLS 3418873 - Coldwell Banker
For Rent - 2737 Brown St, Brooklyn, NY - $1500. View details, map and photos of this apartment property...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 11h
40 Brighton 1 Road 10 G, Brooklyn, NY 11235 |
This home is located at 40 Brighton 1 Road 10 G Brooklyn, Ny 11235 Us and has been listed on
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 11h
Refugee fled the Russian invasion of Ukraine to live in York County - York Daily...
Refugee fled the Russian invasion of Ukraine to live in York County  York Daily Record
"Russian New York" - Google News 11h
Corrections: July 27, 2022 - The New York Times
Corrections: July 27, 2022  The New York Times
"Russian New York" - Google News 11h
Good Morning, Brooklyn: Friday, July 8, 2022 - Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Good Morning, Brooklyn: Friday, July 8, 2022  Brooklyn Daily Eagle
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 11h
Elon Musk Sends His Final Regards to Russia - TheStreet
Elon Musk Sends His Final Regards to Russia  TheStreet
Russia - Google News 11h
Finding a lonely beach in a jam-packed world - Coast News
Finding a lonely beach in a jam-packed world  Coast News
"Coney Island" - Google News 11h
Exiled Journalists Take on Corruption, Disinformation - Voice of America - VOA News
Exiled Journalists Take on Corruption, Disinformation  Voice of America - VOA News
"panama papers" - Google News 11h
Man who was hospitalized a day earlier dies in NYC holding cell - New York Daily...
Man who was hospitalized a day earlier dies in NYC holding cell  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 11h
Как там в тюрьме? Рассказывает Илья Яшин, арестованный за осуждение войны на Украине.
"Я не сталкиваюсь с проявлениями ненависти по эту сторону решётки".  Каждое утро в моей камере ИВС включается... 11h
Brooklyn borough president announces donation of capital funding to fight maternal...
Brooklyn borough president announces donation of capital funding to fight maternal mortality  News 12...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 11h
Remembering the Tragedy on the Taconic: 13 years later - News 12 Brooklyn
Remembering the Tragedy on the Taconic: 13 years later  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 11h
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 9:50 a.m. EDT | National Sports | - Athens...
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 9:50 a.m. EDT | National Sports |  Athens Daily Review
"russian fifth column" - Google News 12h
Straphanger confronts stranger hassling woman on Brooklyn subway train and stabs...
The victim is recovering and police are looking for the man who attacked him.
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 12h
New York officials want to boost consumers as economic mood darkens - NY1
The consumer sentiment index is at its lowest ebb in 11 years, and is at an all-time low among upstate...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 12h
Rangers sign six players selected in 2022 MLB Draft
Arlington, Texas — The Texas Rangers today announced the signings of six additional players selected...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 12h
Brooklyn, New York, Home With 1920 Square Feet and Seven Bedrooms Asks $9.47 Million
Up one floor on the grand steel and walnut staircase are four bedrooms and three bathrooms surrounding...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 12h
Opinion: Saying goodbye to a generation of movie tough guys - CNN
... New York Times, Newsday, Entertainment Weekly and The Washington Post. ... in the Beautiful Borough...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 12h
Brooklyn great-grandma needs home repairs after apartment floods
This weekend was a nightmare for a Brooklyn great-grandmother when water suddenly came out from her bathroom...
PIX11 News 12h
Bishop Lamor Whitehead explodes after jewelry heist is compared to Tyler Perry movie...
Bishop Lamor Whitehead explodes after jewelry heist is compared to Tyler Perry movie  The Christian Post
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 12h
Brooklyn great-grandma needs home repairs after apartment floods multiple times -...
Brooklyn great-grandma needs home repairs after apartment floods multiple times  PIX11 New York News
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 12h
Bike-Riding Thief Snatches Purses From Women In Brooklyn, Cops Say - Brooklyn Reader
Bike-Riding Thief Snatches Purses From Women In Brooklyn, Cops Say  Brooklyn Reader
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 12h
Person Hit And Killed By J Train In Brooklyn: FDNY - Patch
Person Hit And Killed By J Train In Brooklyn: FDNY  Patch
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 12h
Gloating Ukraine parades destroyed Russian equipment as Russia struggle to make gains...
Gloating Ukraine parades destroyed Russian equipment as Russia struggle to make gains  Express
"Russian World" - Google News 12h
Lavrov's African tour another front in struggle between west and Moscow - The Guardian
Lavrov's African tour another front in struggle between west and Moscow  The Guardian
"Russian World" - Google News 12h
Brittney Griner back in Russian courtroom | -
Brittney Griner back in Russian courtroom |
"Russian USA" - Google News 12h
Saved Web Pages – Daily Report at 9 p.m. [Inoreader digest]
Advertising at The News And Times 12h
Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred To Low-Security Florida Prison Offering Yoga, Music...
Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred To Low-Security Florida Prison Offering Yoga, Music  Oxygen
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 12h
MTA plan sets out to ensure cell service between subway stations
A woman wearing a mask uses her iPhone device while riding the subway. The service expansion...
Gothamist 12h
Tri Elephant Inc · 3062 Brighton 13th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235 - OpenCorpData
The business address is 3062 Brighton 13th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235. The corporation type is domestic...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 12h
Brittney Griner's trial in Russia shifts focus to the medicinal use of cannabis -...
Brittney Griner's trial in Russia shifts focus to the medicinal use of cannabis  CBS Sports
Russia - Google News 12h
Policía y pasajero se dan con todo en el subway de NY | El Minuto (Spanish)
Una acalorada pelea en una estación de metro de Manhattan entre oficiales de la policía de Nueva York...
NBC New York 12h
NYPD Cops Exchange Blows with Teens in Bloody Fight | El Minuto (English)
Video that has since gone viral showed the violent confrontation at the 125th Street and Lexington Avenue...
NBC New York 12h
Joey Chestnut Has A New Challenge With Raising Cane's On The Horizon - Mashed
Joey Chestnut Has A New Challenge With Raising Cane's On The Horizon  Mashed
"Coney Island" - Google News 12h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 9PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 9PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 12h
10 Actors Who Nailed Their Roles In Ms. Marvel - CBR - Comic Book Resources
10 Actors Who Nailed Their Roles In Ms. Marvel  CBR - Comic Book Resources
"Bucha" - Google News 12h
James Harden Has Done This More Than Steph, KD, LeBron And Westbrook? - Sports Illustrated
James Harden Has Done This More Than Steph, KD, LeBron And Westbrook?  Sports Illustrated
"brooklyn news" - Google News 12h
Man found dead in Brooklyn driveway; police investigating - ABC7 New York
Police say a man was discovered dead in the driveway at 931 72nd Street in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn around...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 13h
D'USSE New York Day Party | Brooklyn, NY Patch
Sunday July 31, 2022: This Sunday, July 31st at 1pm ET, D'USSÉ Cognac is hosting its second VIP day party...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 13h
Is there a chance Kyrie Irving remains a Brooklyn Net if KD leaves? - amNewYork
Since the news that Kevin Durant had requested out of Brooklyn, the working ... against the Boston Celtics,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 13h
The life and career of Gil Hodges - New York Daily News
First baseman Gil Hodges of the Brooklyn Dodgers sits in the locker room at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 13h
Films on the Green | WFUV
Summer in New York City is a great excuse for getting outside and spending time amongst family and friends....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 13h
New York Giants Home: The official source of the latest Giants headlines, news, videos, photos, tickets,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 13h
Naftuli Moster - The Forward
It took a product of the ultra-Orthodox school system to get New York City ... he told The New York Times...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 13h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 8PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 8PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 13h
Inside the Global Fight for White Power - Reveal from The Center for Investigative...
Inside the Global Fight for White Power  Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting
"Russian World" - Google News 13h
Array -
"Coney Island" - Google News 13h
SBS on Demand: Helsinki Crimes, Alone Denmark, Norwegian-ish, Nasdrovia, The Six....
SBS on Demand: Helsinki Crimes, Alone Denmark, Norwegian-ish, Nasdrovia, The Six.  TV Tonight
"Russian Mob" - Google News 13h
Relief from heat and humidity continues, but it will be back
We will have one more day to enjoy the pleasant weather, but the oppressive humidity will make a comeback. 
PIX11 News 13h
Lawsuit: Manhattan housing for hearing impaired falls short
The tenants of 174 - 182 Forsyth Street, and 184 -186 Forsyth, allege in their civil complaint that the...
PIX11 News 13h
Tweets of the week: 'Brooklyn is BACK' but also 'everything is crap' - Brooklyn Magazine
Tweets of the week: 'Brooklyn is BACK' but also 'everything is crap'  Brooklyn Magazine
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 13h
Griner's Russian trial considers medicinal use of cannabis - KCRG
Griner's Russian trial considers medicinal use of cannabis  KCRG
"Russian New York" - Google News 13h
This map shows the massive gas pipeline that Russia and China are building - CNBC
This map shows the massive gas pipeline that Russia and China are building  CNBC
"Russia" - Google News 13h
Brooklyn mother pleads for help with bathroom that is falling apart in her apartment...
Brooklyn mother pleads for help with bathroom that is falling apart in her apartment  News 12 New Jersey
"brooklyn news" - Google News 13h
Brooklyn Nets: Adrian Wojnaroski Provides Update On Kevin Durant Situation - Sports...
Brooklyn Nets: Adrian Wojnaroski Provides Update On Kevin Durant Situation  Sports Illustrated
"brooklyn news" - Google News 13h
3030 Emmons Ave Apt C, Brooklyn, NY 11235 - HotPads
Brooklyn, NY 11235. $3,380Monthly Rent. 2Beds. 2Baths. Be the first to contact! Request to apply. Powered...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 13h
1501 Voorhies Ave Apt A, Brooklyn, NY 11235 | HotPads
Brooklyn, NY 11235. $2,900Monthly Rent. 1Beds. 1Baths. 675Sqft. Furnished. Be the first to contact! Request...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 13h
Protecting Equal Marriage | Congressman Jerry Nadler
congressman Jerry Nadler New York's 10th District ... Brooklyn, NY 11219. Phone: 718-373-3198. Manhattan...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 13h
Bario Neal Celebrates “Sunday Morning Vibes” Of Its New Brooklyn Store...
The Brooklyn, N.Y., showroom of Bario Neal is minimalist and contemporary, the founders say, creating...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 13h
A second Books Are Magic shop is coming to Brooklyn - Time Out
The beloved bookstore is expanding into Brooklyn Heights this fall! ... out for all the typical New York...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 13h
Man dead after being found unconscious in Brooklyn holding cell: NYPD - PIX11 New...
Man dead after being found unconscious in Brooklyn holding cell: NYPD  PIX11 New York News
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 13h
Satellite: Radio AlHara and Purple Tape Pedigree (PTP) - Announcements - E-Flux
Satellite: Radio AlHara and Purple Tape Pedigree (PTP) - Announcements  E-Flux
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 13h
L.A. to Vegas: Adele Finally Reschedules; Toca Madera Slates its Sin City Debut -...
L.A. to Vegas: Adele Finally Reschedules; Toca Madera Slates its Sin City Debut  Los Angeles Magazine
"Red Mafia" - Google News 13h
Chris Herring has big day with epic "Blood in the Garden" Knicks news - Daily Knicks
Chris Herring has big day with epic "Blood in the Garden" Knicks news  Daily Knicks
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 13h
Yankees, Mets meet in Subway Series at Citi Field
The Subway Series starts up at Citi Field Tuesday with both New York teams in first place in their divisions....
PIX11 News 13h
Business community steps in to help with street homelessness - Spectrum News NY1
Business community steps in to help with street homelessness  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 13h
New York State Conservative Party leader Michael Long dies at 82 - AMNY
New York State Conservative Party leader Michael Long dies at 82  AMNY
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 13h
The CHIPS for America Act is about more than just semiconductors. It unlocks significant investments...
President Biden (Twitter) 13h
Legal filing: Negligence caused Rikers Island death, not drugs
Politicians and prisoner advocacy groups rally in February outside of the main entrance to...
Gothamist 14h
Bestselling author Ayana Gray releases her second book "Beasts of Ruin" - PIX11
"Beasts of Ruin," the follow up to Ayana Gray's New York Times bestselling book "Beasts of Prey," ......
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 14h
Will Inflation Kill The Ice Cream Truck? - Delish
"These have been the worst years for ice cream trucks," Brooklyn-based ice cream man Carlos Cutz told...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 14h
Blood in the Garden: Spike Lee works on screen adaptation of best-selling book about...
Driven by the popularity of the New York Times bestselling book Blood in the Garden, Knicks superfan...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 14h
WATCH: Van falls into giant sinkhole - WLOX
WATCH: Van falls into giant sinkhole  WLOX
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 14h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 7PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 7PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 14h
Alex Jones in court for start of defamation trial
The defamation trial of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has begun after months of delays. Jones is being...
PIX11 News 14h
From Chaminade to Coney Island: Keith Raad works his way up broadcasting ladder -...
From Chaminade to Coney Island: Keith Raad works his way up broadcasting ladder - Sports  TheIsland360
"Coney Island" - Google News 14h
New York officials want to boost consumers as economic mood darkens - Spectrum News...
New York officials want to boost consumers as economic mood darkens  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 14h
2555 Ocean Parkway #B in Gravesend, Brooklyn - StreetEasy
Searching with a housing voucher, like Section 8? See Tips. About the Building. 2555 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 14h
Gil Hodges gets his due in Cooperstown - Brooklyn Eagle
New York knocked off Baltimore in five games that October to grab the Fall Classic in Flushing, N.Y.,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 14h
Brooklyn man arrested for beating his neighbor to death: NYPD - AMNY
Brooklyn man arrested for beating his neighbor to death: NYPD  AMNYView Full Coverage on Google News
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 14h
Chuck Schumer's over-taxed marijuana bill would only aid illegal dealers
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's bill calls for a federal excise tax starting at 10% and rising...
marijuana legalization | New York Post 14h
Events in disappearance of former Teamsters head Jimmy Hoffa - Scott County Times
Events in disappearance of former Teamsters head Jimmy Hoffa  Scott County Times
"Red Mafia" - Google News 14h
Here Are The Most Shocking Moments From Rolling Loud Miami 2022 - iHeartRadio
Here Are The Most Shocking Moments From Rolling Loud Miami 2022  iHeartRadio
"Red Mafia" - Google News 14h
HARD Summer 2022 Set Times and Essential Info - EDM Identity
HARD Summer 2022 Set Times and Essential Info  EDM Identity
"Red Mafia" - Google News 14h
US Senators Call for Sanctions on Russian Oil Sales to China - Bloomberg
US Senators Call for Sanctions on Russian Oil Sales to China  Bloomberg
"Russian World" - Google News 14h
Jackie Robinson Museum opens in Manhattan
The Jackie Robinson Museum is now open in Manhattan, 75 years after Robinson made his debut with the...
PIX11 News 14h
Ribbon-cutting ceremony held for Jackie Robinson Museum in Manhattan
When you think of American icons who broke barriers, Jackie Robinson immediately leaps to mind. A museum...
CBS New York 14h
First Alert Forecast: CBS2 7/26 Evening Weather at 6PM
CBS2's Vanessa Murdock has your First Alert Forecast for July 26 at 6 p.m.
CBS New York 14h
Democrats report more campaign funds than Republicans, according to filings - Minnesota...
Democrats report more campaign funds than Republicans, according to filings  Minnesota Reformer
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 14h
Adams Shows Support for Man Charged in Bodega Killing That Caused Outcry - The New...
Adams Shows Support for Man Charged in Bodega Killing That Caused Outcry  The New York Times
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 14h
Geopolitical tensions redefine the new normal for product tankers - Hellenic Shipping...
Geopolitical tensions redefine the new normal for product tankers  Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
"Russian America" - Google News 14h
India boosted Russian oil imports in April-May by more than 400000 bpd -
India boosted Russian oil imports in April-May by more than 400000 bpd
"Russian America" - Google News 14h
Pence's ex-chief of staff says there would have been a ‘massacre’ if...
Pence's ex-chief of staff says there would have been a 'massacre' if the Jan. 6 'mob' had been closer...
"Russian Mob" - Google News 14h
We had SK Group at the White House for a meeting today. They're investing billions in producing...
President Biden (Twitter) 14h
Tamales in the Village, Whole Lobster and More Reader Questions - The New York Times
Tamales in the Village, Whole Lobster and More Reader Questions  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 15h
What to Know in Washington: Trump Headed Back to Washington | Bloomberg Government...
What to Know in Washington: Trump Headed Back to Washington | Bloomberg Government  Bloomberg Government
"Trump and the Russian Mob" - Google News 15h
Teenagers accused of assaulting transit cops freed without bail
Two 16-year-olds have been freed without bail after allegedly assaulting two transit cops who stopped...
CBS New York 15h
Sotheby's may be liable for $4 million in missing diamonds
Sotheby's may be liable for $4 million worth of missing diamonds.
CBS New York 15h
New Rochelle building without gas, hot water since Thursday
Dozens of residents in New Rochelle, Westchester County, are demanding action after they say they have...
CBS New York 15h
Homeless Shelters are Overflowing — And Most Likely in Poor Areas, Despite Fair Share...
THE CITY - All 15h
Developers focus on work-from-home amenities, the next generation of NIMBYs and more
As The New York Times reports, the move is part of a trend accelerated by the pandemic, in which developers...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Why Does Everyone Think They Married a Narcissist? - Psychology Today
Does your spouse seem to try to make others feel worse in order to make ... on The New York Times society...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Jackie Robinson Museum honoring baseball, civil rights icon opens in NYC - NBC News
"It was such an important period of history that the museum encapsulates," David Robinson told The New...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Co-defendant in Central Park jogger case is exonerated - Brooklyn Eagle
"Mr. Lopez is looking for privacy at this time," said his lawyer, ... His expected exoneration was first...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Woman Violently Groped Inside Brooklyn Subway Station: Police - NBC New York
The NYC subway attack happened in the Carroll Street subway station in Brooklyn's Carroll Gardens neighborhood.
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Brooklyn bishop robbed mid-sermon says bandits held gun to head of 8-month-old son
Brooklyn bishop gives The News details of mid-sermon robbery, says bandits held ... At the same time,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Families of 9/11 victims protest golf tournament at Trump Country Club
Families of 9/11 victims are outraged over the Saudi Arabian government is sponsoring the LIV golf tournament...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 15h
Tonight's Mega Millions jackpot now $810M; cash option $470.1M
Lottery officials raised the Mega Millions grand prize to $810 million, giving players a shot at what...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 15h
Jackie Robinson Museum celebrates life of an American icon
At long last, the Jackie Robinson Museum is ready to open on Varick Street.
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 15h
12-year-old among 7 shot in under an hour across NYC
At least seven people, including a 12-year-old girl, were shot in under an hour across New York City...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 15h
Mobile service offers paxlovid to COVID positive on Long Island
Long Island's first mobile COVID-19 'Test and Treat' service launched Tuesday offering antiviral medication...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 15h
Family sues funeral home for $50M after wrong body placed in casket
The family of 93-year-old Kyung Ja Kim has filed a $50 million lawsuit against a funeral home in New...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 15h
Ukrainian refugees get chance to enjoy free summer camp on Long Island
Camp Usdan in Wheatley Heights, Suffolk County is giving 12 young Ukrainian refugees a chance to go to...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 15h
YMCA of Greater NY to Offer Free Swimming Lessons for up to 100 Children in Need...
YMCA of Greater NY to Offer Free Swimming Lessons for up to 100 Children in Need of Financial Assistance  Brooklyn...
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 15h
Freeport votes to sell park amid criticism from community members
There's a heated fight over athletic fields on Long Island. Protesters attended a public hearing Tuesday...
CBS New York 15h
Gov. Hochul pledges support to law enforcement
In Warren County on Tuesday, Gov. Kathy Hochul pledged her support to law enforcement, including police...
CBS New York 15h
Gov. Ned Lamont urges families to apply for child tax rebate
Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont is urging families to apply for the child tax rebate before the July 31 deadline
CBS New York 15h
NY Waterway, NJ Transit complete first ferry retrofit
A more eco-friendly ferry is now operating on the Hudson.
CBS New York 15h
Police arrest 2 juveniles, looking for 3rd in Queens bus attack
Police say two juveniles have been arrested in connection to an apparently racially motivated attack...
CBS New York 15h
Trump, Pence hold dueling appearances in Washington, D.C.
Former president Donald Trump has returned to Washington, D.C., for the first time since he left the...
CBS New York 15h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 6PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 6PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 15h
The Jackie Robinson Museum Opens in Lower Manhattan - New York Daily News
The Jackie Robinson Museum Opens in Lower Manhattan  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 15h
Chess robot breaks 7-year-old opponent's finger at Moscow tournament - CBC News
Chess robot breaks 7-year-old opponent's finger at Moscow tournament  CBC News
"Russian World" - Google News 15h
Tomorrow, we'll have a beautiful start to our Wednesday with temperatures rising back to the 80s and...
NY1 Weather (Twitter) 15h
Chris Cuomo denies contacting media to 'affect their coverage' of brother Andrew...
Chris Cuomo denies contacting media to 'affect their coverage' of brother Andrew Cuomo  Colorado Springs...
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 15h
Max Politics Podcast: Elizabeth Holtzman on Running for Congress in the New NY-10...
Max Politics Podcast: Elizabeth Holtzman on Running for Congress in the New NY-10  Gotham Gazette
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 15h
BLACK CROWN INITIATE Vocalist Joins THE FACELESS - Metal Injection
"Coney Island" - Google News 15h
Trump Returns To Scene Of Attempted Coup For First Time Since Leaving Office - Yahoo...
Trump Returns To Scene Of Attempted Coup For First Time Since Leaving Office  Yahoo News
"Russian Mob" - Google News 15h
Danny Garcia will have legacy on his mind against Jose Benavidez Jr. - The Ring -...
Danny Garcia will have legacy on his mind against Jose Benavidez Jr. - The Ring  The Ring
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 15h
Businesses Donate $8M for Homeless Outreach in NYC Office Districts - Commercial...
Businesses Donate $8M for Homeless Outreach in NYC Office Districts  Commercial Observer
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 15h
New York's E-Bikes Keep Catching Fire, and It's Getting Worse - VICE UK
New York's E-Bikes Keep Catching Fire, and It's Getting Worse  VICE UK
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 15h
Here's something else wrong with the ex-president's record on crime: he opposes action on assault weapons....
President Biden (Twitter) 15h
Positively New Jersey: Finding the source of the Cooper River - News 12 Brooklyn
Positively New Jersey: Finding the source of the Cooper River  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 15h
Allan Houston, Tracy Morgan talk career advice with NYC students
It's not every day you get to sit in the same room as a former Knicks player and a famous comedian to...
CBS New York 15h
18-year sentence for man who shot pregnant Brooklyn woman
A Brooklyn man convicted of shooting a pregnant woman in the head was sentenced Tuesday.
CBS New York 15h
Health experts gather for summit on future of COVID vaccines
Tuesday, some of the nation's top public health experts gathered for a summit on the future of COVID...
CBS New York 15h
Woman riding Citi Bike killed by truck on Upper East Side
A woman riding a Citi Bike was struck and killed by a truck on the Upper East Side on Tuesday.
CBS New York 15h
Таджикистан: как дорого обойдутся полученные от Китая кредиты?
Что Таджикистан готов отдать Китаю, чтобы выполнить свои долговые обязательства, с погашением которых...
Eurasianet: Русская Служба 15h
As monkeypox spreads, know the difference between warning and stigmatizing people
A man waits in line to receive a monkeypox vaccine in Brooklyn, N.Y., earlier this month. Kena Betancur/AFP...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
AFROPUNK Festival Returns Home to Brooklyn This Fall - NYS Music
AFROPUNK also welcomes Brooklyn-based artists to the lineup, including rapper Rodney Chrome, R&B...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
The Regulars Rooting for a Crash at Brooklyn's Foreclosure Auctions - Curbed
At the weekly foreclosure auctions in Brooklyn, decades are undone in the ... another regular who arrived...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
11 Surprisingly Good Happy Hour Deals in NYC - Eater NY
Dive bar Brooklyn Public House's happy hour goes heavy on the snacks. From 3 to 7 p.m. on weekdays, beers...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
County Executive George Latimer Appoints Leroy Frazer, Esq. as Chair of the Westchester...
Frazer served for 38 years as a prosecutor in Manhattan and Brooklyn, N.Y. His first 30 years as a prosecutor...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
Good Morning, Brooklyn: Tuesday, July 26, 2022
NEWS MAGAZINE RANKS NYU-LANGONE AS STATE'S TOP HOSPITAL: NYU Langone Health is the top hospital in New...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
NYU Langone Health Ranks No. 1 in New York & No. 3 in the Nation
These rankings include NYU Langone's inpatient locations in Manhattan, as well as NYU Langone Hospital—Brooklyn...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
City Defense Attorneys Use Supreme Court Gun Decision to Challenge Possession Charges
THE CITY - All 15h
Huntington Place Apartments, Brooklyn Park Trail on List for Possible Federal Funding...
Huntington Place Apartments, Brooklyn Park Trail on List for Possible Federal Funding
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 15h
Tour news: St Vincent, Girl Talk, Pokey LaFarge, Stars, Varials / Boundaries, more...
Tour news: St Vincent, Girl Talk, Pokey LaFarge, Stars, Varials / Boundaries, more  Brooklyn Vegan
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 15h
Gov. Hochul signs bill to strengthen Americans with Disabilities Act in NY - News...
Gov. Hochul signs bill to strengthen Americans with Disabilities Act in NY  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 15h
Man leaves body in Brooklyn driveway: NYPD - PIX11 New York News
Man leaves body in Brooklyn driveway: NYPD  PIX11 New York News
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 15h
Chris Cuomo breaks his silence
In his first television interview since leaving CNN, Chris Cuomo breaks his silence about the allegations...
PIX11 News 15h
Child in Chucky Costume SCARES Neighbors #shorts
What would you do if you saw Chucky crossing the street? #viral
NBC New York 15h
Americans with Disabilities Act anniversary celebrated on Long Island
It is one of America's most comprehensive pieces of Civil Rights legislation. The Americans with Disabilities...
CBS New York 15h
71 people in Rockland vaccinated for polio
Seventy-one people in Rockland County have been vaccinated against polio after a rare case surfaced there...
CBS New York 15h
Bronx Dominican Day Parade honor local leaders
The Bronx Dominican Day Parade steps off on Sunday.
CBS New York 15h
Family of woman who died in DOC custody plans to sue NYC
The family of a detainee who died while in Department of Correction custody plans to sue the city for...
CBS New York 15h
Russia Doing Better Than Expected Despite Sanctions – IMF - Channels Television
Russia Doing Better Than Expected Despite Sanctions – IMF  Channels Television
"Russian World" - Google News 15h
NYC business group to put $8M to homeless outreach in partnership with Mayor Adams...
NYC business group to put $8M to homeless outreach in partnership with Mayor Adams and non-profit  New...
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 15h
Умерла бывшая солистка оперной труппы Большого театра Людмила Герих
Ей был 81 год.
Аргументы и Факты 15h
NYPD detectives put back on NYC street to deter crime, union says
The NYPD is so desperate to curb skyrocketing city crime that it is forcing experienced detectives back...
brooklyn | New York Post 15h
Robert A. Kennedy - Brainerd Dispatch
Robert A. Kennedy  Brainerd Dispatch
"weather Brooklyn NY" - Google News 15h
Brooklyn borough president announces donation of capital funding to fight maternal...
Brooklyn borough president announces donation of capital funding to fight maternal mortality  News 12...
"Coney Island" - Google News 15h
ICE Transfers Detained Immigrants From NY Jail Without Notice - City Limits
ICE Transfers Detained Immigrants From NY Jail Without Notice  City Limits
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 15h
One man killed, another wounded in Brooklyn shooting, NYPD says - New York Daily...
One man killed, another wounded in Brooklyn shooting, NYPD says  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 15h
'Lottery Lawyer' Found Guilty of Fraud by Brooklyn Federal Jury | New York Law Journal...
'Lottery Lawyer' Found Guilty of Fraud by Brooklyn Federal Jury | New York Law Journal
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 15h
Microsoft says China and Russia hurt its earnings - CNN
Microsoft says China and Russia hurt its earnings  CNN
"Russia" - Google News 15h
Call me old fashioned, but I don't think inciting a mob that attacks a police officer is "respect for...
President Biden (Twitter) 15h
2506 East 24th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235 | Compass
2506 East 24th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235 is a multi-family home listed for sale at $1488000. This is...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 16h
2805 E 26th St Apt 1, Brooklyn, NY 11235 - HotPads
Brooklyn, NY 11235. $3,000Monthly Rent. 2Beds. 2Baths. Be the first to contact! Request to apply. Powered...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 16h
Brooklyn New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer - Day of Difference Foundation
Brooklyn, NY Medical Malpractice Attorney (347) 670-3006 1733 Sheepshead Bay Road Suite 45 Brooklyn,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 16h
Wawa must pay NJ $2.5M after customers' credit card data was exposed
A Wawa convenience store. In 2019, the customer suffered a data breach that exposed credit...
Gothamist 16h
Russia eyes 2024 Paris Olympics despite sports bans - Home of the Olympic Channel
Russia eyes 2024 Paris Olympics despite sports bans  Home of the Olympic Channel
Russia - Google News 16h
$50,000 reward offered in Norwalk cold case double murders
Police in Norwalk, Connecticut, appeal for help solving a cold case double murder.
CBS New York 16h
Brooklyn borough president announces donation of capital funding to fight maternal...
Brooklyn borough president announces donation of capital funding to fight maternal mortality  News 12...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 16h
Gunman gets 18 years in prison for stray-bullet shooting of pregnant Brooklyn woman...
Gunman gets 18 years in prison for stray-bullet shooting of pregnant Brooklyn woman  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
Pickleball power: Beginners and pros fill up the new pickleball courts in Norwalk...
Pickleball power: Beginners and pros fill up the new pickleball courts in Norwalk  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
Health officials release warning about West Nile virus - News 12 Brooklyn
Health officials release warning about West Nile virus  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
Officials: Norwalk fire that killed 7-year-old girl deemed 'undetermined' - News...
Officials: Norwalk fire that killed 7-year-old girl deemed 'undetermined'  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
New York Renters Are Now Paying the Price for the 'Covid Discount'
Jenika McCrayer said she expects the rent on her Brooklyn apartment to ... "I was nesting for the first...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Video: Brooklyn pastor robbed right on the pulpit of $1 million in jewelry he was...
From the New York Times: Mr. Whitehead appeared to spot the intruders as they entered the church and...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Meet the Conman Who Sold the Brooklyn Bridge — Many Times Over | HowStuffWorks
At the time, millions of immigrants seeking better lives entered the United States through the "Golden...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
A second Books Are Magic shop is coming to Brooklyn - Time Out
The beloved bookstore is expanding into Brooklyn Heights this fall! ... Popular on Time Out. The 50 best...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
New York faltered in deploying monkeypox vaccine, LGBTQ activists say
The state with the most monkeypox cases, New York, only had 1000 monkeypox ... James Krellenstein, a...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Small businesses face new inflation worries | Finance & Commerce
Bushwick Grind, a Brooklyn coffee shop, in New York on July 22. ... (NYT Photo: Lanna Apisukh) ... By:...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Why Is It So Hard to Buy a Copy of the New York Times? - Curbed
As newsstands slowly stop selling newspapers, it has become more difficult, and sometimes impossible,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Blinken meets kin of slain Palestinian-American journalist - NY1
Investigations by CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post, as well as monitoring by the U.N....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
11 Surprisingly Good Happy Hour Deals in NYC - Eater NY
25 Greenpoint Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11222 ... The team prepares all of its cocktails in bulk ahead of time...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Police: Suspect wanted for stabbing man on 2 train in Brooklyn - CBS New York
Police said the suspect got into an argument with a 25-year-old man and stabbed him several times.
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
What did Peter Brook and Richard Taruskin have in common? Next to nothing and everything
Taruskin grew up in New York, the grandson of similar emigrants. "Russian" is how many emigrants of the...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
NYC Renters 'Squeezed to Their Limit' With Record-High Costs -
In Manhattan, the biggest increase was in the area encompassing Soho, Little Italy and Nolita, where...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
The Bodies Are Piling Up in Lake Mead, Third Since May - New York Magazine
In 2021, the federal Bureau of Reclamation declared a water shortage for the reservoir, the first time...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Report: Google enters the race for NFL Sunday Ticket - SportsPro Media
... Ticket broadcast rights, joining a crowded field that already includes several major technology firms,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Bishop Lamor Miller-Whitehead, wife robbed during sermon - Washington Times
... of New York City's mayor was robbed of more than $1 million worth of jewelry Sunday by armed bandits...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
N.Y. bishop and wife robbed of around $1M in jewelry during livestreamed service...
Bishop Lamor Whitehead was delivering his sermon in Brooklyn's Canarsie neighborhood when three gunmen...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Opinion: Make Big Tech pay local newspapers for publishing their content - Silicon...
FILE – The Facebook logo on screens at the Nasdaq MarketSite, in New York's Times Square, March 29, 2018....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Three Bygone New York City Airports - Airways Magazine
By that point, unsatisfied with the travel time from Brooklyn's Floyd Bennett Field to Manhattan, New...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
New York Redistricting 101 - WFUV
If you voted in the recent New York primary election, you might have noticed the ballot was a little...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
New York Jets
The Official Home of the New York Jets.
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
House Democrats call for a new inspector general in Secret Service text investigation
Reps. Bennie Thompson and Carolyn Maloney write in a letter that the IG's actions "cast serious doubt...
News : NPR 16h
Umpire sues parent-coach accused in attack during youth baseball game
A 72-year-old umpire who was attacked by a parent coach during a 13-and-under baseball game in New Jersey...
CBS New York 16h
New York state expanding monkeypox testing
With nearly 1,100 cases of monkeypox in New York City, Gov. Kathy Hochul says the state is expanding...
CBS New York 16h
NYPD investigating shooting in Prospect Lefferts Gardens
Police are investigating a shooting in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, Brooklyn. Dan Rice reports from Chopper...
CBS New York 16h
Fallen tree smashes cars in Prospect Lefferts Gardens
A tree came crashing down on a Brooklyn street Tuesday.
CBS New York 16h
Some 9/11 families call on Trump to cancel Saudi-sponsored tournament
Some 9/11 families are calling on Donald Trump to cancel a Saudi-sponsored golf tournament at his club...
CBS New York 16h
Child, teenager among 7 shot within 1 hour across New York City
A 12-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy are among the latest victims of gun violence in New York City....
CBS New York 16h
Rina Sawayama's Hold The Girl Tour 2022: Tickets, Dates - NYLON
Rina Sawayama's Hold The Girl Tour 2022: Tickets, Dates  NYLON
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 16h
Families of 9/11 victims protest Saudi-backed golf tournament at Trump's NJ club
Families of those killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks are gearing up for a fight; they are lashing out...
PIX11 News 16h
TV's newest 'Liar' -- Zaria
TV's newest 'Liar' -- Zaria
PIX11 News 16h
No fading out: Wi-Fi coming to all subway tunnels, says MTA
How many times have readers called someone at an underground subway station, only to have the caller...
Brooklyn Eagle 16h
Brooklyn man sentenced to 18 years in prison for drive-by shooting
On Tuesday in Brooklyn federal court, Steven "Nitty" Bynum, 40, of Brooklyn, was sentenced to 18 years'...
Brooklyn Eagle 16h
After days of extreme heat, the weather is finally gorgeous in #NYC⛅️ Tonight's temperatures will...
NY1 Weather (Twitter) 16h
Во ФСИН заявили о возможности заменить IKEA продукцией от заключенных
В ведомстве отметили, что данные товары превосходят зарубежные аналоги по целому ряду показателей.
Аргументы и Факты 16h
Союзные силы взяли под контроль поселок Новолуганское в ДНР
Подразделения РФ, ДНР и ЛНР могут соединиться в районе Углегорки и полностью выровнять линию соприкосновения...
Аргументы и Факты 16h
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy on resuming grain exports after a Russian airstrike...
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy on resuming grain exports after a Russian airstrike  Yahoo Canada Finance...
Advertising at The News And Times 16h
From Hungary to Israel, racism doesn't stop with the far right – Haaretz
From Hungary to Israel, racism doesn't stop with the far right  HaaretzThe post From Hungary to Israel,...
Advertising at The News And Times 16h
Analysis: Democrats' blatant hypocrisy about the 2020 election and its aftermath
Democrats have spent months insisting that the aftermath of the 2020 election — and January 6 in particular...
Advertising at The News And Times 16h
Trump and Pence inch toward a 2024 showdown
The latest battle between Donald Trump and Mike Pence is taking place under the shadow of how their...
Advertising at The News And Times 16h
Opinion: As a Jewish American, I don't see this country quite the same way after...
Each session of the House committee investigating the events of January 6 showed us just how far parts...
Advertising at The News And Times 16h
Gov. Kathy Hochul vows '100%' support for law enforcement despite 'Defund the Police'...
Gov. Kathy Hochul vows '100%' support for law enforcement despite 'Defund the Police' ties  New York...
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 16h
Ukraine Official Says Country Doesn't Want Old American A-10s -
Ukraine Official Says Country Doesn't Want Old American A-10s
"Russian America" - Google News 16h
Former F1 Driver Daniil Kvyat Set to Make NASCAR Cup Series Debut -
Former F1 Driver Daniil Kvyat Set to Make NASCAR Cup Series Debut
"Russian America" - Google News 16h
Hochul signs disability rights legislative package into law on 32nd anniversary of...
On the 32nd anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Governor Kathy Hochul...
Brooklyn Paper 16h
Cooks' Exchange: Hail to the hot dog, that most American of culinary creations -...
Cooks' Exchange: Hail to the hot dog, that most American of culinary creations
"Coney Island" - Google News 16h
Man found dead in driveway in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn - WABC-TV
Man found dead in driveway in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn  WABC-TV
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 16h
Lonicera Partners Seals $134M in Financing for DoBro Multifamily Asset - Commercial...
Lonicera Partners Seals $134M in Financing for DoBro Multifamily Asset  Commercial Observer
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 16h
Tamales in the Village, Whole Lobster and More Reader Questions - The New York Times
Tamales in the Village, Whole Lobster and More Reader Questions  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 16h
Former Brooklyn Nets Star Signs With New Team - Sports Illustrated
Former Brooklyn Nets Star Signs With New Team  Sports Illustrated
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
Books Are Magic is expanding its footprint in Brooklyn - Time Out
Books Are Magic is expanding its footprint in Brooklyn  Time Out
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
Video shows popular Instagram pastor robbed during livestreamed sermon - CNN
Video shows popular Instagram pastor robbed during livestreamed sermon  CNN
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
Police Shoot, Kill Men in Queens Threat Response and Brooklyn Chase - NBC New York
Police Shoot, Kill Men in Queens Threat Response and Brooklyn Chase  NBC New York
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
Bestselling author Ayana Gray releases her second book "Beasts of Ruin"
Bestselling author Ayana Gray releases her second book "Beasts of Ruin"
PIX11 News 16h
As monkeypox spreads, know the difference between warning and stigmatizing people...
As monkeypox spreads, know the difference between warning and stigmatizing people  NPR Illinois
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 16h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 5PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 5PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 16h
Jackie Robinson Museum opens in lower Manhattan, detailing life of Dodger great -...
Jackie Robinson Museum opens in lower Manhattan, detailing life of Dodger great  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 16h
Jackie Robinson Museum grand opening – New York Daily News - New York Daily News
Jackie Robinson Museum grand opening – New York Daily News  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 16h
В Турции заявили о продлении контрактов по газу с поставщиками, включая РФ
Об этом сообщил министр энергетики и природных ресурсов страны Фатих Донмез.
Аргументы и Факты 16h
Активисты присвоили Байдену почетное корейское имя Пэ Чжи Сон
Это было сделано в рамках мероприятий, посвященных годовщине окончания Корейской войны.
Аргументы и Факты 16h
Жуков пригласил эстонских фанатов в РФ после запрета на въезд в Эстонию
Ранее глава МИД Эстонии сообщил, что для участников группы «Руки вверх» введен запрет на въезд в страну...
Аргументы и Факты 16h
В Госдепе заявили, что США сожалеют о решении России выйти из проекта МКС
По словам представителя ведомства Неда Прайса, Вашингтон не ожидал такого.
Аргументы и Факты 16h
Захарова прокомментировала инцидент, произошедший во время дебатов с Трасс
Ведущая дебатов упала в обморок во время выступления Лиз Трасс.
Аргументы и Факты 16h
ВСУ в Семеновке используют мирных жителей в качестве «живого щита»
Украинские военные оборудовали в жилых кварталах огневые точки, разместили артиллерию и РСЗО.
Аргументы и Факты 16h
NYC City Hall adviser Ingrid Lewis-Martin has yet to be repaid for loan given to...
NYC City Hall adviser Ingrid Lewis-Martin has yet to be repaid for loan given to staffer in potential...
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 16h
Outdoor Summer Concert with Operation Gig! Presented by New Camerata Opera - Martin...
Outdoor Summer Concert with Operation Gig! Presented by New Camerata Opera - Martin Cid Magazine  Martin...
"Brooklyn NY 11230" - Google News 16h
This Week's N.Y. Deal Sheet (July 7, 2022) - Bisnow
This Week's N.Y. Deal Sheet (July 7, 2022)  Bisnow
"Coney Island" - Google News 16h
Brooklyn's Weekly Foreclosure Auctions: Who Goes and Why? - Curbed
Brooklyn's Weekly Foreclosure Auctions: Who Goes and Why?  Curbed
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 16h
The New York City Recovery Index: July 18 - Investopedia
The New York City Recovery Index: July 18  Investopedia
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 16h
A new report says my Administration's actions have played a large part in making gas prices lower. And...
President Biden (Twitter) 16h
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 10:41 a.m. EDT | National Sports |
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 10:41 a.m. EDT | National Sports |  Corsicana Daily Sun
"russian fifth column" - Google News 16h
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy on resuming grain exports after a Russian airstrike...
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy on resuming grain exports after a Russian airstrike  Yahoo Canada Finance
"russian fifth column" - Google News 16h
Supreme Court Decision On CM Punjabs Election To Create Further chaos, anarchy: Marriyum...
Supreme Court Decision On CM Punjabs Election To Create Further chaos, anarchy: Marriyum Aurangzeb  UrduPoint...
"panama papers" - Google News 17h
MOVING SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! | Brooklyn, NY | 36854063 |
Find garage sales, yard sales and estate sales in Brooklyn by viewing a map. ... 2605 Hubbard St, Brooklyn,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 17h
Bayliner boats for sale in 11235 - Boat Trader
$59,500. Brooklyn, NY 11232.
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 17h
1 Bedroom at 35 Seacoast Terrace posted by Iosif (Joseph)Kushnir for $2,550 | RentHop
1075 Oceanview Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235. Public • Elementary • Grades PK to 8. New York City Geographic...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 17h
Ukrainian flag flies over Snake Island again after Russian retreat - New York Post
Ukrainian flag flies over Snake Island again after Russian retreat  New York Post
"Russian New York" - Google News 17h
Russian strike hits crowded mall, Zelensky says, amid push for aid at G-7 - The Washington...
Russian strike hits crowded mall, Zelensky says, amid push for aid at G-7  The Washington Post
"Russian New York" - Google News 17h
As monkeypox spreads, know the difference between warning and stigmatizing people
A man waits in line to receive a monkeypox vaccine in Brooklyn, N.Y., earlier this month. When the World...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
NYPD: 7 people shot within 1 hour across New York City - CBS News
Two of the victims were attending a vigil in Red Hook, Brooklyn.
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
50 Cent Reacts To NYC Pastor $1M Jewelry Robbery | HipHopDX
Brooklyn, NY – A high-profile Brooklyn pastor was robbed during a ... "Meanwhile back in New York, they...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
11 Coffee Shops Perfect for Working Outside - Eater NY
Roadside outdoor seating is available, and the shop brews Kitten Coffee all day. Open in Google Maps...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
BROOKLYN, N.Y., July 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Underdog, the fastest growing paid fantasy sports company...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
Refusing to be Wild - Architecture - e-flux
Frans Vera, Grazing Ecology and Forest History (Wallingford, Oxon; New York, NY: CABI, 2000), 1–8. ......
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
Mount Sinai
Located in New York City, the Mount Sinai Health System is an integrated health care system providing...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
Brooklyn bishop robbed of $1M in jewelry defends lifestyle - Miami Herald
Bishop Lamor Whitehead of Brooklyn, New York, was robbed of more than $1 million worth of jewelry at...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
New York Jets
The Official Home of the New York Jets.
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
The Linda Lindas release cover of The Go-Go's' “Tonite” (listen) - BrooklynVegan
Oct 1 - Forest Hills, NY - Forest Hills Stadium # Oct 2 - Brooklyn, NY @ Music Hall of Williamsburg Oct...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
Brooklyn Man Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison for Drive-By Shooting That Wounded A...
Earlier today, in federal court in Brooklyn, Steven Bynum was sentenced ... "Gun violence has absolutely...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
Brooklyn, New York, Home With 1144 Square Feet and Two Bedrooms Asks $1.57 Million
This exceptional home located in Brooklyn, New York, features 1,144 square feet of living area, according...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
Brooklyn bishop robbed of over $1 million in jewelry during livestream service
BROOKLYN, N.Y. (TCD) -- A well-known bishop was reportedly robbed of over $1 million in jewelry over...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
Robert Clark Obituary (1956 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY - Legacy Remembers
Robert Clark's passing has been publicly announced by Marine Park Funeral Home Inc in Brooklyn, NY.According...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 17h
Developer Offers Plans to Redevelop Brooklyn Center Sears Site -
Developer Offers Plans to Redevelop Brooklyn Center Sears Site
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 17h
Facebook is making radical changes to keep up with TikTok
Facebook is overhauling its flagship app and Instagram to be more like the video platform that's so popular...
News : NPR 17h
Drawing nears for estimated $830M Mega Millions prize
Lottery players will be gripping their tickets tightly ahead of Tuesday night's Mega Millions drawing...
PIX11 News 17h
Imani Pullum talks about her impactful role on "The Orville: New Horizons"
Imani Pullum talks about her impactful role on "The Orville: New Horizons"
PIX11 News 17h
Aanika Biosciences Launches Insurance Vehicle "Aanika Re" with Initial Backing From...
Aanika Biosciences Launches Insurance Vehicle "Aanika Re" with Initial Backing From Adit Ventures  Business...
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 17h
Underdog Raises $35M in Series B Funding; Valued at $485M - FinSMEs
Underdog Raises $35M in Series B Funding; Valued at $485M  FinSMEs
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 17h
Thieves Crash Brooklyn Bishop's Sermon, Robs Him of $1+ MILLION in Jewelry | News...
Bishop Lamor Miller-Whitehead, who embraces his flashy lifestyle and can often be seen driving around...
NBC New York 17h
Ukraine war round-up: Spa town attacked and orphans tied up - BBC
Ukraine war round-up: Spa town attacked and orphans tied up  BBC
"Russian World" - Google News 17h
With fed class-action lawsuit looming, Mayor Adams considers scrapping Third Party...
With fed class-action lawsuit looming, Mayor Adams considers scrapping Third Party Transfer Program  Politics...
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 17h
Man uses hand truck to dump dead body in NYC driveway
A dead man was found in a Brooklyn driveway Tuesday — dumped there by another guy using a hand truck,...
brooklyn | New York Post 17h
Park Slope Politician Invites Locals To Sunbathe At His Office - Patch
Park Slope Politician Invites Locals To Sunbathe At His Office  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 17h
$8M Plan To Reach Homeless In Stores, Banks And Other Non-Public Space - Patch
$8M Plan To Reach Homeless In Stores, Banks And Other Non-Public Space  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 17h
Classic car show is the wheel deal - The Brooklyn Home Reporter - Brooklyn Reporter
Classic car show is the wheel deal - The Brooklyn Home Reporter  Brooklyn Reporter
"Coney Island" - Google News 17h
Britain, EU Extend Sanctions Against Russia - Voice of America - VOA News
Britain, EU Extend Sanctions Against Russia  Voice of America - VOA News
"Russia" - Google News 17h
Some WVa Division of Motor Vehicles services available - Hickory Daily Record
Some WVa Division of Motor Vehicles services available  Hickory Daily Record
"Trump and the Russian Mob" - Google News 17h
Books Are Magic Begins Its Second Chapter - Patch
Books Are Magic Begins Its Second Chapter  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 17h
🌱 2 Train Stabbing Crown Heights + Canarsie Preacher Robbed In Service - Patch
🌱 2 Train Stabbing Crown Heights + Canarsie Preacher Robbed In Service  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 17h
University Celebrates Donning of the Stole Ceremony | Royal News: July 26 2022 -...
University Celebrates Donning of the Stole Ceremony | Royal News: July 26 2022  Scranton
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 17h
Adam Kownacki Must Win On July 30 in Brooklyn - NYFights
Adam Kownacki Must Win On July 30 in Brooklyn  NYFights
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 17h
Extra Extra: Mero speaks
Because The Kid Mero has now addressed his professional break-up with Desus on WFAN, here are...
Gothamist 17h
Report: Surging NYC rents displacing tenants who got discounts early in the pandemic
Renters in New York City are reeling from rising apartment rents, particularly where bargains...
Gothamist 17h
"Ms. Marvel" star Aramis Knight unmasked
"Ms. Marvel" star Aramis Knight unmasked
PIX11 News 17h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 4PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 4PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 17h
John Heitner Obituary (2022) - Hartford, CT - Hartford Courant -
John Heitner Obituary (2022) - Hartford, CT - Hartford Courant
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 17h
WATCH: Van falls into giant sinkhole - WIFR
WATCH: Van falls into giant sinkhole  WIFR
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 17h
'Castor and Patience' opera explores systematic barriers to Black land ownership
Cousins struggle with debts and may have to sell property long held by their family in a work created...
News : NPR 17h
Jackie Robinson museum opens in Manhattan
A new museum celebrating Jackie Robinson opened in Manhattan on Tuesday, paying tribute to the barrier-breaking...
Brooklyn Paper 17h
Guatemala president warns millions could die as visits Ukraine - Buenos Aires Times
Guatemala president warns millions could die as visits Ukraine  Buenos Aires Times
"Russian America" - Google News 17h
CIA Chief: Putin Is Betting on Attrition in Ukraine But Will Lose His Bet (Again)...
CIA Chief: Putin Is Betting on Attrition in Ukraine But Will Lose His Bet (Again)  Russia Matters
"Russian America" - Google News 17h
Indiana Republicans struggle to find abortion ban agreement - Spectrum News NY1
Indiana Republicans struggle to find abortion ban agreement  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 17h
Is there a chance Kyrie Irving remains a Brooklyn Net if KD leaves? - AMNY
Is there a chance Kyrie Irving remains a Brooklyn Net if KD leaves?  AMNY
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 17h
Junior's Restaurant to celebrate National Cheesecake Day with food truck tour - AMNY
Junior's Restaurant to celebrate National Cheesecake Day with food truck tour  AMNY
"Coney Island" - Google News 17h
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 10:41 a.m. EDT | National Sports | - Athens...
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 10:41 a.m. EDT | National Sports |  Athens Daily Review
"russian fifth column" - Google News 17h
Opinion | Move to the South and Change It? - The New York Times
Opinion | Move to the South and Change It?  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 17h
Russia doing better than expected despite sanctions: IMF - EURACTIV
Russia doing better than expected despite sanctions: IMF  EURACTIV
Russia - Google News 18h
Three Bygone New York City Airports – Airways Magazine - Airways Magazine
Three Bygone New York City Airports – Airways Magazine  Airways Magazine
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 18h
2548 E 27th St #6, Brooklyn, NY 11235 - MLS #11093819 Rental | BEX Realty
2548 E 27th St #6, Brooklyn, NY 11235 is a 2 bed, 2 bath, rental in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn New York...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 18h
1200 East 53rd Street #6B in East Flatbush, Brooklyn | StreetEasy
1200 East 53 Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11234 photo #1 of 16 ... Listing by Bright Horizons Realty (2219 Voorhies...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 18h
345 Bay Ridge Parkway 5K, Brooklyn, NY 11209 |
This home is located at 345 Bay Ridge Parkway 5k Brooklyn, Ny 11209 Us and has ... Renovated 1-Bedroom...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 18h
3845 SHORE PKWY, BROOKLYN, NY 11235 Flood Factor® | Risk Factor
See past floods, current risks, and future projections for 3845 SHORE PKWY, BROOKLYN, NY 11235 based...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 18h
Bits Tech Inc. · 3047 Brighton 6th St, Brooklyn, NY 11235 - OpenCorpData
The business address is 3047 Brighton 6th St, Brooklyn, NY 11235. The corporation type is domestic business...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 18h
Dinora Inc · 3100 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11235 - OpenCorpData
The business address is 3100 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11235. The corporation type is domestic business...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 18h
SC decision on CM Punjab's election to create further 'chaos', 'anarchy': Marriyum...
SC decision on CM Punjab's election to create further 'chaos', 'anarchy': Marriyum  Associated Press...
"panama papers" - Google News 18h
Brittney Griner: Russian Trial for Cannabis Charges - Black Press USA
Brittney Griner: Russian Trial for Cannabis Charges  Black Press USA
"Russian New York" - Google News 18h
Brittney Griner: WNBA star's Russian trial considers medicinal use of cannabis -...
Brittney Griner: WNBA star's Russian trial considers medicinal use of cannabis  FOX 13 Tampa
"Russian New York" - Google News 18h
Bishop defends lifestyle after he's robbed of $1M in jewelry on NY sermon livestream...
Bishop defends lifestyle after he's robbed of $1M in jewelry on NY sermon livestream  Idaho Statesman
"brooklyn news" - Google News 18h
I can fight corruption — but not Moscow's meddling, says Bulgarian PM - The...
I can fight corruption — but not Moscow's meddling, says Bulgarian PM  The Times
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 18h
Russia to drop out of International Space Station after 2024 - News 12 Brooklyn
Russia to drop out of International Space Station after 2024  News 12 Brooklyn
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 18h
A 105-mile-long city will snake through the Saudi desert. Is that a good idea?
The futuristic, walled city in the desert will have a mirrored facade and will use renewable energy....
News : NPR 18h
Alex G Shares Video for New Single "Cross the Sea" - Under the Radar Mag
Alex G Shares Video for New Single "Cross the Sea"  Under the Radar Mag
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 18h
Trial for NYC subway shooting suspect Frank James tentatively set for 2023 - Brooklyn...
Trial for NYC subway shooting suspect Frank James tentatively set for 2023  Brooklyn Reader
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 18h
Эрдоган сообщил о желании России сотрудничать с производителем Bayraktar
ОАЭ также хотят разместить производство турецких дронов у себя в стране, добавил президент Турции.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
«Нафтогаз» Украины объявил технический дефолт по еврооблигациям
Ранее рейтинговое агентство Fitch снизило долгосрочный рейтинг «Нафтогаза» до преддефолтного.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
Dan's Papers Roundtable: Hamptons with Geraldo and Erica Rivera
Emmy Award-winning TV Broadcaster and media trainer Jane Hanson and Schneps Media President Victoria...
Brooklyn Paper 18h
Let the tribe of whistleblowers increase! - The Hans India
Let the tribe of whistleblowers increase!  The Hans India
"panama papers" - Google News 18h
The Choco Taco is dead, but it will never be forgotten
Klondike confirmed it discontinued the Choco Taco on Monday. The frozen dessert has been around for nearly...
News : NPR 18h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 3PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 3PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 18h
World's largest 'doomsday' submarine delivered to Russian navy - TweakTown
World's largest 'doomsday' submarine delivered to Russian navy  TweakTown
"Russian World" - Google News 18h
Opinions Review at 3 p.m. [Inoreader digest]
Advertising at The News And Times 18h
Opinion | A repulsive new breed of Trumpist candidates pose a fresh threat – The...
Opinion | A repulsive new breed of Trumpist candidates pose a fresh threat  The Washington PostThe post...
Advertising at The News And Times 18h
At Sarrica Physical Therapy & Wellness (SarricaPT), they go the extra mile –...
At Sarrica Physical Therapy & Wellness (SarricaPT), they go the extra mile – so you can too.  We...
Brooklyn Paper 18h
Европу ждет «кошмарный сценарий» после сокращения поставок газа из РФ — СМИ
Зима может оказаться очень трудной для европейских государств.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
Маск ответил по-французски на решение России о выходе из проекта МКС
РФ планирует выйти из проекта после 2024 года.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
Maxwell's new digs: Fla. prison known for yoga, music, abuse - Spectrum News NY1
Maxwell's new digs: Fla. prison known for yoga, music, abuse  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 18h
Junior's to launch NYC cheesecake truck tour; here's where you can get a $5 slice...
Junior's to launch NYC cheesecake truck tour; here's where you can get a $5 slice with all the toppings
"Coney Island" - Google News 18h
Producer ROSS ROBINSON Is Cool With Being The Godfather Of Nü-Metal - Metal Injection
Producer ROSS ROBINSON Is Cool With Being The Godfather Of Nü-Metal  Metal Injection
"Coney Island" - Google News 18h
Russia is quietly ramping up its Internet censorship machine - Ars Technica
Russia is quietly ramping up its Internet censorship machine  Ars Technica
Russia - Google News 19h
Bed-Stuy Pizza Slice Named Among Best In New York City: Ranking - Patch
Bed-Stuy Pizza Slice Named Among Best In New York City: Ranking  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 19h
Long-Awaited Jackie Robinson Museum Opens in New York City - Sports Illustrated
Long-Awaited Jackie Robinson Museum Opens in New York City  Sports Illustrated
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 19h
Griner's Russian trial considers medicinal use of cannabis - WTVG
Griner's Russian trial considers medicinal use of cannabis  WTVG
"Russian New York" - Google News 19h
Ann E. Scheer-Forcier Obituary (1953 - 2022) Daily Hampshire Gazette -
Ann E. Scheer-Forcier Obituary (1953 - 2022) Daily Hampshire Gazette
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 19h
Pauline Smith Brock -
Pauline Smith Brock
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 19h
BK Landlord Withheld $300K From Tenants | Brooklyn Week In Review - Patch
BK Landlord Withheld $300K From Tenants | Brooklyn Week In Review  Patch
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 19h
Brittney Griner: WNBA star's Russian trial considers medicinal use of cannabis -...
Brittney Griner: WNBA star's Russian trial considers medicinal use of cannabis  FOX 4 News Dallas-Fort...
"Russian New York" - Google News 19h
Stock Market Updates and Economy News - The New York Times
Stock Market Updates and Economy News  The New York Times
"Russian New York" - Google News 19h
Our world in photos: July 26
                      The post Our world in photos: July 26 appeared first on Brooklyn Eagle.
Brooklyn Eagle 19h
Первый поезд с цементом прибыл в Калининград через Литву
Об этом сообщил губернатор Калининградской области Антон Алиханов.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Французы отказываются размещать у себя украинских беженцев
Это связано с растущими тратами жителей Франции и отсутствием финансовой поддержки от государства.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
As monkeypox spreads, know the difference between warning and stigmatizing people
While the current monkeypox outbreak appears to mostly affect men who have sex with other men, others...
News : NPR 19h
France's Macron in Cameroon at start of 3-nation Africa tour - Spectrum News NY1
France's Macron in Cameroon at start of 3-nation Africa tour  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 19h
Post Office Massacre: Russian Soldiers Shot Five Ukrainian Civilians Seeking To Defend...
Post Office Massacre: Russian Soldiers Shot Five Ukrainian Civilians Seeking To Defend Their Village,...
"russian fifth column" - Google News 19h
Kontaveit, Krejcikova advance to Prague Open 2nd round - USA TODAY
Kontaveit, Krejcikova advance to Prague Open 2nd round  USA TODAY
"Russian USA" - Google News 19h
Tune in as I meet virtually with the Chairman and Principal Owner of SK Group to discuss the company's...
President Biden (Twitter) 19h
Uniper: gas deliveries from Russia at a third of nominated volumes - Reuters
Uniper: gas deliveries from Russia at a third of nominated volumes  Reuters
Russia - Google News 19h
Ukraine pushes to try war crimes as fighting rages - Daily Pioneer
Ukraine pushes to try war crimes as fighting rages  Daily Pioneer
"Bucha" - Google News 19h
Mayor Adams Marks 32nd Anniversary of Americans With Disabilities Act by Appointing...
Mayor Adams Marks 32nd Anniversary of Americans With Disabilities Act by Appointing Christina Curry
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 19h
Le Rock, From the Frenchette Team, Opens in Rockefeller Center - The New York Times
Le Rock, From the Frenchette Team, Opens in Rockefeller Center  The New York Times
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 19h
Quantifind Demonstrates How 'Name Science' Increases Efficiencies in Preventing Financial...
Quantifind Demonstrates How 'Name Science' Increases Efficiencies in Preventing Financial Crime  Yahoo...
"panama papers" - Google News 19h
Teodor Currentzis and MusicAeterna Face Scrutiny Over Russian Ties - The New York...
Teodor Currentzis and MusicAeterna Face Scrutiny Over Russian Ties  The New York Times
"Russian New York" - Google News 19h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 2PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 2PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 19h
Jared Kushner Secretly Battled Cancer While In The Whitehouse
(TJV NEWS) Former President Donald Trump's son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner's memoir, "Breaking...
The Jewish Voice 19h
Report: Jill Biden's Press Secretary Leaving the White House After Embarrassing Taco...
Charles spieringFirst Lady Jill Biden's press secretary Michael LaRosa is leaving the White House, according...
The Jewish Voice 19h
Tribal leaders, members react to pope's apology on schools
Pope Francis' apology Monday for the Catholic Church's role in Canada's residential school system and...
Brooklyn Eagle 19h
JoAnn Pinkowitz Obituary (2022) - Newton, MA and Manhattan, NY -
JoAnn Pinkowitz Obituary (2022) - Newton, MA and Manhattan, NY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 19h
Jackie Robinson Museum Opens After 14 Years of Planning - U.S. News & World Report
Jackie Robinson Museum Opens After 14 Years of Planning  U.S. News & World Report
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 19h
Путин красиво обвел Байдена вокруг пальца в топливной войне — СМИ
Санкции Запада против России оказались бессмысленными и контрпродуктивными, считает обозреватель American...
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Вице-спикер Госдумы Кузнецова посетила волонтерский центр в Мелитополе
Депутат рассказала, что впервые побывала в Запорожской области.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Раджапакса вернется в Шри-Ланку в ближайшие дни - СМИ
Экс-президент ушел в отставку и покинул страну в середине июля на фоне политического кризиса.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Вице-премьер Абрамченко: РФ может оперативно заместить импортную упаковку
Подмосковный завод компании Tetra Pak не останавливал свою работу, отметила вице-премьер.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Военкор Филлипс назвал введенные против него санкции «абсолютной подлостью»
Великобритания ввела санкции против своего же гражданина.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Эксперты предположили, зачем Шредер приехал в Москву
Его супруга Со-Ён Шредер-Ким ранее заявила СМИ, что политик прибыл в РФ ради переговоров по энергетике.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Глава «Роскосмоса» Борисов не увольнял Сафронова, обвиняемого в госизмене
Ивана Сафронова арестовали в июле 2020 года.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Эстония на пять лет запретила въезд группе «Руки вверх»
По сообщению эстонского МИД, запрет связан с политической ситуацией.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
CNN сообщает о подготовки России к контрнаступлению Киева
Российские военные перебрасывают дополнительные силы на южный фланг, укрепляя свои позиции в Херсонской...
Каспаров.Ru 19h
Theatre for a New Audience Announces 2022-23 Season Featuring New York Premieres,...
Theatre for a New Audience Announces 2022-23 Season Featuring New York Premieres, Shakespeare Plays &...
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 19h
Suspect arrested for July 4 Brooklyn deli shooting that left two dead - New York...
Suspect arrested for July 4 Brooklyn deli shooting that left two dead  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 19h
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 9:50 a.m. EDT | National Sports | - Athens...
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 9:50 a.m. EDT | National Sports |  Athens Daily Review
"russian fifth column" - Google News 19h
Brooklyn and NY Video News Review at 2 p.m. [Inoreader digest]
The Brooklyn News And Times 19h
2 shootings 8 blocks apart in Brooklyn Park on Monday - Bring Me The News
2 shootings 8 blocks apart in Brooklyn Park on Monday  Bring Me The News
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 20h
Crown Heights Drug Dealer Who Shot Pregnant Bystander Gets 18 Yrs: DOJ - Patch
Crown Heights Drug Dealer Who Shot Pregnant Bystander Gets 18 Yrs: DOJ  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 20h
Family sues New Jersey funeral home for placing wrong woman in casket
The family of 93-year-old Kyung Ja Kim has filed a $50 million lawsuit against a funeral home for placing...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 20h
9-11 families protest LIV golf tournament at Trump's course
Anthony Johnson reports from Trump's golf course in Bedminster, NJ. Check...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 20h
5 hurt after commuter bus crash in NJ
Crystal Cranmore reports the crash was caused by a hit-and-run driver. Check...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 20h
Paul Sorvino, master of the mild-mannered mobster, dies at 83 - The Spokesman Review
Paul Sorvino, master of the mild-mannered mobster, dies at 83  The Spokesman Review
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 20h
Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics Announces Results of Phase 2 Study of IRX-2 in Head and...
Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics Announces Results of Phase 2 Study of IRX-2 in Head and Neck Cancer  GlobeNewswire
"brooklyn news" - Google News 20h
A bill to reduce reliance on China for semiconductors moves closer to a Senate vote
It would support domestic manufacturing of semiconductor chips that power the nation's smartphones, cars,...
News : NPR 20h
Relationship pink flags
How to spot pink flags in your relationship, with Bela Gandhi of The Smart Dating Academy.
PIX11 News 20h
China And India Are Buying Less Russian Crude -
China And India Are Buying Less Russian Crude
"Russian World" - Google News 20h
Tony Sirico, the Brooklyn-born actor who played Paulie Walnuts on 'Sopranos,' has...
Tony Sirico, the Brooklyn-born actor who played Paulie Walnuts on 'Sopranos,' has died  Brooklyn Magazine
"Midwood Brooklyn NY" - Google News 20h
Israel eyes political repercussions if Russia shuts down Jewish Agency
(Israel Hayom) Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid has instructed the country's Foreign Ministry to prepare...
The Jewish Voice 20h
US Opens Probe into Abuse, Bullying of Jewish Students at USC
By Pesach Benson, United with IsraelThe US Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights announced...
The Jewish Voice 20h
NYTimes: Cartels Get $13 Billion a Year from Joe Biden's Welcome for Migrants
Neil Munro(Bireitbart)The cartels and coyotes are earning $13 billion a year by delivering economic migrants...
The Jewish Voice 20h
NYC slated to get 3,000 new child care seats this fall, Hochul says
New York City is expected to see nearly 3,000 new child care slots start opening this fall in areas considered...
Brooklyn Eagle 20h
JoAnn Pinkowitz Obituary (2022) - Newton, MA and Manhattan, NY -
JoAnn Pinkowitz Obituary (2022) - Newton, MA and Manhattan, NY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 20h
Surf Avenue gets new crosswalk and four-way stop sign, creating a safer intersection...
Coney Islanders are celebrating the installation of new four-way stop signs and painted crosswalks at...
Brooklyn Paper 20h
Abortion ruling prompts variety of reactions from states - Spectrum News NY1
Abortion ruling prompts variety of reactions from states  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 20h
Цена газа в Европе снова выросла
Августовские фьючерсы на газ на бирже ICE торговались по 2244 доллара за тысячу кубометров.
Каспаров.Ru 20h
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 2:20 a.m. EDT - Yahoo Canada Sports
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 2:20 a.m. EDT  Yahoo Canada Sports
"russian fifth column" - Google News 20h
Staphanger stabs man harassing other passengers on NYC train: cops
The 25-year-old harasser was pestering and screaming at other people on a southbound No. 2 train approaching...
brooklyn | New York Post 20h
The Survivors: Ukrainians From Bucha And Irpin Recall Russia's Brutal Occupation...
The Survivors: Ukrainians From Bucha And Irpin Recall Russia's Brutal Occupation  Radio Free Europe /...
"Bucha" - Google News 20h
How can Congressional Republicans claim to be pro-police?
President Biden (Twitter) 20h
Russia faces 'economic oblivion' as Western sanctions continue to eat away at GDP,...
Russia faces 'economic oblivion' as Western sanctions continue to eat away at GDP, new study says  Yahoo...
Russia - Google News 20h
Russia eyes 2024 Paris Olympics despite sports bans - ABC News
Russia eyes 2024 Paris Olympics despite sports bans  ABC News
Russia - Google News 20h
TIH: Wednesday, 8/3 | | - Daily Citizen
TIH: Wednesday, 8/3 | |  Daily Citizen
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 20h
Shareholder Votes Show Support for Stronger Safeguards Against Insider Trading -...
Shareholder Votes Show Support for Stronger Safeguards Against Insider Trading  New York City Comptroller
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 20h
New York Yankees vs. New York Mets prediction and odds Tue., 7/26: Mets, Yanks meet...
New York Yankees vs. New York Mets prediction and odds Tue., 7/26: Mets, Yanks meet with visions of 2000  Yardbarker
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 20h
CIA at 75: After debacles and scandals, a return to a focus on Moscow
As the CIA's marks its 75th anniversary, Russia's war in Ukraine is giving the spy agency a new direction...
News : NPR 20h
Lakers News: Kevin Durant Reveals Why He Doesn't Wear LeBron James' Kicks - Sports...
Lakers News: Kevin Durant Reveals Why He Doesn't Wear LeBron James' Kicks  Sports Illustrated
"brooklyn news" - Google News 20h
Former Pacers player Edmond Sumner reportedly joining Brooklyn Nets - IndyStar
Former Pacers player Edmond Sumner reportedly joining Brooklyn Nets  IndyStar
"brooklyn news" - Google News 20h
Brooklyn Nets Acquire Royce O'Neale -
Brooklyn Nets Acquire Royce O'Neale
"brooklyn news" - Google News 20h
Rules surrounding rent increases in NYC
If you live in New York, it's the talk of the town: sky rocking rent prices! The increases are doubling...
PIX11 News 20h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 1PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 1PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 20h
Victim identified after East Orange fire
Police say a 69-year-old woman was killed when flames ripped through the building early Friday morning.
CBS New York 20h
Ribbon cutting for Jackie Robinson Museum
A special celebration was held Tuesday marking the grand opening for the Jackie Robinson Museum in Lower...
CBS New York 20h
Woman charged in deadly CT hit-and-run
Police say the driver fled the scene and removed the license plates from her vehicle.
CBS New York 20h
First Alert Weather: Humidity finally breaks
CBS2's Elise Finch has the latest weather forecast.
CBS New York 20h
FBI finds Chinese tech on U.S. cell-phone towers that could hack nuclear arsenal
Bob Unruh(WND News Center)The FBI is warning it has found Huewei technology on cell-phone towers in America...
The Jewish Voice 20h
To the Boston 'Mapping Project,' all Jews are Zionists
James Sinkinson (JNS) In the years following World War II, German pastor Martin Niemöller, in his speeches...
The Jewish Voice 20h
Fauci to Rand Paul: If You Want to Investigate Me, 'Go Ahead' — 'My Records Are an...
Trent Baker(Breitbart)National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci...
The Jewish Voice 20h
New report shows how NYC renters are being priced out of their homes
Living in New York City has become increasingly more difficult for renters in a post-COVID-19 pandemic...
Brooklyn Paper 20h
How a 1989 poster became a fixture on the front lines in the battle over abortion...
For abortion rights advocates, Barbara Kruger's iconic feminist image "Untitled (Your body is a battleground)"...
Brooklyn Eagle 20h
В Челябинске Свидетелю Иеговы назначили штраф 500 тысяч рублей
Суд Челябинска назначил Свидетелю Иеговы Илье Оленину штраф 500 тысяч рублей. Мужчину признали виновным...
Каспаров.Ru 20h
Московский суд заочно арестовал художника за несостоявшуюся акцию
Тверской районный суд Москвы заочно арестовал художника Данилу Ткаченко на два месяца из-за несостоявшейся...
Каспаров.Ru 20h
Pandemic Weddings Honored at Lincoln Center Event - The New York Times
Pandemic Weddings Honored at Lincoln Center Event  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 20h
Polling Sites Have Changed for 86,500 Voters Between June and August Primaries
THE CITY - All 20h
Alleged Subway Fare Evasion Turns Into Brawl Between Teens and NYPD Cops | NBC New...
A Manhattan subway station tussle between NYPD officers and two teens started as a fare evasion incident,...
NBC New York 20h
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 9:22 a.m. EDT | National Sports |
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 9:22 a.m. EDT | National Sports |  Corsicana Daily Sun
"russian fifth column" - Google News 20h
Crews are making progress against a destructive forest fire near Yosemite
Crews battling the Oak Fire in California's Mariposa County got a break from increased humidity levels....
News : NPR 20h
Jan. 6 Hearing Focuses On Trump's 187 Minutes Of Cheering His Mob During His Coup...
Jan. 6 Hearing Focuses On Trump's 187 Minutes Of Cheering His Mob During His Coup Attempt  Yahoo News
"Trump and the Russian Mob" - Google News 20h
Michelin's net profit hit by Russia exit, but guidance confirmed -
Michelin's net profit hit by Russia exit, but guidance confirmed
Russia - Google News 20h
How one author is aspiring to make sex education more relatable for today's kids
Cory Silverberg's new book, You Know, Sex, touches only briefly on reproduction. Instead, it focuses...
News : NPR 21h
Amazon to raise Prime fees in Europe, cites rising costs - Oil City Derrick
Amazon to raise Prime fees in Europe, cites rising costs  Oil City Derrick
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 21h
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 21h
Update on Winding Down Russian Patents | Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP - JDSupra...
Update on Winding Down Russian Patents | Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP - JDSupra  JD Supra
"Russian New York" - Google News 21h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 12PM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 12PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 21h
MTA working to make subways more connected
The agency is launching a $1 billion project to expand cellphone service underground and install Wi-Fi...
CBS New York 21h
9/11 families protest LIV Golf tournament in Bedminster
Family members of those killed in the Sept. 11 terror attacks held a press conference Tuesday, protesting...
CBS New York 21h
Police: Driver tried to flee Lincoln Tunnel crash
A crash involving a car and bus snarled traffic into the tunnel for the morning commute.
CBS New York 21h
Sources: Harlem teen shooting may have been mistaken identity
A teenage suspect is now in custody in the deadly shooting of a 14-year-old boy last week in Harlem....
CBS New York 21h
SEE IT: Tremendous tree comes down on PLG street
Timber! A tremendous tree came crashing down in Prospect Lefferts Gardens Tuesday morning, toppling...
Brooklyn Paper 21h
NYU Langone Health ranks no. 1 in New York State and No. 3 in the nation
NYU Langone Health is the top hospital in New York State and No. 3 in the country, according to U.S....
Brooklyn Eagle 21h
Мосбиржа допустит к торгам нерезидентов из дружественных государств
К торгам допустят клиентов, конечными бенефициарами которых являются российские физлица и юрлица.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Астахов предложил «выпороть» Галкина за его критику спецоперации
Адвокат считает, что телеведущий в будущем пожалеет о своем поступке.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Немцы призвали Шредера договориться с Путиным о поставках газа
Читатели газеты Die Welt также поблагодарили экс-канцлера ФРГ за продолжение диалога с Москвой.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Федун опроверг свой уход из «Спартака»
Ранее в СМИ появилась информация о том, что он оставит пост председателя совета директоров ФК.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Новая орбитальная станция РФ может стать «трамплином» к Луне
Об этом рассказал генконструктор РКК «Энергия» Владимир Соловьёв.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Петиция о возобновлении переговоров с РФ появилась на сайте Зеленского
Автор обращения призвал страны договориться.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
European Union: Address reprisals against human rights defenders in India
Joint statement in Response to the EU-India human rights dialogue The joint European Union (EU)-India...
Worldwide Movement for Human Rights 21h
$50,000 reward offered in 2011 Norwalk double murder case - News 12 Brooklyn
$50,000 reward offered in 2011 Norwalk double murder case  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 21h
Brooklyn Man Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison for Drive-By Shooting That Wounded A...
Brooklyn Man Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison for Drive-By Shooting That Wounded A Pregnant Bystander  Department...
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 21h
Monkeypox Parents Need to Know Global Health Emergency - New York Family
Monkeypox Parents Need to Know Global Health Emergency  New York Family
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 21h
10 views of Detroit from Drawn to Detroit | - Visit Detroit
10 views of Detroit from Drawn to Detroit |  Visit Detroit
"Coney Island" - Google News 21h
Junior's to tour New York City's boroughs to celebrate National Cheesecake Day -...
Junior's to tour New York City's boroughs to celebrate National Cheesecake Day  Bake
"Coney Island" - Google News 21h
Fort Campbell's 2nd Brigade to present colors in Romania - The Leaf-Chronicle
Fort Campbell's 2nd Brigade to present colors in Romania  The Leaf-Chronicle
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 21h
The problem with trading Jaylen Brown for Kevin Durant - Yahoo Sports
The problem with trading Jaylen Brown for Kevin Durant  Yahoo Sports
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 21h
Russia says it will quit the International Space Station after 2024
NASA and other international partners hope to keep the space station running until 2030. Meanwhile, Russia...
News : NPR 21h
With Roe Overturned, Austin's Loss Could Be Brooklyn's Gain - The New York Times
With Roe Overturned, Austin's Loss Could Be Brooklyn's Gain  The New York Times
"brooklyn news" - Google News 21h
'Christmas in July' toy drive to give back to kids in Brownsville, East New York
Every year, kids await holiday toy drives across the city. This year, Christmas will come early for children...
Brooklyn Paper 21h
Turkey's Erdogan to hold one-day visit to Russia's Sochi on Aug 5 - presidency -...
Turkey's Erdogan to hold one-day visit to Russia's Sochi on Aug 5 - presidency
"Russian World" - Google News 21h
Jerusalem Post: российские...
Сотрудники московского офиса еврейского агентства "Сохнут" рассказали о прослушке со стороны российских...
Каспаров.Ru 21h
Эрдоган встретится с Путиным в Сочи
Президент Турции Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган и президент России Владимир Путин проведут переговоры 5 августа...
Каспаров.Ru 21h
Sturbridge Summer Textiles Show Returns - Antiques And The Arts Weekly - Antiques...
Sturbridge Summer Textiles Show Returns - Antiques And The Arts Weekly  Antiques and the Arts Online
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 21h
Nielsen says 17.7 million watched Thursday's Jan. 6 hearing
An estimated 17.7 million viewers watched Thursday night's hearing of the House committee investigating...
Brooklyn Eagle 21h
Why Jessica Ramos Went After AOC - New York Magazine
Why Jessica Ramos Went After AOC  New York Magazine
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 21h
Al Vann, the Brooklyn Progressive Who Reshaped New York - New York Magazine
Al Vann, the Brooklyn Progressive Who Reshaped New York  New York Magazine
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 21h
Президент Уганды посмеялся над просьбой не делать фото с Лавровым
По словам Йовери Мусевени, никто не может о таком просить, потому что его позиция известна.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Собчак заявила о проверке ведущего Васильева на предмет дискредитации ВС РФ
По информации журналистки, полиция зарегистрировала соответствующее обращение 25 июля.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
В Турции заявили о начале работы в рамках «продуктовой сделки»
Первое судно скоро покинет Украину.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 8:34 a.m. EDT | Sports | - Fort Bend Herald
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 8:34 a.m. EDT | Sports |  Fort Bend Herald
"russian fifth column" - Google News 21h
A Democratic ad in a Michigan race is the latest instance of meddling in a GOP primary
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has released a new TV ad about John Gibbs, who's seeking...
News : NPR 21h
Far from Ukraine, Russia plans big eastern war games next month -
Far from Ukraine, Russia plans big eastern war games next month
Russia - Google News 21h
Taiwanese seek civil defense training after Russia's invasion of Ukraine - Axios
Taiwanese seek civil defense training after Russia's invasion of Ukraine  Axios
Russia - Google News 21h
Russia Doing Better Than Expected Despite Sanctions – IMF - The Moscow Times
Russia Doing Better Than Expected Despite Sanctions – IMF  The Moscow Times
Russia - Google News 21h
Victoria Beckham 'feels guilty and frustrated over news Brooklyn was dropped by Superdry'...
Victoria Beckham 'feels guilty and frustrated over news Brooklyn was dropped by Superdry'  The Mirror
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 21h
Greenwich Village Business Improvement District Gets New Leader - Patch
Greenwich Village Business Improvement District Gets New Leader  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 22h
Russia taking over ownership stakes in Arctic oil field - Oil City Derrick
Russia taking over ownership stakes in Arctic oil field  Oil City Derrick
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 22h
Азербайджан: правящая семья укрепляет контроль над Центробанком
Серия назначений лиц, связанных с могущественной семье Пашаевых, вызывает вопросы по поводу независимости...
Eurasianet: Русская Служба 22h
Maxwell's new digs: Florida prison known for yoga, music, abuse - World News -
Maxwell's new digs: Florida prison known for yoga, music, abuse - World News
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 22h
Kevin Durant trade updates: Brooklyn Nets trade speculation, rumors - The Arizona...
Kevin Durant trade updates: Brooklyn Nets trade speculation, rumors  The Arizona Republic
"brooklyn news" - Google News 22h
Why Russia Is Trying to Stop Emigration to Israel - The Atlantic
Why Russia Is Trying to Stop Emigration to Israel  The Atlantic
"Russian America" - Google News 22h
WNBA star Brittney Griner's Russian trial considers medicinal use of cannabis - PBS...
WNBA star Brittney Griner's Russian trial considers medicinal use of cannabis  PBS NewsHourGriner's Russian...
"Russian America" - Google News 22h
Минобороны РФ проведет учение в конце августа
Минобороны РФ проведет стратегическое командно-штабное учение "Восток-2022". Оно пройдёт с 30 августа...
Каспаров.Ru 22h
Maimonides hospital power struggle boils over as patients endure 'traumatizing' care
This article was originally published on Jul 25 8:48pm EDT by THE CITY. On one side are allegations of...
Brooklyn Eagle 22h
Co-defendant in Central Park jogger case is exonerated
A co-defendant of the so-called Central Park Five, whose convictions in a notorious 1989 rape of a jogger...
Brooklyn Eagle 22h
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 11:21 a.m. EDT | National Sports |
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 11:21 a.m. EDT | National Sports |  Corsicana Daily Sun
"russian fifth column" - Google News 22h
Bario Neal Celebrates "Sunday Morning Vibes" Of Its New Brooklyn Store - JCK
Bario Neal Celebrates "Sunday Morning Vibes" Of Its New Brooklyn Store  JCK
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 22h
Crisis Pregnancy Centers Set up in Brooklyn as State Seeks to Make NY the 'Beacon'...
Crisis Pregnancy Centers Set up in Brooklyn as State Seeks to Make NY the 'Beacon' of Abortion Care  Brooklyn...
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 22h
Курс доллара поднялся выше 60 рублей впервые с 11 июля
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Цены на газ в Европе превысили 2100 долларов
Это произошло впервые с начала марта.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
В Минтруда рассказали о новой процедуре получения инвалидности
С 1 июля оформить группу можно в заочном формате.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Глава МИД РФ Лавров прибыл в Эфиопию
Об этом сообщила официальный представитель ведомства Мария Захарова.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Украина попросила США поставить сжиженный газ по ленд-лизу
По словам премьера Украины, страна готовится к самой сложной зиме в истории.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
NASA не получало уведомления о выходе России из соглашения по МКС
Об этом заявила представительница американского космического ведомства Робин Гейтенс.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
СМИ: Венгрия отказывается поддержать план ЕС по сокращению потребления газа
Будапешт считает, что Брюссель ставит невыполнимые условия.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
McDonald's потерял более $1 миллиарда из-за ухода из России
Об этом говорится в финансовом отчете компании за второй квартал 2022 года.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Минобороны: к проведению СВО привлекается только часть Вооруженных сил РФ
В спецоперации участвуют только контрактники.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Минюст РФ признал Bellingcat и The Insider нежелательными в России
Причина внесения в перечень не уточняется.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Tetra Pak to leave Russia after 62 years in blow to packaging industry -
Tetra Pak to leave Russia after 62 years in blow to packaging industry
"Russia" - Google News 22h
Russia fines Google $34 million for breaching competition rules - Reuters
Russia fines Google $34 million for breaching competition rules  Reuters
"Russia" - Google News 22h
There's a reason China is watching the CHIPS for America Act so closely – it is trying to get ahead of...
President Biden (Twitter) 22h
Gil Hodges gets his due in Cooperstown - Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Gil Hodges gets his due in Cooperstown  Brooklyn Daily Eagle
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 22h
Walter Presents 2022: best new releases on Channel 4 in August - NationalWorld
Walter Presents 2022: best new releases on Channel 4 in August  NationalWorld
"Red Mafia" - Google News 22h
Operations / Administration Program Manager, Girls on the Run NYC - Chalkbeat
Operations / Administration Program Manager, Girls on the Run NYC  Chalkbeat
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 22h
Early Edition: July 26, 2022
by Lawrence Woocher Jul 25th, 2022 by Viola Gienger Jul 23rd, 2022 by Just Security...
Advertising at The News And Times 22h
Why Old Russia chose Eastern Christianity as its religion
In the famous Russian chronicle, The Tale of Bygone Years, (also known as the Primary Chronicle),...
Advertising at The News And Times 22h
Russian Military Plans Sweeping War Games in Country's East - U.S. News & World Report
Russian Military Plans Sweeping War Games in Country's East  U.S. News & World Report
"Russian World" - Google News 22h
Misinformation is eroding the public's confidence in democracy - Brookings Institution
Misinformation is eroding the public's confidence in democracy  Brookings Institution
"Russian America" - Google News 22h
Brittney Griner's Lawyer Cites Medicinal Use of Cannabis in Russian Trial - Sports...
Brittney Griner's Lawyer Cites Medicinal Use of Cannabis in Russian Trial  Sports Illustrated
"Russian America" - Google News 22h
NPR News: 07-26-2022 11AM ET
NPR News: 07-26-2022 11AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 22h
Teenage son of Ukrainian official recounts his 90 days in Russian captivity - The...
Teenage son of Ukrainian official recounts his 90 days in Russian captivity  The Irish Times
"Russian Speaking Mafia" - Google News 22h
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 10:41 a.m. EDT | National Sports | -...
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 10:41 a.m. EDT | National Sports |  The Herald Bulletin
"russian fifth column" - Google News 22h
The Lion Roars: Zelensky Soldiers On - ClearanceJobs - ClearanceJobs
The Lion Roars: Zelensky Soldiers On - ClearanceJobs  ClearanceJobs
"russian fifth column" - Google News 22h
The Linda Lindas release cover of The Go-Go's' “Tonite” (listen) - Brooklyn...
The Linda Lindas release cover of The Go-Go's' "Tonite" (listen)  Brooklyn Vegan
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 22h
NAPALM DEATH's Vocalist Discusses Why He Likes Utopia Banished Over Harmony Corruption...
NAPALM DEATH's Vocalist Discusses Why He Likes Utopia Banished Over Harmony Corruption  Metal Injection
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 22h
Трое российских пограничников погибли в ДТП в Киргизии
Водитель иномарки на большой скорости врезался в рекламный щит.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Стратегические учения «Восток» начнутся 30 августа - Минобороны РФ
Участники маневров отработают задачи по обеспечению военной безопасности в восточном регионе.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Собянин: МСД будет бесплатным для жителей Москвы и Подмосковья
Плату за проезд для транзитных автомобилистов введут с 2023 года.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Власти Нарвы отказались переносить памятник Т-34
Мэр эстонского города заявила, что советский танк является частью идентичности русскоязычного населения.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
В Минобороны опровергли слухи о мобилизации, распространяемые западными СМИ
В ведомстве отметили, что к СВО привлекается только часть ВС РФ, этого вполне достаточно для выполнения...
Аргументы и Факты 22h
СК возбудил дело после травмирования детей и каскадера на шоу в Иванове
Детям помощь не понадобилась, у каскадера зафиксированы ожоги.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Мишустин поручил передать «Зарубежнефти» доли компаний Total и Equinor
Такое указание премьер-министр РФ дал главе Минэнерго Николаю Шульгинову.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
The Endangered Language Alliance - Language Magazine
The Endangered Language Alliance  Language Magazine
"Русский Бруклин" - Google News 22h
NJ will pay you up to $4,000 to buy an electric vehicle
New Jersey will pay residents up to $4,000 each to purchase or lease electric vehicles and...
Gothamist 23h
Paul Sorvino slicing garlic with a razor blade in Goodfellas was the most mobster...
Paul Sorvino slicing garlic with a razor blade in Goodfellas was the most mobster scene of them all  British...
"Red Mafia" - Google News 23h
Edward Flick Obituary (1939 - 2022) - Houston, TX -
Edward Flick Obituary (1939 - 2022) - Houston, TX
"Coney Island" - Google News 23h
Paint and Sip LIVE celebrates National Watercolor Month
Sharon Ureña, co-founder and art director at Paint and Sip LIVE, joined New York Living at the studio...
PIX11 News 23h
Numerologist Lloyd Strayhorn on the massive Mega Millions jackpot
Numerologist Lloyd Strayhorn joined PIX11 Morning News on Tuesday to discuss the upcoming drawing for...
PIX11 News 23h
The Future of The WWE
With Vince McMahon gone, Paul "Triple H" Levesque is now in charge of WWE creative. The fallout from...
PIX11 News 23h
The Clean Slate Act
The Clean Slate Act would automatically sealing past conviction records for more than 2 million New Yorkers...
PIX11 News 23h
Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics releases head and neck cancer phase 2 trial results (BTX)...
Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics releases head and neck cancer phase 2 trial results (BTX)  Seeking Alpha
"brooklyn news" - Google News 23h
New Dim Sum restaurant brings robot waitress to Brooklyn - News 12 Bronx
New Dim Sum restaurant brings robot waitress to Brooklyn  News 12 Bronx
"brooklyn news" - Google News 23h
China And India Are Buying Less Russian Crude -
China And India Are Buying Less Russian Crude
"Russian World" - Google News 23h
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 23h
Ukraine War: As It's Happening - The Moscow Times
Ukraine War: As It's Happening  The Moscow Times
"Russian New York" - Google News 23h
Власти Израиля готовы к диалогу с Москвой по ситуации с агентством «Сохнут»
Минюст РФ обратился в Басманный суд с иском о ликвидации агентства, которое занимается вопросами репатриации...
Аргументы и Факты 23h
Петицию о назначении Джонсона премьером Украины внесли на сайт Зеленского
Подавшему в отставку британскому премьеру предложили предоставить украинское гражданство.
Аргументы и Факты 23h

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