Brooklyn News Review at 10 a.m. [Inoreader digest]

Brooklyn News Review at 10 a.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  Jul 15 2022

Brooklyn News Review at 10 a.m. EST Daily
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Selected Articles Review From The News And Times -
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Charges dropped against former NFL player following brawl with airline employee at...
Charges dropped against former NFL player following brawl with airline employee at Newark Liberty  News...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 10m
Польский производитель замороженных овощей Hortex объявил об уходе из России
Польский производитель замороженных овощей, фруктов и смесей Hortex продал свое российское подразделение...
Каспаров.Ru 18m
В суд Петербурга вернулся протокол о дискредитации Юрием Шевчуком армии
В суд Петербурга вернулся протокол о дискредитации Юрием Шевчуком армии. В протоколе полиция не раскрыла,...
Каспаров.Ru 18m
В ЛНР создан штаб по подготовке референдума о присоединении к РФ
В самопровозглашённой ЛНР создан штаб по подготовке референдума о присоединении к РФ.
Каспаров.Ru 18m
Bulgaria will still repair Ukrainian military equipment - Spectrum News NY1
Bulgaria will still repair Ukrainian military equipment  Spectrum News NY1
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 23m
Hit-and-run driver kills 21-year-old on Lower East Side, NYPD says
Police are investigating a hit and run that killed a young man on the Lower East Side this...
Gothamist 26m
Get informed on the top stories of the day in one quick scan -
Get informed on the top stories of the day in one quick scan
"russian fifth column" - Google News 26m
Ukraine Live Updates: War Crimes Investigations Face Formidable Challenges - The...
Ukraine Live Updates: War Crimes Investigations Face Formidable Challenges  The New York Times
"Russian New York" - Google News 27m
Leasing Launches for 30 Kent Street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn - New York YIMBY
Leasing Launches for 30 Kent Street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn  New York YIMBY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 28m
Рогозин заявил, что возглавлял «Роскосмос» в самое сложное время
Так экс-глава госкорпорации прокомментировал свою отставку.
Аргументы и Факты 29m
Производитель упаковки Elopak решил покинуть российский рынок
Бизнес будет передан местному руководству.
Аргументы и Факты 29m
Эксперт рассказал, как отразится на студентах изменение статуса РГГУ
Вуз объявил об изменении статуса с бюджетного учреждения на автономное.
Аргументы и Факты 29m
Путин отметил Эдиту Пьеху орденом «За заслуги в культуре и искусстве»
Артистка удостоена ордена за большой вклад в развитие отечественной культуры и искусства.
Аргументы и Факты 29m
Путин наградил Соловьева за большие заслуги в формировании образа РФ
Он получил орден «за заслуги перед Отечеством» IV степени.
Аргументы и Факты 29m
Григорий Лепс получил звание народного артиста России
Звание присвоено за заслуги в развитии эстрадного искусства.
Аргументы и Факты 29m
Госдума приняла закон о статусе ветерана для бойцов погранслужбы ФСБ
Такой статус получат военнослужащие, которые с февраля отражали атаки ВСУ на приграничных территориях...
Аргументы и Факты 29m
Районный суд Санкт-Петербурга получил административное дело против Шевчука
На лидера группы ДДТ составили протокол в связи с провокационными высказываниями во время концерта.
Аргументы и Факты 29m
Пелагея отменила концерт из-за смерти своего гитариста
Музыкант умер из-за хронического заболевания.
Аргументы и Факты 29m
В России на программы социализации подростков выделят более 52,6 млн рублей
Контроль за целевым расходованием средств возложили на Минпросвещения РФ.
Аргументы и Факты 29m
New study claims NYC has the highest Uber prices in the US - News 12 Brooklyn
New study claims NYC has the highest Uber prices in the US  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 32m
NPR News: 07-15-2022 9AM ET
NPR News: 07-15-2022 9AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 42m
Environmentalists challenge North Sea gas drilling plans in Dutch court -
Environmentalists challenge North Sea gas drilling plans in Dutch court
"Russian Mob" - Google News 44m
Сразу в трех чтениях принят закон о более позднем внесении в ГД бюджета на 2023 год
Государственная дума приняла в первом чтении и в целом поправки в Бюджетный кодекс РФ. Главное — срок...
Каспаров.Ru 47m
Why Russia's War in Ukraine Means a Hungrier World - Bloomberg
Why Russia's War in Ukraine Means a Hungrier World  Bloomberg
"Russia" - Google News 51m
OP-ED: Set sail with new FTA ferry funding - Mass Transit Magazine
OP-ED: Set sail with new FTA ferry funding  Mass Transit Magazine
"Bay Ridge Brooklyn" - Google News 54m
Scams Are Rampant in US. Cops Are Trying to Flip Them - Bloomberg
Scams Are Rampant in US. Cops Are Trying to Flip Them  Bloomberg
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 55m
UAE defends stance on Russian individuals, talking to U.S. -
UAE defends stance on Russian individuals, talking to U.S.
"Russian World" - Google News 56m
В Южной Корее начали принимать карты «Мир»
Аргументы и Факты 59m
Володин попросил список депутатов, огорченных из-за внепланового заседания
Один из коммунистов заявил, что около 150 депутатов были «опечалены» необходимостью приезда на внеочередное...
Аргументы и Факты 59m
Эксперт пояснил, почему в России низкий уровень газификации
Он составляет 72%, что превышает зарубежные показатели, но для РФ с ее огромными запасами энергоресурсов...
Аргументы и Факты 59m
Эксперт спрогнозировал новые громкие отставки в европейских правительствах
Первым кандидатом «на выход» эксперт назвал канцлера Германии Олафа Шольца.
Аргументы и Факты 59m
Госдума приняла законопроект о праве наследников оспаривать отцовство
Документ уточнит перечень лиц, которые имеют право оспорить запись об отце ребенка в книге записей рождений.
Аргументы и Факты 59m
В ДНР запустили новый водовод в Северский Донец
Данная мера облегчит ситуацию с водоснабжением в республике.
Аргументы и Факты 59m
AP News in Brief at 11:04 p.m. EDT - Titusville Herald
AP News in Brief at 11:04 p.m. EDT  Titusville Herald
"Russian Speaking Mafia" - Google News 1h
Human Rights Council: Detention conditions and the use of the death penalty in Japan
On 14 July 2022, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organisation Center...
Worldwide Movement for Human Rights 1h
Один из администраторов чеченского оппозиционного Telegram-канала гей Магамадов пропал...
Один из администраторов оппозиционного чеченского Telegram-чата "Осал Нах 95" и член ЛГБТ-сообщества...
Каспаров.Ru 1h
За шутливое предложение отделить Москву от России оштрафован кемеровчанин
Центральный районный суд Кемерово оштрафовал местного жителя 26-летнего Олега Ильченко на 75 тысяч рублей....
Каспаров.Ru 1h
В первом чтении принят закон о присвоении статуса ветерана боевых действий сотрудникам...
Госдума одобрила в первом чтении законопроект о присвоении статуса ветерана боевых действий сотрудникам...
Каспаров.Ru 1h
Минфин: пошлина на экспорт нефти из РФ снизится до 53 долларов за тонну
Сейчас она составляет 55,2 доллара за тонну.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Эксперт не исключает новых отставок в Европе
По словам научного сотрудника Института Европы РАН Сергея Федорова, кризис в европейских странах продолжает...
Аргументы и Факты 1h
СМИ: у наемника Пола Ури были хронические заболевания
У британца было слабое сердце и сложная форма диабета.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Владимир Путин снизил число заместителей премьер-министра до 10
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Мантуров анонсировал контрсанкции в промышленности
По сообщению министра, контрсанкции готовятся в ряде областей промышленности.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
СМИ: МИД Британии начал проверку по факту смерти британского наемника в ДНР
По данному вопросу Лондон обратился к российским властям.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Российский футбольный союз заявил о несогласии с решением CAS
РФС оставляет за собой право продолжить защиту интересов.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Warm temps continue; chance of pop-up showers through the weekend - News 12 Brooklyn
Warm temps continue; chance of pop-up showers through the weekend  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 1h
NPR News: 07-15-2022 8AM ET
NPR News: 07-15-2022 8AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 1h
Госдума утвердила Мантурова в должности министра промышленности и торговли
Депутаты Госдумы одобрили утверждение Дениса Мантурова на должность заместителя председателя правительства...
Каспаров.Ru 1h
Путин освобо&#
Президент России Владимир Путин освободил Дмитрия Рогозина от должности главы "Роскосмоса", сообщается...
Каспаров.Ru 1h
Объем продаж и производства легковых автомобилей в России сократится по итогам года...
Продажи и производство автомобилей в России в 2022 году сократятся почти наполовину, заявил в Госдуме...
Каспаров.Ru 1h
Генпрокурор хочет национализировать поселок, построенный на землях санатория УДП
Поселок коттеджей и таунхаусов, расположенный в Новой Москве, намерена обратить в доход государства Генпрокуратура...
Каспаров.Ru 1h
Boat the city: New York City summer canoe and kayak guide
Kayaking in the East River Because summer is too short not to spend as much of it as...
Gothamist 1h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at The...
Advertising at The News And Times 1h
What Would Happen if Putin's Most Cherished Dream About the War Came True? - Pulitzer...
What Would Happen if Putin's Most Cherished Dream About the War Came True?  Pulitzer Center on Crisis...
"russian fifth column" - Google News 1h
Эксперт рассказал о выгодах РФ от вхождения новых стран в БРИКС
Москва заинтересована в сотрудничестве с государствами, не присоединившимися к санкционному режиму.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Путин назначил Мантурова заместителем председателя правительства
Указ вступил в силу в день подписания.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Дмитрий Рогозин освобождён от должности гендиректора «Роскосмоса»
Соответствующий указ подписал президент РФ Владимир Путин.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Новым гендиректором госкорпорации «Роскосмос» назначен Юрий Борисов
Аргументы и Факты 1h
У главы МИД Италии «плачет сердце», потому что «Путину подали голову Драги»
По словам Луиджи Ди Майо, демократии слабеют в то время, как автократии «поднимают тосты».
Аргументы и Факты 1h
В РФ маткапитал разрешат тратить на образовательные услуги ИП
Соответствующий закон приняла Госдума
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Участники совещания по зерну в Стамбуле поддержали предложения России
Эти предложения исключают использование логистических цепочек для поставок вооружения Киеву.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Госдума приняла в первом чтении проект о статусе ветерана для пограничников
Закон рассмотрен на внеплановом заседании 15 июля.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
Мантуров раскрыл реальное число иностранных компаний, ушедших с рынка РФ
По словам главы Минпромторга, Россию покинули менее одного процента зарубежных фирм.
Аргументы и Факты 1h
3 Found Dead, Including Woman Bound on Bed, Inside Queens Home: Police - NBC New...
3 Found Dead, Including Woman Bound on Bed, Inside Queens Home: Police  NBC New York
"weather Brooklyn NY" - Google News 2h
Monkeypox vaccination appointments open up in NYC
Equitable relief is now in sight for monkeypox with over 8,200 doses available for appointment bookings...
PIX11 News 2h
Wounded soldiers honored in Babylon
Dozens of wounded soldiers will be honored today during the opening ceremony for the annual soldier ride.
CBS New York 2h
Госдума утвердила Дениса Мантурова на должность вице-премьера
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Бочкарев: строительство скоропомощного стационара в ГКБ№15 завершено на 62%
Открытие запланировано на 2023 год.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Путин подписал указ о праздновании 80-летия победы в Сталинградской битве
Оргкомитет возглавит зампред Совбеза Дмитрий Медведев.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
В РФ начались испытания аналога препарата против СМА — Мантуров
По словам главы Минпромторга, российское лекарство будет в разы дешевле швейцарского.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
В Стаханове после артобстрела ВСУ повреждены школы и дома
В помещениях пострадало остекление, разрушена кровля.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Джонсон призвал не поддерживать Риши Сунака на выборах премьера Британии
В команде Джонсона испытывают личную неприязнь к Сунаку.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Курс доллара на Мосбирже опустился ниже 57 руб. впервые с 5 июля
Курс доллара опустился до 56,95 рубля.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Путин может подписать указ о назначении Мантурова уже сегодня - Песков
Ранее глава государства увеличил число вице-премьеров в правительстве с десяти до одиннадцати.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
NPR News: 07-15-2022 7AM ET
NPR News: 07-15-2022 7AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 2h
ON THIS DAY IN 1906, Brooklyn Daily Eagle columnist Frederick Boyd Stevenson wrote, "If one were to ask...
Brooklyn Eagle 2h
Южный окружной военный суд в Ростове-на-Дону приговорил к восьми годам колонии общего режима жителя Ставропольского...
Каспаров.Ru 2h
Болгарское изда&
Болгарское электронное издание с 13 июля заблокировано на территории РФ и недоступно для ее...
Каспаров.Ru 2h
Суд выпустил соб
Кемеровский суд выпустил из СИЗО под подписку о невыезде Михаила Федяева, одного из собственников шахты...
Каспаров.Ru 2h
Журналиста Е&#
МВД объявило в розыск журналиста Евгения Киселева. Об этом сообщается в базе розыска МВД.
Каспаров.Ru 2h
Buffalo supermarket reopens 2 months after mass shooting
As the suspect is indicted on hate crime charges, the supermarket where the massacre took place is set...
CBS New York 2h
Monkeypox vaccine available in more neighborhoods
New York City is making new efforts to vaccinate people against monkeypox after heavy criticism over...
CBS New York 2h
First Alert Weather: Picture perfect
CBS2's Elise Finch has the latest weather forecast.
CBS New York 2h……The post… first appeared on Advertising...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h……The post… first appeared on Advertising...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at The...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at The...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at The...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at The News...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Ivana Trump's final hours revealed...
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Ivana Trump's final hours revealed The post...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at The...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at The...
Advertising at The News And Times 2h
Why Russia's War in Ukraine Means a Hungrier World - Bloomberg
Why Russia's War in Ukraine Means a Hungrier World  Bloomberg
"Russia" - Google News 2h
EU Set to Propose New Russia Sanctions, Fixes to Earlier Actions - Bloomberg
EU Set to Propose New Russia Sanctions, Fixes to Earlier Actions  Bloomberg
"Russia" - Google News 2h
Hochul comes to Brownsville, gives more funding to violence interrupter programs 
Governor Kathy Hochul came to Brownsville Thursday to announce more funding to over two dozen violence...
Brooklyn Paper 2h
Black Hat announces keynote lineup for Black Hat USA 2022 - Help Net Security
Black Hat announces keynote lineup for Black Hat USA 2022  Help Net Security
"Russian USA" - Google News 2h
'The Gray Man' review: Even on-screen assassins need something to believe in - Iowa...
'The Gray Man' review: Even on-screen assassins need something to believe in  Iowa Public Radio
"Red Mafia" - Google News 2h
Traffic Alert: Leewood Tunnel to close for repairs - News 12 Brooklyn
Traffic Alert: Leewood Tunnel to close for repairs  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 2h
Auchan и Metro будут развивать бизнес в России - СМИ
Компании намерены укрепить свои позиции на российском рынке на фоне ухода конкурентов.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Поставки российского газа в Китай продолжают расти
По данным «Газпрома», за шесть месяцев 2022 года экспорт увеличился на 63,4%.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Мантуров: РФ не заинтересована в национализации каких-либо предприятий
Власти страны хотят взаимовыгодных рабочих отношений.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
МВД РФ объявило журналиста Евгения Киселева* в розыск
Статья, по которой он проходит, не уточняется.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Песков прокомментировал заявления европейских премьеров об уходе в отставку
Пресс-секретарь президента РФ назвал это внутренними делами этих стран.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Экс-нападающий «Спартака» скоропостижно скончался в возрасте 29 лет
Предварительно, на тренировке у спортсмена оторвался тромб.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
CAS отклонил апелляции России на решения об отстранении клубов и сборных
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Голикова назвала стабильной ситуацию на рынке труда в РФ
В стране числятся официально не трудоустроенными менее 1% работников.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Володин поручил проработать вопрос о выплатах к школе для детей Донбасса
Речь идет о выплатах в размере 10 тыс. рублей.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Бутина отправила в посольство США тюремную робу
На робу нанесен QR-код для скачивания книги «Тюремный дневник».
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Глава МИД Венгрии отказался возвращать Орден дружбы, полученный от Лаврова
По словам Сийярто, то, что происходит в мирных условиях, не учитывается во время конфликта.
Аргументы и Факты 2h
Sports Court Upholds Soccer Bans on Russian Teams - U.S. News & World Report
Sports Court Upholds Soccer Bans on Russian Teams  U.S. News & World Report
"Russian World" - Google News 2h
Win A Trip To The 1st Black Effect Podcast Festival! | REAL 92.3 -
Win A Trip To The 1st Black Effect Podcast Festival! | REAL 92.3
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 3h
Candle parade lights up Buddhist holidays in Pattaya - Pattaya Mail
Candle parade lights up Buddhist holidays in Pattaya  Pattaya Mail
"Bucha" - Google News 3h
Уральская транспортная прокуратура обязала авиакомпанию "Уральские авиалинии" выплатить бортпроводникам...
Каспаров.Ru 3h
Sunny skies, lower humidity to end the work week in NY, NJ
We can expect mostly sunny skies Friday afternoon with lower humidity as drier air settles in to the...
PIX11 News 3h
As bioweapons negotiators prepare to meet amid a pandemic and torrents of disinformation,...
As bioweapons negotiators prepare to meet amid a pandemic and torrents of disinformation, can they accomplish...
"Russian Mob" - Google News 3h
Biden seeks to repair ties with Palestinians with hospital and Abbas visit was
Biden seeks to repair ties with Palestinians with hospital and Abbas visit…The...
Advertising at The News And Times 3h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at...
Advertising at The News And Times 3h……The post… first appeared on Advertising...
Advertising at The News And Times 3h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at...
Advertising at The News And Times 3h……The post… first appeared on...
Advertising at The News And Times 3h
Here's the sector most at risk from Russia permanently shutting off gas to Germany...
Here's the sector most at risk from Russia permanently shutting off gas to Germany — and it's taking...
"Russia" - Google News 3h
Sports court upholds soccer bans on Russian teams - USA TODAY
Sports court upholds soccer bans on Russian teams  USA TODAY
"Russian USA" - Google News 3h
Long lines are back at US food banks as inflation hits high
(AP) — Long lines are back at food banks around the U.S. as working Americans overwhelmed by inflation...
The Jewish Voice 3h
I2U2 Virtual Summit with India, Israel, the UAE & the US Gets Boost from Biden &...
I2U2 Virtual Summit with India, Israel, the UAE & the US Gets Boost from Biden & LapidEdited...
The Jewish Voice 3h
Ancient gold coins, precious artifacts discovered in Israeli raid
By Lauren Marcus, World Israel NewsIsrael Antiquities Authority (IAA) inspectors and local police discovered...
The Jewish Voice 3h
Путин проведет совещание с постоянными членами Совбеза РФ 15 июля
Об этом сообщил официальный представитель Кремля Дмитрий Песков.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Песков не смог сказать, ревакцинировался ли Путин от COVID-19
Сам пресс-секретарь президента сделал прививку.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Мантуров: продажи и производство машин в России сократятся на 50%
Об этом глава Минпромторга заявил на заседании Госдумы.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
МО РФ: ВКС и ПВО за сутки сбили четыре украинских самолета
В Минобороны сообщили, что также были уничтожены девять украинских беспилотников.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
В Новосибирске врачи извлекли осколок мины из сердца участника СВО
Для этого в месте разреза на сердце заранее наложили кисетный шов.
Аргументы и Факты 3h
Surveillance video captures moment Russian missiles hit - CNN
Surveillance video captures moment Russian missiles hit  CNN
"Russian World" - Google News 3h
NPR News: 07-15-2022 6AM ET
NPR News: 07-15-2022 6AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 3h
The Real Deal: Here are some ways to save when you eat out. - News 12 Brooklyn
The Real Deal: Here are some ways to save when you eat out.  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 3h
В плену в ДНР умер британец
Воевавший за Украину британец Пол Ури умер в плену от "болезней и стресса".
Каспаров.Ru 3h
NJ's Murphy to fellow governors: Let's confront youth mental health crisis
Children ride bicycles during an annual Independence Day bicycle parade Cape May Point, New...
Gothamist 3h
Hochul touts statewide efforts to reduce gun violence - Spectrum News NY1
Hochul touts statewide efforts to reduce gun violence  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 3h
Finland replaces Russia as host of figure skating Grand Prix - EURACTIV
Finland replaces Russia as host of figure skating Grand Prix  EURACTIV
"Russia" - Google News 3h
Coffee truck, gifts and deals offered Friday to mark opening of Saks Fifth Avenue...
Coffee truck, gifts and deals offered Friday to mark opening of Saks Fifth Avenue store  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 3h
Morning Briefing: July 15, 2022 - Spectrum News NY1
Morning Briefing: July 15, 2022  Spectrum News NY1
"weather Brooklyn NY" - Google News 4h
Brooklyn Duo Distract Woman, Swipe Purse Stuffed With $25K in Cash: Cops - NBC New...
Brooklyn Duo Distract Woman, Swipe Purse Stuffed With $25K in Cash: Cops  NBC New York
"weather Brooklyn NY" - Google News 4h
Украинцы попросили Зеленского запретить выдавать повестки на улице и АЗС
Петиция набрала 25 тыс. голосов.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
В РФ отменили мораторий на выдачу единых электронных въездных виз
Ограничения на въезд в РФ для иностранцев были введены из-за COVID-19 .
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Приоритетом производства являются вооружение и беспилотники - Мантуров
Это связано не только с потребностями в рамках СВО, но и с дальнейшим перевооружением российской армии.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Роспотребнадзор: россиянам, прилетающим из-за рубежа, нужно сдавать ПЦР
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Мантуров допустил сокращение производства в обрабатывающей промышленности
Производство может быть сокращено на шесть процентов.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Мантуров: нужно осуществить поворот от рыночной промышленной политики
Об этом глава Минпромторга РФ заявил на заседании в Госдуме.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Имущество зампреда правительства Херсонской области арестовано на Украине
Прокуратура обвинила Алексея Ковалева в «пособничестве государству-агрессору».
Аргументы и Факты 4h
ВС РФ уничтожили около 200 националистов из батальона «Кракен»
Также под удар российской стороны под Харьковом попали 50 иностранных наемников.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
МИД КНДР ответил Украине после разрыва дипотношений из-за признания ЛДНР
Ведомство напомнило Киеву о поддержке враждебной политики Вашингтона против Пхеньяна.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Ирину Шейк затравили в сети из-за фото салата оливье
Зарубежные пользователи заподозрили, что модель поддерживает российскую спецоперацию.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Владельца кузбасской шахты «Листвяжная» освободили из СИЗО
Михаилу Федяеву заменили арест на подписку о невыезде.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
В РФ за сутки выявили почти 4,5 тыс. новых случаев коронавируса
Госпитализировали 1 266 пациентов.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Brotherhood of the mound: Phillies pitching prospects at Jersey Shore root for one...
Brotherhood of the mound: Phillies pitching prospects at Jersey Shore root for one another  The Philadelphia...
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 4h
Cleanup underway in Suffolk after surprise storm snaps power lines, topples trees...
Cleanup underway in Suffolk after surprise storm snaps power lines, topples trees  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 4h
Адвокат Дмитрий Таланов признан политзаключенным
Правозащитный проект "Поддержка политзаключённых. Мемориал" пополнил список политических заключенных....
Каспаров.Ru 4h
'No, Mario', Italian president urges PM Draghi not to quit - Prothom Alo English
'No, Mario', Italian president urges PM Draghi not to quit  Prothom Alo English
"russian fifth column" - Google News 4h
Yellen says Russian officials have no place at G20 meeting - Euronews
Yellen says Russian officials have no place at G20 meeting  Euronews
"Russian USA" - Google News 4h
Up from Clintonism - Washington Examiner
Up from Clintonism  Washington Examiner
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 4h
The race is on in Brooklyn - Spectrum News NY1
The race is on in Brooklyn  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 4h
Пушков оценил слова Орбана о том, что «Европа выстрелила себе в легкие»
По мнению сенатора, премьер-министр Венгрии нашел точный образ.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Минобороны РФ: «Калибры» 13 июля ударили по зданию Дома офицеров в Виннице
Аргументы и Факты 4h
В ДНР скончался находившийся в плену британский наемник Пол Ури
По словам омбудсмена Морозовой, пленному оказывалась необходимая медпомощь.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
В ГД рассмотрят право тратить маткапитал на образовательные услуги от ИП
В Госдуме сообщили, что речь идет об индивидуальных предпринимателях, принимающих участие в направлении...
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Польский производитель замороженных продуктов Hortex продал бизнес в России
Бизнес приобрел производитель морепродуктов «Агама».
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Подлодка «Алроса» вышла в море на второй этап заводских испытаний
Судоремонтники проверят механизмы и техсредства субмарины.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
В аэропорту Шереметьево грузчик похитил 21 млн рублей из багажа пассажиров
Полиция задержала злоумышленника.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Андрей Макаревич подтвердил отмену концертов «Машины времени»
Концерты будут отменены в четырех городах России.
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Еврокомиссия планирует смягчить некоторые санкции в отношении РФ — Reuters
Речь идёт об изменении ограничений таким образом, чтобы они не препятствовали экспорту продовольствия...
Аргументы и Факты 4h
Driant Zeneli: The Trilogy: Beneath a surface there's just another surface - e-flux
The Trilogy: Beneath a surface, there's just another surface is a multimedia and interdisciplinary project...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 4h
NYC gunman opens fire on Brooklyn street, injuring woman - New York Post
A gunman unloaded multiple rounds on a Brooklyn street – striking and wounding a 31-year-old woman, new...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 4h
Briton detained by Russian-backed separatists dies - TASS - Reuters
Briton detained by Russian-backed separatists dies - TASS  Reuters
"Russian World" - Google News 4h
NPR News: 07-15-2022 5AM ET
NPR News: 07-15-2022 5AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 4h
Угорщина хоче допомогти Україні з експортом зерна і пропонує переробні заводи на...
Угорщина пообіцяла зробити свій внесок у розширення експорту зерна з України та заявила, що...
Русский Мир 4h
4 men fatally shot in less than 3 hours in separate incidents in the Bronx and Brooklyn...
4 men fatally shot in less than 3 hours in separate incidents in the Bronx and Brooklyn  New York Daily...
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 4h
СДЭК расследует утечку данных 25 миллионов пользователей
Персональные данные 25 млн клиентов и 30 тысяч контрагентов российского оператора доставки документов...
Каспаров.Ru 4h
Пермскому экс-депутату запретили определенные действия из-за нелюбви к DJ Smash
Ленинский районный суд Перми удовлетворил ходатайство следствия о продлении меры пресечения в виде запрета...
Каспаров.Ru 4h
Visiting New York? Here are 15 hidden gems that even locals don't know about -
Visiting New York? Here are 15 hidden gems that even locals don't know about
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 4h
Russian missiles kill at least 23 in Ukraine - USA TODAY
Russian missiles kill at least 23 in Ukraine  USA TODAY
"Russian USA" - Google News 4h
US, Canadian officials accuse Russia of war crimes after deadly missile strike on...
US, Canadian officials accuse Russia of war crimes after deadly missile strike on Vinnytsia, Ukraine  ABC...
Russia - Google News 4h
AP News in Brief at 12:04 am EDT | National News | - Porterville...
AP News in Brief at 12:04 am EDT | National News |  Porterville Recorder
"Russian Speaking Mafia" - Google News 4h
The NYPD accidentally shot a fellow officer. A Queens man may spend life in prison...
Jagger Freeman during a court appearance. He was sentenced to 30 years to life behind bars....
Gothamist 4h
Updates from Vinnitsyia, Ukraine after a deadly rocket attack
US officials say there's also growing evidence Russia is forcibly relocating hundreds of thousands of...
News : NPR 4h
Biden looks to secure more oil production during his Saudi Arabia trip
President Joe Biden is poised to ask oil-producing Gulf leaders to ramp up oil production when he visits...
News : NPR 4h
Morning news brief
A watchdog says the U.S. Secret Service deleted many text messages sent around Jan. 6. Biden meets with...
News : NPR 4h
How the White House is responding to Roe v. Wade
White House Gender Policy Coordinator Jennifer Klein talks about the administration's plan to assist...
News : NPR 4h
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sues Biden administration over abortion guidance
NPR speaks with Elizabeth Sepper, a professor at The University of Texas School of Law, about a Texas...
News : NPR 4h
Tioga, Pennsylvania police controversy illustrates need for better background checks
It's getting harder for "wandering cops" — people who lose law enforcement certification in one state...
News : NPR 4h
La Malinche was a young linguist forced to serve the Spanish conquerors
Her complex legacy after 500 years as a survivor and, to some, a traitor is explored in festivals and...
News : NPR 4h
Texas conservatives have a plan to get around DAs who won't enforce abortion laws
A Republican state legislator's proposal would allow prosecutors from around the state to step in when...
News : NPR 4h
North Carolina's Green Party says Democrats are working to keep it off 2022 ballot
The North Carolina Board of Elections, which is controlled by Democrats, has — so far — refused to give...
News : NPR 4h
The naming of an interim president puts an end to a political dynasty in Sri Lanka
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was sworn in as Sri Lanka's interim president until Parliament elects...
News : NPR 4h
Житель Подмосковья попросил полицию принять меры к жене-украинке
По его словам, женщина выражает антироссийские настроения из-за спецоперации.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Мать застрелившего Абэ пожертвовала религиозной организации $720 тысяч
По словам 41-летнего Тэцуи Ямагами, из-за этого его семья обанкротилась и жила в бедности.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Орбан: Европа, введя санкции, «выстрелила себе в легкие»
Премьер-министр Венгрии заявил, что европейская экономика начнет сжиматься из-за санкций и конфликта...
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Командование ВСУ приняло решение о поэтапном выводе войск из Северска
Сообщалось, что некоторые подразделения ВСУ самовольно покидают позиции в Северске.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Bloomberg: Евросоюз решил сократить помощь Украине
ЕС отправит Украине миллиард евро вместо девяти из-за экономических проблем.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
СМИ: Германия намерена уменьшить свои обязательства по кредитам для Украины
Ранее Берлин согласовал только первый транш на сумму в один миллиард евро из общего пакета финансовой...
Аргументы и Факты 5h
В РФ отменили введенные из-за COVID-19 ограничения на пересечение границы
Соответствующее постановление правительства вступило в силу 15 июля.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
EU to adopt on Friday new Russia sanctions, tweaks to avert food shortages - sources...
EU to adopt on Friday new Russia sanctions, tweaks to avert food shortages - sources
"Russian World" - Google News 5h
Russian expert appreciates Vietnam's role, potential -
Russian expert appreciates Vietnam's role, potential
"Russian World" - Google News 5h
Sharp increase in burials in Russian-held areas of Ukraine: NGO - Times of India
Sharp increase in burials in Russian-held areas of Ukraine: NGO  Times of India
"Russian World" - Google News 5h
Trump Allies Line Up Shadow Government as He Weighs Third Run - Bloomberg
And while Biden's sagging popularity is a drag on Democratic candidates, a July 12 New York Times/Siena...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 5h
Bradley Cooper, Carey Mulligan shoot scenes in Fairfield for new Netflix biopic -...
Bradley Cooper, Carey Mulligan shoot scenes in Fairfield for new Netflix biopic  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 5h
Babylon Soldier Ride set to return following 2-year hiatus - News 12 Brooklyn
Babylon Soldier Ride set to return following 2-year hiatus  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 5h
Gamers show their mettle in 'Call of Duty' tournament at Kings Theater - News 12...
Gamers show their mettle in 'Call of Duty' tournament at Kings Theater  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 5h
Union Beach, once devastated by Superstorm Sandy, will undergo $50M project to help...
Union Beach, once devastated by Superstorm Sandy, will undergo $50M project to help prevent future flooding  News...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 5h
Insurance company approves surgery for Dutchess County native dying from rare cancer...
Insurance company approves surgery for Dutchess County native dying from rare cancer  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 5h
5 shooting incidents in last 24 hours has Brooklyn residents asking for change -...
5 shooting incidents in last 24 hours has Brooklyn residents asking for change  News 12 Bronx
"brooklyn news" - Google News 5h
В Кургане по непо
В Кургане отменили рок-фестиваль "NoCover FEST", который должен был пройти на территории музея истории...
Каспаров.Ru 5h
Moody's допустило деф&#
Беларусь допустила дефолт по внешним долговым обязательствам, сообщает международное рейтинговое агентство...
Каспаров.Ru 5h
NYC Live: Traffic and weather cams from Eyewitness News
WATCH live traffic and weather cams from Eyewitness News. Check out more Eyewitness News -
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 5h
Yellen Pushes Plan to Cap Price of Russian Oil on Global Markets - Voice of America...
Yellen Pushes Plan to Cap Price of Russian Oil on Global Markets  Voice of America - VOA News
"Russian America" - Google News 5h
WNBA star Brittney Griner back in Russian court today - Yahoo News
WNBA star Brittney Griner back in Russian court today  Yahoo News
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 5h
SA minister says net to tighten around coal mafia behind Eskom breakdowns - Miningmx
SA minister says net to tighten around coal mafia behind Eskom breakdowns  Miningmx
"Red Mafia" - Google News 5h
EU to adopt on Friday new Russia sanctions, legal tweaks to avert food shortages...
EU to adopt on Friday new Russia sanctions, legal tweaks to avert food shortages - sources  Yahoo Finance
"Russia" - Google News 5h
The Week In Russia: Civilian Deaths And 'A New, Dark Page Of Repression' - Radio...
The Week In Russia: Civilian Deaths And 'A New, Dark Page Of Repression'  Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
"Russia" - Google News 5h
Eastchester Little League team looking to secure state title - News 12 Brooklyn
Eastchester Little League team looking to secure state title  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 5h
Greenland Pressured to Build Pacific Park's Affordable Housing - The Real Deal
Brooklyn Nets player Ben Simmons isn't the only person taking forever to get to work at the Barclays...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 5h
Brooklyn woman killed in crash while riding scooter with child - PIX11
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn (PIX11) – A Brooklyn woman was killed and a young child was injured when they...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 5h
NPR News: 07-15-2022 4AM ET
NPR News: 07-15-2022 4AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 5h
В Мелитополе задержан мужчина, готовивший теракт с использованием СВУ
Полиция изъяла у него 15 единиц оружия и боеприпасы.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Правительство Эстонии ушло в отставку — СМИ
Об этом заявила премьер-министр страны Кая Каллас.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Amazon опубликовал главный трейлер сериала «Властелин колец: Кольца власти»
Его премьера запланирована на 2 сентября.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Число жертв обстрела Новой Каховки со стороны ВСУ достигло трех человек
Один из пострадавших умер в больнице.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Реализующие проекты на Дальнем Востоке и в Арктике инвесторы получат льготы
Правительство полагает, что данная инициатива позволит снизить риски срыва проектов из-за санкций.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
В Avito прокомментировали законопроект о монополизации рекламных носителей
Речь идет о создании в России единого оператора цифровой наружной рекламы.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Владельцами Starbucks в России станут Тимати и ресторатор Антон Пинский
23 мая американская сеть кофеен официально объявила об уходе с российского рынка и закрытии 130 заведений.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Посольство КНДР передало ДНР документы о признании республики
Они получены представительством ДНР в столице.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Тело пропавшего туриста нашли на Эльбрусе
Погибшего обнаружили на высоте более 5000 метров.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Силы ДНР ведут зачистку восточных районов Северска
Бойцы гасят очаги сопротивления.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Новый президент Шри-Ланки будет избран 20 июля — СМИ
Такое решение было принято на совещании партийных лидеров и комиссии по парламентским делам.
Аргументы и Факты 5h
Porch pirates on the prowl in the Town of Ramapo - News 12 Brooklyn
Porch pirates on the prowl in the Town of Ramapo  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 5h
Тимати станет совладельцем сети кофеен, которая появится вместо Starbucks
Российский бизнес американской сети кофеен Starbucks перейдёт в собственность ресторатора и основателя...
Каспаров.Ru 5h
Police: Long Beach man arraigned on separate murder, hit-and-run charges - News 12...
Police: Long Beach man arraigned on separate murder, hit-and-run charges  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 5h
City Council, concerned parents and advocates call for restored school funding -...
City Council, concerned parents and advocates call for restored school funding  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 5h
Police: East Islip woman stole $400,000 from 2 Nassau County churches - News 12 Brooklyn
Police: East Islip woman stole $400,000 from 2 Nassau County churches  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 5h
Russia's war in Ukraine: Live updates - CNN
Russia's war in Ukraine: Live updates  CNN
"Russia" - Google News 5h
Russia Considers Jail Time for People Helping Crypto Scammers Launder Proceeds –...
Russia Considers Jail Time for People Helping Crypto Scammers Launder Proceeds – Regulation Bitcoin News  Bitcoin...
"Russia" - Google News 5h
Joy in Sri Lanka After President Resigns: The Political Week in Photos - Bloomberg
Joy in Sri Lanka After President Resigns: The Political Week in Photos  Bloomberg
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 6h
Этап Гран-при по фигурному катанию пройдет в Финляндии вместо России
Финляндия примет этап Гран-при по фигурному катанию, который должен был пройти в России, но был перенесен...
Русский Мир 6h
Черногория выдала РФ обвиняемого в мошенничестве россиянина
Бывшего топ-менеджера банка разыскивали по каналам Интерпола.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
В Приморье суд арестовал подростка после коллективного избиения школьницы
Подростка заключили под стражу на два месяца.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Starbucks может сменить имя на VKCoffee в РФ
Известно, что существуют и другие варианты названий.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
В ЛНР нашли документы, подтверждающие дезертирство украинских десантников
Солдаты используют любую возможность, чтобы сбежать из войск.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
«ЕР» поддержала кандидатуру Мантурова на пост вице-премьера РФ
Решение члены партии приняли единогласно.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
'Difficult to comprehend the devastation': Taoiseach visits war-torn Ukraine - Irish...
'Difficult to comprehend the devastation': Taoiseach visits war-torn Ukraine  Irish Examiner
"Bucha" - Google News 6h
The Latest: Pro-Palestinian rally gathers near Biden route - Spectrum News NY1
The Latest: Pro-Palestinian rally gathers near Biden route  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 6h
Pete Wells's Search for the Perfect Bite - The New York Times
Pete Wells's Search for the Perfect Bite  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 6h
Russian ambassador lashes out at Sky reporter over Ukraine war probe 'Don't interrupt...
Russian ambassador lashes out at Sky reporter over Ukraine war probe 'Don't interrupt me!'  Express
"Russian World" - Google News 6h
Britain says Bakhmut likely to be Russia's next objective in Ukraine -
Britain says Bakhmut likely to be Russia's next objective in Ukraine
"Russian World" - Google News 6h
OpEd: The Healthful Mirage: Milk Versus Milk Analogues - Food Tank
The New York Times wrote, in 2021, that there were varieties of these beverages that had 2.5 times more...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 6h
Man exonerated in Malcolm X's murder sues NYC - Times of India
US News: NEW YORK: A man exonerated last November in the 1965 killing of civil rights leader Malcolm...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 6h
Рано утром обстреляно брянское село Некислицы
В 5 утра 15 июля с территории Украины произведён артиллерийский обстрел приграничного села Некислицы...
Каспаров.Ru 6h
US House Votes For India Sanctions Waiver Over Russian S-400 Missile Deal - NDTV
US House Votes For India Sanctions Waiver Over Russian S-400 Missile Deal  NDTV
"Russian America" - Google News 6h
Sunny skies ahead before possible isolated showers on Sunday - News 12 Brooklyn
Sunny skies ahead before possible isolated showers on Sunday  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 6h
NPR News: 07-15-2022 3AM ET
NPR News: 07-15-2022 3AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 6h
Have we met? Humans and non-humans on common ground - Announcements - e-flux
The 23rd Triennale Milano International Exhibition is now open to the public, with the Dutch pavilion's...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 6h
Новые легальные казино
Деятельность казино набирает все больших оборотов. Количество игровых клубов увеличивается с каждым днем,...
Русский Мир 6h
СМИ: попавшие в Сеть данные 25 млн клиентов СДЭК объединены в три файла
Эксперты считают, что злоумышленники могут объединить эти данные в единую базу.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
В Екатеринбурге блогер посадила за руль машины годовалого сына
ГИБДД проводит проверку по данному факту.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Тарасова поддержала Тутберидзе после ее слов о журналисте из США
Тренер резко высказалась об американце из-за распространяемых им фейков.
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Москалькова: все больше политиков хотят разобраться в ситуации на Украине
21 июня была создана специальная рабочая группа Межпарламентского союза по Украине, в которую вошли парламентарии...
Аргументы и Факты 6h
Ukraine Latest: Yellen Slams Russia on War; EU to Boost Arms Aid - Bloomberg
Ukraine Latest: Yellen Slams Russia on War; EU to Boost Arms Aid  Bloomberg
"Russian World" - Google News 6h
Ukraine war: CCTV captures moment Russian missiles hit Vinnytsia - Sky News
Ukraine war: CCTV captures moment Russian missiles hit Vinnytsia  Sky News
"Russian World" - Google News 6h
US House votes for CAATSA sanctions waiver to India over S-400 missile deal with...
US House votes for CAATSA sanctions waiver to India over S-400 missile deal with Russia  The Indian Express
"Russian World" - Google News 6h
Brittney Griner and the dangerous Russian world of sports - Washington Examiner
Brittney Griner and the dangerous Russian world of sports  Washington ExaminerView Full Coverage on Google...
"Russian World" - Google News 6h
FDNY Fire Safety Requirements for Landlords Has NYC Fire Extinguisher Companies Taking...
FDNY Fire Safety Requirements for Landlords Has NYC Fire Extinguisher Companies Taking Notice  Digital...
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 6h
Российским легкоатлетам продлен запрет на участие в международных состязаниях
Совет Международной ассоциации легкоатлетических федераций (World Athletics) поддержал рекомендации рабочей...
Каспаров.Ru 6h
Латвия приняла закон об отказе от российского газа с 2023 года
Латвийский Сейм принял в третьем чтении поправки к закону "Об энергетике", запрещающие поставки газа...
Каспаров.Ru 6h
Readers sound off on criticism of police, Biden's age and the James Webb telescope...
Readers sound off on criticism of police, Biden's age and the James Webb telescope  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 6h
17 MARGARET CT, Sheepshead Bay, NY 11235 For Sale | MLS# 3415739 | RE/MAX
The Brooklyn Radio. Advertisements - Advertising at The News And Times -
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 6h
Pete Davidson Net Worth, Career, Personal Life! How Rich Is Pete Davidson? - Alpha...
Pete Davidson Net Worth, Career, Personal Life! How Rich Is Pete Davidson?  Alpha News Call
"Bay Ridge Brooklyn" - Google News 6h
Mizzi's ministry had recommended Brian Tonna for Electrogas selection committee,...
Mizzi's ministry had recommended Brian Tonna for Electrogas selection committee, PAC hears  Malta Independent...
"panama papers" - Google News 6h
Europe 'shot itself in the lungs' with sanctions on Russia, Orban says -
Europe 'shot itself in the lungs' with sanctions on Russia, Orban says
Russia - Google News 6h
WATCH: Mavs Star Luka Doncic Parties with Shaq - NBA Tracker - Sports Illustrated
WATCH: Mavs Star Luka Doncic Parties with Shaq - NBA Tracker  Sports Illustrated
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 6h
Westchester dentist uses FDA-cleared robot for implant surgeries - News 12 Brooklyn
Westchester dentist uses FDA-cleared robot for implant surgeries  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 6h
Russia Wants Aircraft Carrier-Killer Missiles (Just Like China) - 19FortyFive
Russia Wants Aircraft Carrier-Killer Missiles (Just Like China)  19FortyFive
"Russia" - Google News 7h
Режим ограничения полетов в 11 аэропортов РФ продлили до 24 июля
Авиакомпаниям предлагается перевозить пассажиров альтернативными маршрутами.
Аргументы и Факты 7h
Запорожская область навсегда потеряна для Украины - власти региона
Власти региона начали подготовку к референдуму о вхождении в состав РФ.
Аргументы и Факты 7h
Кузбасский шахтер рассказал, как ему удалось выжить под завалами
Он провел там шесть дней без воды и еды.
Аргументы и Факты 7h
NYC's Best Ice Cream is in Brooklyn, Rent is up 27%, and other news - Bklyner
NYT focused on features like Where is Pete Panto? or How Dan Perlman, of 'Flatbush Misdemeanors,' Spends...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 7h
Colombo mob boss can't keep settlement cash after Brooklyn federal jailhouse Ping-Pong...
Colombo mob boss can't keep settlement cash after Brooklyn federal jailhouse Ping-Pong injury, judge...
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 7h
Four Nets finish in double-figures as Brooklyn defeats Minnesota, 102-83 - Nets Daily
Four Nets finish in double-figures as Brooklyn defeats Minnesota, 102-83  Nets Daily
"brooklyn news" - Google News 7h
Apple TV series 'The Crowded Room' films in Hastings - News 12 Brooklyn
Apple TV series 'The Crowded Room' films in Hastings  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 7h
Proposed law would prevent NJ drivers from getting automated tickets from NYC red...
Proposed law would prevent NJ drivers from getting automated tickets from NYC red light cameras  News...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 7h
People donate blood in exchange for free ice cream in Point Pleasant Beach - News...
People donate blood in exchange for free ice cream in Point Pleasant Beach  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 7h
Which Italian America? Current Affairs - Current Affairs
Which Italian America? Current Affairs  Current Affairs
"Red Mafia" - Google News 7h
New art installation in Brooklyn sparks conversation about systemic inequality -...
New art installation in Brooklyn sparks conversation about systemic inequality  News 12 New Jersey
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 7h
Nets get scorched by Grizzlies - Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Nets get scorched by Grizzlies  Brooklyn Daily Eagle
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 7h
Surprise summer storm brings hail, topples trees and snaps power lines in Suffolk...
Surprise summer storm brings hail, topples trees and snaps power lines in Suffolk County  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 7h
NPR News: 07-15-2022 2AM ET
NPR News: 07-15-2022 2AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 7h
Emilio Lugo Obituary (1948 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY - Legacy Remembers
Emilio Lugo's passing on Thursday, July 14, 2022 has been publicly announced by Leone Funeral Home Inc...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 7h
Our Picks For The 7 Best Paleo Meal Delivery Services Of 2022 - MindBodyGreen
The concept of the paleo diet is to eat like our caveman-predecessors from the Paleolithic era. That...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 7h
Homes for Sale in New York City
This week's available properties are in Downtown Brooklyn, Hell's Kitchen and Lenox Hill.
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 7h
Дніпропетровщина: Росіяни вдарили по школі
Росіяни поцілили ракетою в школу в Синельниківському районі Дніпропетровщини, там серйозні руйнування....
Русский Мир 7h
В Киеве выступили с угрозами в адрес Вучича после его слов о Путине
Депутат Рады Гончаренко пообещал сербам «неприятное перевоспитание».
Аргументы и Факты 7h
Деятельность Bellingcat и The Insider в РФ признана нежелательной
Решение принято Генеральной прокуратурой РФ.
Аргументы и Факты 7h
The omicron subvariant dominating U.S. COVID-19 cases is more vaccine-resistant
The BA.5 strain represented 65% of cases from July 3 to 9, according to data from the Centers of Disease...
News : NPR 7h
Новости Русского Нью-Йорка 7h
На видео в начале страницы – «Дежурный по Нью-Йорку» с Ксенией Муштук: В Нью-Йорке разыскивается преступник,...
Новости Русского Нью-Йорка 7h
Sri Lankan president resigns, Parliament to convene Saturday - Bismarck Tribune
Sri Lankan president resigns, Parliament to convene Saturday  Bismarck Tribune
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 7h
Sagnia signs to play DI hoops | News, Sports, Jobs - Marshalltown Times Republican
Sagnia signs to play DI hoops | News, Sports, Jobs  Marshalltown Times Republican
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 7h
NYC's Best Ice Cream is in Brooklyn, Rent is up 27%, and other news - BKLYNER
NYC's Best Ice Cream is in Brooklyn, Rent is up 27%, and other news  BKLYNER
"brooklyn news" - Google News 7h
UNITED STATES/RUSSIA : Russian banks pursue the assets of Mints magnate family in...
UNITED STATES/RUSSIA : Russian banks pursue the assets of Mints magnate family in New York  Intelligence...
"Russian New York" - Google News 7h
Bellingcat и The Insider признаны...
Генпрокуратура признала "нежелательной" работу расследовательского объединения Bellingcat и издания The...
Каспаров.Ru 7h
Британські ЗМІ дізналися позицію Джонсона щодо кандидатів на його посаду
Прем'єр Британії Борис Джонсон, який тимчасово залишається на цій посаді до обрання нового лідера консерваторів,...
Русский Мир 8h
Экономист: санкции против РФ стали причиной падения правительства Болгарии
Эксперт назвал «глупым» решение Софии поддержать ограничительные меры против Москвы.
Аргументы и Факты 8h
Синоптик рассказал, какая погода ожидает москвичей в пятницу
В столичном регионе не ожидается существенных осадков, воздух прогреется до +25 градусов.
Аргументы и Факты 8h
В СЕГОДНЯШНИХ НОВОСТЯХ – «Дежурный по Нью-Йорку» с Михаилом Терентьевым: В Манхеттене в Ист-Вилладже...
Новости Русского Нью-Йорка 8h
NANCY COHEN Obituary (2022) - New York, NY -
She considered herself extremely fortunate to have grown up in Brooklyn, experiencing the Golden Age...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 8h
Ready to significantly increase food and fertiliser exports, says Russian Dy Foreign...
Ready to significantly increase food and fertiliser exports, says Russian Dy Foreign Minister  Economic...
"Russian World" - Google News 8h
Sports News Roundup: Athletics-Tokyo to host 2025 World Championships; Russian basketball...
Sports News Roundup: Athletics-Tokyo to host 2025 World Championships; Russian basketball boss defends...
"Russian World" - Google News 8h
Stock Markets Today: Italy's Draghi, UK prime minister, Russian oil, ECB tool - Bloomberg
Stock Markets Today: Italy's Draghi, UK prime minister, Russian oil, ECB tool  Bloomberg
"Russian World" - Google News 8h
'No place for Russian killers in athletics' - The Manila Times
'No place for Russian killers in athletics'  The Manila Times
"Russian World" - Google News 8h
Суд оправдал худ
Центральный суд Комсомольска-на-Амуре оправдал художницу Юлию Цветкову по делу о рисунках вульв, которые...
Каспаров.Ru 8h
U.S. calls on Russia to halt forced deportations of Ukrainians, citing war crimes...
U.S. calls on Russia to halt forced deportations of Ukrainians, citing war crimes  CNBC
"Russian USA" - Google News 8h
China's economic growth slows following COVID lockdowns
China's economy contracted in the three months ending in June compared with the previous quarter after...
News : NPR 8h
Watch: Mavs Star Luka Doncic Parties with Shaquille O'Neal - Yardbarker
Watch: Mavs Star Luka Doncic Parties with Shaquille O'Neal  Yardbarker
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 8h
Brittney Griner has fourth day of hearings in her Russia drug trial - The Washington...
Brittney Griner has fourth day of hearings in her Russia drug trial  The Washington Post
Russia - Google News 8h
Canucks: Ilya Mikheyev helped make a two-for-one Russian deal - The Province
Canucks: Ilya Mikheyev helped make a two-for-one Russian deal  The Province
"Russian America" - Google News 8h
NPR News: 07-15-2022 1AM ET
NPR News: 07-15-2022 1AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 8h
Manhattan Loses Businesses as Brooklyn Gains in Stark Tale of Two Boroughs - W42ST
Simply put, the rents are too damn high" — Manhattan sees huge losses of business as Brooklyn gains (a...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 8h
Speeding Drunk Crash | 2009
​@Scott Lane L L N Hello, I am in the process of digitizing my library of over 500 hours of Mini...
2 Car Crash Leaves 1 Trapped | MILFORD TWP, PA 7.5.22
@LLN Philly MILFORD TWP., Pa. - State police are investigating a two-vehicle crash where one party was...
Pride PARTY Wash Square Park *viewer discretion* | MANHATTAN, NY
@LLN NYC WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK, Manhattan - Thousands were partying after the Pride parade inside W.S....
В Белгородской области на библиотеку сбросили взрывное устройство с БПЛА
Здание получило повреждения.
Аргументы и Факты 8h
Президент Бразилии намекнул на капитуляцию Зеленского
Жаир Болсонару подчеркнул, что зачастую «правда оказывается болезненной, но ее необходимо осознать».
Аргументы и Факты 8h
Lee Wins Competitive Democratic Primary for Lower Manhattan Assembly Seat Being Vacated...
Lee Wins Competitive Democratic Primary for Lower Manhattan Assembly Seat Being Vacated by Niou  Gotham...
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 8h
Former Rep. Holtzman joins crowded field for NY House seat - Times-News
Former Rep. Holtzman joins crowded field for NY House seat  Times-News
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 8h
Ukraine and Russia: What You Need to Know Right Now - U.S. News & World Report
Ukraine and Russia: What You Need to Know Right Now  U.S. News & World Report
"Russia" - Google News 8h
Finland replaces Russia as host of Grand Prix event -
Finland replaces Russia as host of Grand Prix event
"Russia" - Google News 8h
Yale historian Timothy Snyder promotes anti-Russian racism - WSWS
Yale historian Timothy Snyder promotes anti-Russian racism  WSWS
"Russian World" - Google News 8h
Russian missiles kill at least 23 in Ukraine, wound over 100 - Zee News
Russian missiles kill at least 23 in Ukraine, wound over 100  Zee News
"Russian World" - Google News 8h
11235, Brooklyn, NY Real Estate & Homes for Sale | RE/MAX
11235, Brooklyn, NY Real Estate and Homes for Sale. Pending. 2620 OCEAN PKWY APT 5A, Brooklyn, NY 11235...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 8h
Track and Field World Championships: Top Races to Watch - The New York Times
Track and Field World Championships: Top Races to Watch  The New York Times
"Russian America" - Google News 8h
Good Morning, Brooklyn: Friday, July 15, 2022
INJUNCTION AGAINST DISTRIBUTORS OF 'GHOST GUNS': Attorney General James is seeking a preliminary injunction...
Brooklyn Eagle 9h
Пять населенных пунктов ДНР подверглись обстрелам со стороны ВСУ
Украинские военные вели огонь из артиллерии и минометов, а также применили РСЗО «Град».
Аргументы и Факты 9h
В РФ предложили поощрять активные в борьбе с борщевиком регионы
Депутат заксобрания Санкт-Петербурга Павел Крупник подчеркнул, что ликвидация сорняка носит несистематизированный...
Аргументы и Факты 9h
Экс-мэр Петропавловска-Камчатского получил новый срок за взяточничество
Бывший глава города уже отбывает наказание за аналогичные преступления.
Аргументы и Факты 9h
Doctor told the state she performed abortion on 10-year-old girl, document shows
The Indiana health department's document obtained by NPR shows the physician reported the procedure to...
News : NPR 9h
Emilio Lugo Obituary (1948 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY -
Emilio Lugo Obituary (1948 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 9h
NPR News: 07-15-2022 12AM ET
NPR News: 07-15-2022 12AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 9h
Ruth Atkins Obituary (1943 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY -
Ruth Atkins Obituary (1943 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 9h
Maywood police honor K-9 Officer Remington who died of pancreatic cancer - News 12...
Maywood police honor K-9 Officer Remington who died of pancreatic cancer  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 9h
Ben & Jerry’s, parent company seek mediation over Israel dispute
(A7) Ben & Jerry's and its parent company, Unilever, plan to seek mediation over the disputed sale...
The Jewish Voice 9h
Fetterman absence raises stakes for Dems in key Senate race - Spectrum News NY1
Fetterman absence raises stakes for Dems in key Senate race  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 9h
Democratic and Republican Candidates for Governor Offer Varied Housing Plans - Gotham...
Democratic and Republican Candidates for Governor Offer Varied Housing Plans  Gotham Gazette
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 9h
Experts document alleged crimes against humanity committed by Russian forces in Ukraine...
Experts document alleged crimes against humanity committed by Russian forces in Ukraine  CNN
"Bucha" - Google News 9h
Telegraph: Шольц может уйти в отставку, если не капитулирует перед Путиным
На прошлой неделе канцлер ФРГ радовался краху Бориса Джонсона, а теперь его самого вполне может ждать...
Аргументы и Факты 9h
Президент Шри-Ланки Раджапакса ушёл в отставку
Аргументы и Факты 9h
ВСУ выпустили шесть ракет из РСЗО HIMARS по Стаханову
В ЛНР пояснили, что украинские силовики вели огонь из населённого пункта Артёмовск.
Аргументы и Факты 9h
Like the Old McCarthyism, the New McCarthyism Targets Russia - The Epoch Times
Like the Old McCarthyism, the New McCarthyism Targets Russia  The Epoch Times
"Russia" - Google News 9h
New York Times and Hasbro to release Wordle board game - CBS News
Based off the hit online world puzzle, "Wordle: The Party Game," will be available for purchase in October....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 9h
New York City releases new PSA for a NUCLEAR ATTACK 'with three simple steps' - Daily...
New York City releases new PSA for a NUCLEAR ATTACK 'with three simple steps'  Daily Mail
"Russian New York" - Google News 9h
Couple nearly killed in hit-and-run boat crash in NJ
A couple and their dog, taking a moonlit boat ride on a lake in New Jersey, were nearly killed when another...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 9h
First Yemeni American Business Expo held at Lehman College - News 12 Brooklyn
First Yemeni American Business Expo held at Lehman College  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 9h
Holmdel street renamed for retired 4-star Gen. John Tilelli Jr. - News 12 Brooklyn
Holmdel street renamed for retired 4-star Gen. John Tilelli Jr.  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 9h
Woodmere residents upset over housing development project - News 12 Brooklyn
Woodmere residents upset over housing development project  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 9h
Susan M. Pearsall Obituary - The MetroWest Daily News - MetroWest Daily News
Susan M. Pearsall Obituary - The MetroWest Daily News  MetroWest Daily News
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 9h
Trash Fire on Fourth-Floor Balcony - Citizen
Trash Fire on Fourth-Floor Balcony  Citizen
"Coney Island" - Google News 9h
11235, Brooklyn, NY Real Estate & Homes for Sale | RE/MAX
$1,749,000. 7 Beds. 3 Baths. 2,769 Sq Ft. Listing by Momentum Real Estate LLC. 2330 VOORHIES AVE APT...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 9h
Kyle T Arnold - Clinical Social Worker, Brooklyn NY -
Kyle T Arnold is a Clinical Social Worker Specialist in Brooklyn, New York. He graduated with honors...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 9h
First Alert Forecast: CBS2 7/14 Nightly Weather at 11PM
CBS2's John Elliott has your First Alert Forecast for July 14 at 11 p.m.
CBS New York 9h
Watch This INCREDIBLE Rescue of Baby Elephant and Mother in Thailand | NBC New York
A newly released video shows a team of volunteers, veterinarians and other park staff trying to rescue...
NBC New York 9h
'No French fries for war criminals' Russia's version of McDonald's emptied out -...
'No French fries for war criminals' Russia's version of McDonald's emptied out  Express
Russia - Google News 9h
Police: Massapequa Park mother was driving drunk with 8-year-old son inside car -...
Police: Massapequa Park mother was driving drunk with 8-year-old son inside car  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 10h
Newark organization seeks to change the way homeless shelters are perceived - News...
Newark organization seeks to change the way homeless shelters are perceived  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 10h
Sunny Friday with low humidity, chance for storms on Sunday - News 12 Brooklyn
Sunny Friday with low humidity, chance for storms on Sunday  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 10h
Trump: I've made decision on 2024 run, now it's just a question of timing announcement
David Rosenberg(A7)Former President Donald Trump has made up his mind whether or not he will run for...
The Jewish Voice 10h
Haitian communities should prioritize economic power over the political | Opinion...
Haitian communities should prioritize economic power over the political | Opinion  Haitian Times
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 10h
Белоруссия подала заявку на вступление в ШОС в качестве полноправного члена
Об этом сообщил генеральный секретарь организации Чжан Мин.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
В РФ за сутки ликвидировали лесные пожары площадью 1,4 тысячи гектара
В настоящее время в стране действуют 159 лесных пожаров на площади 19 167 гектаров.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Man attempts to steal dog from owner at Manhattan office building
A man was caught on camera attempting to steal a dog right from its owner's grip in Lower Manhattan.
CBS New York 10h
How Deandre Ayton Offer Sheet Impacts Kevin Durant Trade Market - Bleacher Report
How Deandre Ayton Offer Sheet Impacts Kevin Durant Trade Market  Bleacher Report
"brooklyn news" - Google News 10h
Sunny skies ahead before possible isolated showers on Sunday - News 12 Brooklyn
Sunny skies ahead before possible isolated showers on Sunday  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 10h
Private settlement reached with school, city in suit claiming girl was raped at New...
Private settlement reached with school, city in suit claiming girl was raped at New Rochelle HS  News...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 10h
Brooklyn man accused of leaving 8 children unsupervised in condemned building in...
Brooklyn man accused of leaving 8 children unsupervised in condemned building in Ellenville  News 12...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 10h
Brooklyn Teacher Recognized With FLAG Award for Excellence - Brooklyn Reader
Brooklyn Teacher Recognized With FLAG Award for Excellence  Brooklyn Reader
"brooklyn news" - Google News 10h
Changes coming to New York City Ferry fares
Casual riders will soon pay more to ride the New York City Ferry, while low-income New Yorkers will pay...
CBS New York 10h
$40 million wrongful conviction lawsuit in Malcolm X murder
Muhammad Aziz, who was wrongfully convicted of murdering Malcolm X, is suing New York City for $40 million.
CBS New York 10h
New York City to open mass monkeypox vaccination sites
After a bumpy rollout, New York City has a new plan to give out the monkeypox vaccine. As CBS2's Ali...
CBS New York 10h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 11PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 11PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 10h
Official Los Angeles Dodgers Website |
The official website of the Los Angeles Dodgers with the most up-to-date information on scores, schedule,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 10h
Greene County seniors prove love is ageless in viral TikTok video - News 12 Brooklyn
Greene County seniors prove love is ageless in viral TikTok video  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 10h
Charges dropped against members of 'Palestinian convoy' calling for rape of Jewish...
By Debbie Reiss, World Israel NewsCharges against two British Muslim men arrested in London for driving...
The Jewish Voice 10h
Biden & Lapid Issue Joint Declaration on Shared Commitment to Stop Iran’s Nuclear...
 Edited by: Fern SidmanMarking the centerpiece of a 48-hour visit to Israel, President Joe Biden and...
The Jewish Voice 10h
WaPo publishes J Street anti-Israel oped replete with misleading information
By Debbie Reiss, World Israel NewsAn oped published this week in the Washington Post by J Street founder...
The Jewish Voice 10h
Ivana Trump, first wife of former president, dies at 73
 (AP) — Ivana Trump, a skier-turned-businesswoman who formed half of a publicity power couple in the...
The Jewish Voice 10h
NYCHA CEO Outlines Next Steps for Recently-Passed Preservation Trust - Gotham Gazette
NYCHA CEO Outlines Next Steps for Recently-Passed Preservation Trust  Gotham Gazette
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 10h
Брат и сестра погибли во Франции во время салюта в День взятия Бастилии
Еще одного члена семьи ранило, его доставили в больницу.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
Российские военные передали продукты жителям сирийской деревни Хайян
В Минобороны РФ отметили, что выдано 400 продовольственных наборов.
Аргументы и Факты 10h
4 people hurt in house fire in East Flushing, Queens
Four people were hurt in a house fire in Queens on Thursday.
CBS New York 10h
Police searching for suspect in UWS subway stabbing
Police are searching for the suspect in a stabbing on the subway on the Upper West Side.
CBS New York 10h
Trump family mourns loss of Ivana Trump, Donald Trump's first wife
The Trump family is mourning the death of Ivana Trump, the ex-wife of former president Donald Trump....
CBS New York 10h
Fast-moving storms create a big mess on Long Island
Fast-moving storms slammed Long Island with power winds, heavy rain and hail Thursday evening. As CBS2's...
CBS New York 10h
US electric car sales climb sharply despite shortages - The Spokesman-Review
By From staff and wire reports New York Times. Americans are buying electric vehicles at a record pace,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 10h
‘I Have a Gun:' Masked Man Corners Woman, 74, in NYC Elevator Robbery - NBC...
'I Have a Gun:' Masked Man Corners Woman, 74, in NYC Elevator Robbery  NBC New York
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 10h
People want Tamil Nadu government to sell more sand to IREL after Rs 15 crore deal...
People want Tamil Nadu government to sell more sand to IREL after Rs 15 crore deal  The New Indian Express
"Red Mafia" - Google News 10h
1851 East 26th Street #*, Brooklyn, NY 11229 | MLS #RLMX-007820032431 - Movoto
Home Value & Comps ; 237 Lake St, Brooklyn, NY 11223, $799,000, $439 /Sqft, 3 Bd, 3 Ba ; 2826 Brigham...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 10h
Canada's Freeland says Russian technocrats also responsible for 'war crimes' - official...
Canada's Freeland says Russian technocrats also responsible for 'war crimes' - official
"Russian World" - Google News 10h
Coe: 'Inconceivable' Russians Would Be Allowed at Worlds - U.S. News & World Report
Coe: 'Inconceivable' Russians Would Be Allowed at Worlds  U.S. News & World Report
"Russian World" - Google News 10h
N. Korea Backs Independence Of Breakaway Regions In Ukraine - KWTV
N. Korea Backs Independence Of Breakaway Regions In Ukraine KWTV
"Russian World" - Google News 10h
Russian Federation celebrates Elena Rybakina: "We won Wimbledon" - Tennis World USA
Russian Federation celebrates Elena Rybakina: "We won Wimbledon"  Tennis World USA
"Russian USA" - Google News 10h
Oh rats! Four City Council members seek action plan to stop citywide rodent infestation...
Oh rats! Four City Council members seek action plan to stop citywide rodent infestation  AMNY
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 10h
Ukraine Boosts Its Campaign to Find Children That Russia Has Abducted - PassBlue
Ukraine Boosts Its Campaign to Find Children That Russia Has Abducted  PassBlue
Russia - Google News 10h
Monkeypox: Mass vaccination coming this weekend, as NYC councilmembers seek emergency...
The mass vaccination hubs will only operate for a single day, as the health department tries...
Gothamist 10h
The Boys: Changes Between Season 3 And The Comic - GameRant
The Boys: Changes Between Season 3 And The Comic  GameRant
"Russian Mob" - Google News 11h
Human Rights Report Alleges Russian 'Crimes Against Humanity' in Ukraine - Newsmax
Human Rights Report Alleges Russian 'Crimes Against Humanity' in Ukraine  Newsmax
"Bucha" - Google News 11h
РБК: СДЭК ведет расследование из-за возможной утечки данных 25 млн клиентов
Она могла коснуться еще 30 тысяч контрагентов.
Аргументы и Факты 11h
Посольство РФ считает санкции Канады необоснованными и контрпродуктивными
Оттава ввела очередные санкции против нефтегазового, химического и промышленного секторов экономики РФ.
Аргументы и Факты 11h
Ocean Parkway residents worried about safety at intersection - News 12 Brooklyn
Ocean Parkway residents worried about safety at intersection  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 11h
Kazakhstan: Trapped between Russia and the West - POLITICO Europe
Kazakhstan: Trapped between Russia and the West  POLITICO Europe
"Russia" - Google News 11h
Ivana Trump dies in Manhattan home
Two people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press that police are investigating whether Ivana...
PIX11 News 11h
New York City preparing to distribute more monkeypox vaccines
This weekend, the monkeypox vaccine will be available in all five New York City boroughs.
PIX11 News 11h
Commuters react to violent subway attack
Riders are anxious after a 62-year-old man was attacked in the subway system Thursday.
PIX11 News 11h
What is Kaliningrad? Unique Russian territory that stirred up tensions between Moscow,...
What is Kaliningrad? Unique Russian territory that stirred up tensions between Moscow, EU  ThePrint
"Russian World" - Google News 11h
Trudeau Decision To Return Russian Gas Turbine Was "Very Difficult" -
Trudeau Decision To Return Russian Gas Turbine Was "Very Difficult"
"Russian World" - Google News 11h
Sara Bareilles on her remarkable career from pop hits to Broadway
Singer/songwriter Sara Bareilles is charting a new path as an actress. Bareilles, who is currently starring...
CBS New York 11h
Казахстан присоединяется к клубу стран, запретивших фильм «Базз Лайтер» из-за однополого...
Министр культуры говорит, что выполняет требования общественности.
Eurasianet: Русская Служба 11h
Казахстан: несладкая жизнь с инфляцией и дефицитом
Продовольственная инфляция почти достигла 20 процентов; некоторые товары подорожали на 80 процентов.
Eurasianet: Русская Служба 11h
NYPD Search for Robbers Who Beat, Kicked Victim at Gambling Joint - Casino.Org News
NYPD Search for Robbers Who Beat, Kicked Victim at Gambling Joint  Casino.Org News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 11h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 10PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 10PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 11h
Formula E racing circuit in Red Hook, Brooklyn - CBS New York
Some of the fastest cars in the world will zoom through the streets on a track in Brooklyn, but you probably...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11h
Actor Edward Norton trying to save historic Brooklyn mansion from destruction
The location was one of several New York City spots that served as a backdrop for Edward Norton's film...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11h
Edwin Baez Obituary (1963 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY - Legacy Remembers
Edwin Baez's passing on Sunday, July 10, 2022 has been publicly announced by Leone Funeral Home Inc in...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11h
Presumed monkeypox cases in NYC jump to 389; 50 new cases in last 24 hours - News...
Presumed monkeypox cases in NYC jump to 389; 50 new cases in last 24 hours  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 11h
Российские банки ожидают снижение ключевой ставки Центробанка до 9%
Отмечается, что в пользу дальнейшего смягчения монетарной политики выступают снижение инфляции, спад...
Аргументы и Факты 11h
Cargo Dragon 2 с грузом для МКС стартовал с космодрома во Флориде
Старт корабля неоднократно откладывался из-за различных технических неполадок.
Аргументы и Факты 11h
U.S. electric car sales climb sharply despite shortages | The Seattle Times
1 of 2 | A 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning pick-up, and electric vehicle, in production... (Brittany Greeson...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 11h
NYC Sees Fewer Construction Deaths, But New Safety Rules Draw Objections
At 8:37 a.m. on May 27, 2021, while jackhammering a roof section on a Brooklyn building, the section...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 11h
Ivana Trump, first wife of former President Donald Trump, has died - News 12 Brooklyn
Ivana Trump, first wife of former President Donald Trump, has died  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 11h
6 sharks spotted near Tobay Beach following sighting at Robert Moses - News 12 Brooklyn
6 sharks spotted near Tobay Beach following sighting at Robert Moses  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 11h
Divided Over Russia, G-20 Aims at Food Security, Debt Crises - Bloomberg
Divided Over Russia, G-20 Aims at Food Security, Debt Crises  Bloomberg
"Russia" - Google News 11h
Binghamton Police arrest Brooklyn landlord over multiple code violations in city...
Binghamton Police arrest Brooklyn landlord over multiple code violations in city  WBNG
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 11h
Obsession | (718) 769-0200 | Brooklyn - BizArchive
You can contact Obsession by phone using number (718) 769-0200. Obsession is located at 1151 Brighton...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 11h
Wyndham Garden LaGuardia South 61-18 93rd St New York , United States - Eluniverso
Wyndham Garden LaGuardia South 61-18 93rd St New York , United States. ... 265 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 11h
Donovan Mitchell's Cryptic Tweet Amid Trade Rumors - Sports Illustrated
Donovan Mitchell's Cryptic Tweet Amid Trade Rumors  Sports Illustrated
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 12h
Вершинин: Россия может увеличить экспорт продовольствия и удобрений в мире
Государство поставляет данные товары в Африку и на Ближний Восток, содействуя решению проблемы голода.
Аргументы и Факты 12h
Посольство РФ: американские журналисты раздувают тему биологического оружия
Дипломаты подчеркнули, что именно Вашингтон, а не Москва, запятнал свою репутацию в данной области.
Аргументы и Факты 12h
Brooklyn Center Man Indicted for Insurance Fraud After Staging a Politically Motivated...
Brooklyn Center Man Indicted for Insurance Fraud After Staging a Politically Motivated Arson Attack  Department...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 12h
News Wrap: Suspect in Buffalo massacre faces hate crimes - PBS NewsHour
News Wrap: Suspect in Buffalo massacre faces hate crimes  PBS NewsHour
"Russian New York" - Google News 12h
Newsmax's Greg Kelly faces heat for claiming Gov. Hochul hasn't done much other than...
Newsmax's Greg Kelly faces heat for claiming Gov. Hochul hasn't done much other than 'be somebody's wife'  New...
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 12h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 9PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 9PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 12h
Man, 21, dies after being struck by Manhattan hit-and-run driver - New York Daily...
Man, 21, dies after being struck by Manhattan hit-and-run driver  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 12h
Perpetual Groove Share 2022 Fall Tour - Relix
Photo Credit: Ian Rawn Photography Perpetual Groove have announced they will embark on an 18-date U.S....
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 12h
Rep. Zeldin Statement on Latest Antisemitic Attack in Brooklyn
WASHINGTON - Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus and one...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 12h
US House Of Representatives Approves Sanctions Waiver To India - NDTV
US House Of Representatives Approves Sanctions Waiver To India  NDTV
"Russian America" - Google News 12h
Ivana Trump, ex-wife of former president Donald Trump, dead at 73
Ivana Trump, the ex-wife of former president Donald Trump, has died. Her body was found inside her Upper...
CBS New York 12h
Severe storms leave behind damage on Long Island
Thunderstorms across Long Island turned severe Thursday night.
CBS New York 12h
Saved Web Pages – Daily Report at 9 p.m. [Inoreader digest]
Advertising at The News And Times 12h
Власти Канады ввели новые санкции в отношении России
Они касаются нефтегазового, промышленного и химического секторов российской экономики.
Аргументы и Факты 12h
Роналду отверг контракт на 275 миллионов евро от клуба из Саудовской Аравии
По данным СМИ, предложение могло сделать капитана португальской сборной самым высокооплачиваемым игроком...
Аргументы и Факты 12h
Secret Service erased texts from two-day period spanning Jan. 6 attack, watchdog...
A Secret Service spokesman disputes the Department of Homeland Security inspector general's account,...
News : NPR 12h
Manhattan Loses Businesses as Brooklyn Gains in Stark Tale of Two Boroughs - THE...
Using Google mobility data, the report also found that New Yorkers in every borough spent less time in...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 12h
RNC to help immigrants prepare for naturalization test - NY1
The Republican National Committee on Thursday announced a new outreach ... A more recent poll from the...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 12h
NYC's real estate rental market has reached a shocking point
Rising interest rates from the Fed have led would-be home buyers to turn to the rental market instead,...
brooklyn | New York Post 12h
Lansing police seek missing 16-year-old girl - WILX
Lansing police seek missing 16-year-old girl  WILX
"brooklyn news" - Google News 12h
Royce O'Neale Talks About Trade to Brooklyn in Interview -
Royce O'Neale Talks About Trade to Brooklyn in Interview
"brooklyn news" - Google News 12h
40 Brighton 1 Road 8A, Brooklyn, NY 11235 |
This home is located at 40 Brighton 1 Road 8a Brooklyn, Ny 11235 Us and has been listed on
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 12h
2783 BRIGHTON 8TH ST, Brooklyn, NY 11235 For Sale | MLS# 464237 | RE/MAX
Take a closer look at this $1499000, 7 bed, 4 bath, 3040 SqFt, Multi-Family for sale, located at 2783...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 12h
2845 w 37th St, Brooklyn, NY 11224 -
2940 Brighton 1st St, Brooklyn, NY 11235, $950,000, — /Sqft, 4 Bd, 3 Ba, Sqft, 2178 Sqft Lot, 1930, 1.91...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 12h
Oksana Mishchevskyy - Puppies For Sale - AKC Marketplace
Brooklyn, NY 11235 ... Oksana Mishchevskyy is from New York and breeds Yorkshire Terriers and Certified...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 12h
Russian Airstrikes Kill at Least 21 in Odesa - NBC New York
Russian Airstrikes Kill at Least 21 in Odesa  NBC New York
"Russian New York" - Google News 12h
Michael Ellis Jabaley, MD - Northside Sun
Michael Ellis Jabaley, MD  Northside Sun
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 12h
Let the Maccabiah Games begin!
President Biden (Twitter) 12h
Will Putin's war lead to the collapse of Fortress Russia? - Clingendael Institute
Will Putin's war lead to the collapse of Fortress Russia?  Clingendael Institute
"Russian World" - Google News 12h
'Age My Way': Brooklyn Public Library fair to celebrate seniors, share resources...
'Age My Way': Brooklyn Public Library fair to celebrate seniors, share resources July 15 • Brooklyn Paper  Brooklyn...
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 13h
'Paulie Walnuts' Sopranos actor is laid to rest in his native Brooklyn - Brooklyn...
'Paulie Walnuts' Sopranos actor is laid to rest in his native Brooklyn  Brooklyn Reader
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 13h
Model aircraft enthusiasts fly high at Calvert Vaux Park in Brooklyn - Spectrum News...
Model aircraft enthusiasts fly high at Calvert Vaux Park in Brooklyn  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 13h
Donovan Mitchell Trade: Jazz Asking Knicks About 8 First-Round Picks? NBA Tracker...
Donovan Mitchell Trade: Jazz Asking Knicks About 8 First-Round Picks? NBA Tracker  Sports Illustrated
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 13h
Ukraine Situation Report: Ukrainian Troops Training With Howitzers Optimized For...
Ukraine Situation Report: Ukrainian Troops Training With Howitzers Optimized For Guided Artillery Rounds  The...
"Russian New York" - Google News 13h
Elizabeth Crowley raises over $500000 in campaign for state Senate - City & State
Elizabeth Crowley raises over $500000 in campaign for state Senate  City & State
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 13h
«Известия»: в России могут ввести ГОСТ на строительство частных домов
Он также касается территорий малоэтажных поселков.
Аргументы и Факты 13h
Число пострадавших в результате обстрела в Донецке увеличилось до шести
Ранее сообщалось о двух погибших и трёх пострадавших.
Аргументы и Факты 13h
МИД РФ: односторонние антироссийские санкции обернутся глобальной рецессией
Они также могут привести к инфляции в западных странах, заявил замглавы МИД РФ Сергей Вершинин.
Аргументы и Факты 13h
Maloney opens Upper West Side campaign office – across the street from Nadler's
... New York Times story where Maloney couldn't recall the name of the iconic Upper West Side delicatessen...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 13h
Las Vegas Aces vs New York Liberty Jul 14, 2022 Game Summary -
Game Info. Location. Barclays Center. Brooklyn. NY. Officials. Angelica Suffren, Tim Greene, Ryan Sassano....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 13h
Theatre Critic Helen Shaw to Depart Vulture, and Joins The New Yorker Next Month
Since 2019, Shaw has served as theatre critic for New York magazine and its culture vertical, Vulture....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 13h
Formula E racing circuit in Red Hook, Brooklyn - CBS News
Formula E racing circuit in Red Hook, Brooklyn  CBS News
"brooklyn news" - Google News 13h
Road Trip: All aboard! Get ready to climb aboard the Naugatuck Railroad - News 12...
Road Trip: All aboard! Get ready to climb aboard the Naugatuck Railroad  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 13h
USA and Canada Upstream and Oilfield Services Market Report 2022: Trends that Transformed...
USA and Canada Upstream and Oilfield Services Market Report 2022: Trends that Transformed the Regional...
"Russian USA" - Google News 13h
Lying Pair Tricks 4 NYC Seniors Into Giving $30K to Free Jailed Family Who Was Never...
Lying Pair Tricks 4 NYC Seniors Into Giving $30K to Free Jailed Family Who Was Never in Jail  NBC New...
"weather Brooklyn NY" - Google News 13h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 8PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 8PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 13h
Through my decades of service, I've watched Israel grow into its founding fathers' and mothers' wildest...
President Biden (Twitter) 13h
Russian missiles leave wreckage in heart of Vinnytsia, Ukrainian city far from the...
Russian missiles leave wreckage in heart of Vinnytsia, Ukrainian city far from the front lines of war  The...
"Russian World" - Google News 13h
Russian-held Popasna in Ukraine is a ghost town after end of siege -
Russian-held Popasna in Ukraine is a ghost town after end of siege
"Russian World" - Google News 13h
What does Russia's debt default mean? Two experts explain - World Economic Forum
What does Russia's debt default mean? Two experts explain  World Economic Forum
"Russian World" - Google News 13h
Time Out New York's "Things to Do..." July 15-17, 2022
If you're looking for weekend plans, there's plenty of fun to be had in New York City. CBS2's Mary Calvi...
CBS New York 13h
Permits Filed for 186 Pennsylvania Avenue in East New York, Brooklyn
Located at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Glenmore Avenue, the lot is one block south of...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 13h
Blockbuster Trade? LeBron James Reportedly Wouldn't Want To Be Sent To This Team...
Blockbuster Trade? LeBron James Reportedly Wouldn't Want To Be Sent To This Team  Sports Illustrated
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 13h
Doctor's lawyer defends steps in girl's cross-state abortion - Spectrum News NY1
Doctor's lawyer defends steps in girl's cross-state abortion  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 13h
Yankees highlight organization bringing foster children to families - News 12 Brooklyn
Yankees highlight organization bringing foster children to families  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 13h
Gov. Hochul pledges funding to combat gun violence - News 12 Brooklyn
Gov. Hochul pledges funding to combat gun violence  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 13h
Dr. Wildys Rosario - Emergency Medicine, Brooklyn NY -
Dr. Wildys Rosario is an Emergency Medicine Specialist in Brooklyn, New York. ... 2601 Ocean Pkwy Brooklyn,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 13h
A retired US general says Russia's 'weakness' prevents it from advancing to make...
A retired US general says Russia's 'weakness' prevents it from advancing to make 'meaningful progress'...
"Russia" - Google News 13h
Manhattan Loses Businesses as Brooklyn Gains in Stark Tale of Two Boroughs
THE CITY - All 13h
Eric Adams Says He Wants to End 'Food Apartheid.' These Bed-Stuy Residents Are Trying...
THE CITY - All 13h
Goya hosts massive food drive at NJ headquarters
When the pandemic started, there was incredible need, so Goya stepped up and donated four million pounds...
PIX11 News 13h
Forecast: Muggy weather to continue through the weekend
Mother Nature kept the heat cranked up high for the third straight day as temperatures once again rose...
PIX11 News 13h's Guide to Fourth of July 2022 Events In New York City -'s Guide to Fourth of July 2022 Events In New York City
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 13h
Real Estate - The New York Times
Homes for Sale in New York City. This week's available properties are in Downtown Brooklyn, Hell's Kitchen...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 13h
Indian vegan, vegetarian food startup hosts exclusive dinner in New York
Co-founders of The Cumin Club, Ragoth Bala and Harish Visweswaran pose for a photo at the exclusive dinner...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 13h
5-year anniversary marked of college student fatally shot in East Flatbush - News...
5-year anniversary marked of college student fatally shot in East Flatbush  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 13h
How Did Ivana Trump Die? New Details Emerge From Her NYC Townhouse | NBC New York
Ivana Trump, a skier-turned-businesswoman who formed half of a publicity power couple in the 1980s as...
NBC New York 14h
РФ снимает ограничения на пересечение границы, введённые из-за COVID-19
Аргументы и Факты 14h
В Конгрессе США одобрили проект оборонного бюджета на 840 млрд долларов
«За» высказались 329 конгрессменов, а «против» — 101.
Аргументы и Факты 14h
Candidates vie for attention in crowded congressional primary - Spectrum News NY1
Candidates vie for attention in crowded congressional primary  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 14h
New York Times and Hasbro to release Wordle board game - WSGW 790 AM & 100.5 FM
Based off the hit online world puzzle, "Wordle: The Party Game," will be available for purchase in October....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 14h
How to make chocolate mousse, summer's best no-sweat dessert - Pioneer Press
She also melts an astonishing amount of butter into the chocolate, as does Ina Garten, a generation later....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 14h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 7PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 7PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 14h
The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act is proof that, even in today's politics, we can come together on...
President Biden (Twitter) 14h
Police searching for driver involved in hit-and-run
Officers discovered an unconscious man, 21, in the middle of an East Village street early Thursday morning.
PIX11 News 14h
Moose on the Loose: Knicks, Jazz talk Donovan Mitchell trade
PIX11's Marc Malusis talks Donovan Mitchell for Moose on the Loose.
PIX11 News 14h
Queens organization provides support for Afghan women refugees
It's been almost one year since the Taliban took back control of Afghanistan following the withdrawal...
PIX11 News 14h
Highlights from The Downballot: NY, MI updates and DCCC's fight to help Democrats...
Highlights from The Downballot: NY, MI updates and DCCC's fight to help Democrats win the House  Daily...
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 14h
Ivana Trump, first wife of former president, dies at 73
Ivana Trump, a skier-turned-businesswoman who formed half of a publicity power couple in the 1980s as...
Brooklyn Eagle 14h
Fort Hamilton gets new commander; ceremony attracts prominent guests
Fort Hamilton, the nation's fourth oldest Army post, held a change of command ceremony Tuesday, with...
Brooklyn Eagle 14h
Name of Russian Arms Dealer Surfaces in Possible Prisoner Swap - Voice of America...
Name of Russian Arms Dealer Surfaces in Possible Prisoner Swap  Voice of America - VOA News
"Russian New York" - Google News 14h
Reviled and revered Russian arms dealer is back in spotlight - Spectrum News NY1
Reviled and revered Russian arms dealer is back in spotlight  Spectrum News NY1
"Russian New York" - Google News 14h
Ivana Trump, 1st wife of former President Donald Trump, dies at 73
Ivana Trump, ex-wife of former President Donald Trump and the mother of his three eldest children, died...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 14h
Bronx father dying of rare disease approved for life-saving surgery
Bronx resident Anthony Di Laura, who is dying of a rare disease known as Pseudomyxoma Peritonei, will...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 14h
NYC to open more Monkeypox vaccine appointments
The New York City Health Department will make 8,200 monkeypox vaccine appointments available starting...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 14h
Shark Alley? More sightings off Long Island beaches after 6 bites
Long Island beachgoers are urged to be on alert after multiple shark bite incidents in the last two weeks,...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 14h
Mayor unveils future of NYC Ferry after audit uncovers huge losses
Mayor Eric Adams unveiled his vision for the future of NYC Ferry, the city-run ferry service that has...
Eyewitness News ABC7NY 14h
Fiona Hill says Trump's election lies have created a 'recipe for communal violence'...
Fiona Hill says Trump's election lies have created a 'recipe for communal violence' that could foster...
"Russian Mob" - Google News 14h
Bloomberg прогнозировал господство России в регулировании цен на нефть
РФ будет работать над привлечением иностранных партнеров к закупке нефти, чтобы достигнуть объемов торговли,...
Аргументы и Факты 14h
Трамп принял решение по поводу участия в выборах президента США в 2024 году
При этом республиканец не огласил своё решение, однако выразил уверенность в победе в случае участия.
Аргументы и Факты 14h
Putin's Russia: dictator syndrome and the rise of a 'mafia state' – video -...
Putin's Russia: dictator syndrome and the rise of a 'mafia state' – video  The Guardian
"Russian Speaking Mafia" - Google News 14h
Obi, "Obidients": Fifteen Minutes of Fame? - The News
Obi, "Obidients": Fifteen Minutes of Fame?  The News
"panama papers" - Google News 14h
2939 Avenue Y Apt 3A, Brooklyn, NY 11235 - HotPads
Brooklyn, NY 11235. $1,375Monthly Rent. StudioBeds. 1Baths. 550Sqft. Check availability. Request to apply....
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 14h
346 91 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11209 |
This home is located at 346 91 Street Brooklyn, Ny 11209 Us and has been listed on since 13...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 14h
2675 E 26th St., Brooklyn, NY 11235 (For Sale NYStateMLS Listing #11093079)
2675 E 26th St., Brooklyn, NY 11235 ... First time on the market! Welcome home to this rare opportunity...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 14h
Dover Patrol Monument - Tourist Attraction in Brooklyn, NY, John Paul Jones Park
Brooklyn, NY. Dover Patrol Monument, tourist attraction in Brooklyn, New York. This Historical landmark...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 14h
China aid to Russian military prompts sanctions on 5 companies - The Washington Post
China aid to Russian military prompts sanctions on 5 companies  The Washington Post
"Russian USA" - Google News 14h
Man Wanted in 3 Forcible Touching Incidents in Brooklyn - NBC New York
Man Wanted in 3 Forcible Touching Incidents in Brooklyn  NBC New York
"weather Brooklyn NY" - Google News 14h
Paterson teams up with Passaic County to tackle quality-of-life issues
They'll help officials address quality-of-life matters that have plagued residents for years. Loud motorbikes...
PIX11 News 14h
Guide dogs train at JFK Terminal 4
The Guide Dog Foundation has kicked off a partnership with the operator of Terminal 4 at John F. Kennedy...
PIX11 News 14h
William Lofton-Foster Obituary (1986 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY - Legacy Remembers
... June 29, 2022 has been publicly announced by Sampson Funeral Service, Inc. - Brooklyn in Brooklyn,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 14h
He Wanted a New Condo (With a Bathroom Sink) for Less Than $1 Million. These Were...
His hunt stretched from Lower Manhattan into Brooklyn. Kate Glicksberg for The New York Times. When Jayesh...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 14h
Formula E coming to Red Hook, Brooklyn - CBS New York
The streets of New York will be filled with race cars this weekend for the Formula E event. These are...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 14h
10 Exciting Restaurant Debuts In NYC This Week - Thrillist
New offerings beyond ramen at Tonchin Brooklyn | Photo by Ashley Randall ... Everything lathered with...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 14h
Putin crisis as OWN people abandon him in 'second wave' of Russians escaping brutal...
Putin crisis as OWN people abandon him in 'second wave' of Russians escaping brutal regime  Express
"Russian World" - Google News 14h
Actor Edward Norton trying to save historic Brooklyn mansion from destruction - New...
Actor Edward Norton trying to save historic Brooklyn mansion from destruction  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 14h
Kyrie Irving 'Has Every Intention' of Playing for Nets: Truth or Leverage Play? -...
Kyrie Irving 'Has Every Intention' of Playing for Nets: Truth or Leverage Play?  Sports Illustrated
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 14h
La ciudad de Nueva York es considerada como la segunda más cara del mundo | El Minuto...
En medio de una inflación por las altas nubes, solo Hong Kong tiene el costo de alquiler más caro que...
NBC New York 15h
NYC is Now Considered the Second Most Expensive City in the World | El Minuto (English)
Amid skyrocketing inflation, only Hong Kong has more expensive rental costs than the Big Apple.
NBC New York 15h
Inflation Hits 41-Year High: Tips to Save Money at Grocery Store #shorts
Surging prices for gas, food and rent catapulted U.S. inflation to a new four-decade peak in June, further...
NBC New York 15h
Experts document alleged crimes against humanity committed by Russian forces in Ukraine...
Experts document alleged crimes against humanity committed by Russian forces in Ukraine  KAKE
"Bucha" - Google News 15h
Three of History's Most Unusual Assassinations - SOFREP
Three of History's Most Unusual Assassinations  SOFREP
"Russian Mob" - Google News 15h
Chris Vernon Show: Check My Resume -
Chris Vernon Show: Check My Resume
"Russian Mob" - Google News 15h
Sharply lower refined product prices may lead to record July imports for Latin America...
Sharply lower refined product prices may lead to record July imports for Latin America  S&P Global
"Russian America" - Google News 15h
What The New York Times isn't telling you about a 'sixth' COVID wave
The New York Times is wondering why New Yorkers aren't paying much attention to the latest wave of COVID-19....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
New York Times and Hasbro to release Wordle board game | Sandhills Express
The game was first created by Brooklyn-based software engineer Josh Wardle in October 2021 as a gift...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Real Estate's Hottest Markets Reveal a Seismic Shift—and a New No. 1 -
Margaret Heidenry is a writer living in Brooklyn, NY. Her work has appeared in the New York Times Magazine,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Opinion: Rejecting the Notion of a 'Feminist' Jail for Harlem - City Limits
"Do New York City's leaders intend to build a new jail every time an old ... Hochul has publicly championed...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Wordle Is Being Turned Into a Board Game - NBC New York
and New York Times Games, Wordle: The Party Game is coming to a store near you. It'll still be the same...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
ALERT: Biden Donor Charged With Double Murder - Free Beacon
The New York Times reports: The killings immediately put scrutiny on the Murdaugh family and the deaths...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
РБК: гендиректор «Вкусно — и точка» объяснил проблемы с картофелем фри
Это связано с отказом мировых производителей поставлять его в Россию и нехваткой в стране подходящих...
Аргументы и Факты 15h
В поступившей в посольство РФ в Бразилии посылке находилась каска
Диппредставительство продолжает работу в штатном режиме.
Аргументы и Факты 15h
Police appeal for information following Brooklyn ram-raid | Scoop News - Scoop
Police appeal for information following Brooklyn ram-raid | Scoop News  Scoop
"brooklyn news" - Google News 15h
Brooklyn Park Council to Huntington Place Apartments Owner: 'You Are on Notice' -...
Brooklyn Park Council to Huntington Place Apartments Owner: 'You Are on Notice'
"brooklyn news" - Google News 15h
Road Trip: Close to Home - The Maritime Industry Museum - News 12 Brooklyn
Road Trip: Close to Home - The Maritime Industry Museum  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 15h
Thieves Trick NYC Woman Into Thinking Car Hit Hers, Then Steal Her Mom's Purse: Cops...
Thieves Trick NYC Woman Into Thinking Car Hit Hers, Then Steal Her Mom's Purse: Cops  NBC New York
"brooklyn news" - Google News 15h
NYC COVID Transmission Soars 33% in Week (45% in One Borough); Chart Shows BA.5 Rise...
NYC COVID Transmission Soars 33% in Week (45% in One Borough); Chart Shows BA.5 Rise  NBC New York
"weather Brooklyn NY" - Google News 15h
First Alert Forecast: CBS2 7/14 Evening Weather at 6PM
CBS2's John Elliott has your First Alert Forecast for July 14 at 6 p.m.
CBS New York 15h
CBS mourns the loss of longtime porter Ramon Nunez
We are mourning the loss of a member of our CBS family. Ramon Nunez worked in the CBS Broadcast Center...
CBS New York 15h
Connecticut, parts of Long Island experiencing drought conditions
Thursday, Fairfield County and every other county in Connecticut entered Stage 2 drought conditions.
CBS New York 15h
DEP overwhelmed by extra trash being flushed into NYC system
Overwhelmed with extra trash being flushed into the system, the Department of Environmental Protection...
CBS New York 15h
Pedro Pabon Obituary (1932 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY -
Pedro Pabon Obituary (1932 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 15h
Council Members Seek City Oversight for Fast-Grocery Services
THE CITY - All 15h
Horizons NYC helps kids learn during summer
There's no doubt the pandemic left many families struggling to keep their children on the right path...
PIX11 News 15h
Another shark encounter closes Long Island beach; bite victim returns to work
A shark sighting closed down a Long Island beach Thursday, bringing the number of shark encounters that...
PIX11 News 15h
Macron warns France to brace for Russian gas cutoff - PBS NewsHour
Macron warns France to brace for Russian gas cutoff  PBS NewsHour
"Russian World" - Google News 15h
Cyber Firm Group-IB to Split Russian, International Businesses - U.S. News & World...
Cyber Firm Group-IB to Split Russian, International Businesses  U.S. News & World Report
"Russian World" - Google News 15h
New quality-of-life squad in Paterson meant to address community concerns - News...
New quality-of-life squad in Paterson meant to address community concerns  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 15h
A lesson in discipline: It's Sheriff Youth Week for more than 54 high school-aged...
A lesson in discipline: It's Sheriff Youth Week for more than 54 high school-aged kids  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 15h
Reactions mixed as Buffalo supermarket reopens after mass shooting
The Tops supermarket in Buffalo, where 10 Black people were shot and killed, reopens Friday morning....
CBS New York 15h
Another Long Island shark attack prompts more warnings
There's a warning to beachgoers and swimmers after yet another shark attack on Long Island. CBS2's Jennifer...
CBS New York 15h
Ivana Trump dies at age 73
Ivana Trump, former president Donald Trump's first wife and the mother of his three eldest children,...
CBS New York 15h
Experts document alleged crimes against humanity committed by Russian forces in Ukraine...
Experts document alleged crimes against humanity committed by Russian forces in Ukraine  KTVZ
"Bucha" - Google News 15h
Brittney Griner situation explained: WNBA star's Russian teammate, club director...
Brittney Griner situation explained: WNBA star's Russian teammate, club director serve as character witnesses  CBS...
"Russian New York" - Google News 15h
City Council passes bills to expand, protect abortion rights in rebuke to SCOTUS...
City Council passes bills to expand, protect abortion rights in rebuke to SCOTUS decision  Politics NY
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 15h
Required Reading - Hyperallergic
On July 10, the Lincoln Center in New York hosted a massive ... at 91 North Sixth Street in Brooklyn...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Allyson Felix Reflects on Footprints She's Leaving on Track -
(AP) -- Before crossing the finish line for the very last time in a ... She explained in a New York Times...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Amazon offers concessions to head off EU antitrust cases - The Seattle Times
The company also said it has "serious concerns" about new EU digital ... AP Business Writer Haleluya...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
New York passed a law defining no-guns zones. Where exactly? That's complicated.
July 14, 2022 Greg B. Smith, THE CITY. Tourists packed into Times Square after the city started to fully...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston |
HOUSTON — New York Times Best-Selling Author and Outdoor Enthusiast Baratunde ... Baratunde serves on...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 15h
Opening the Fidentia can of worms (again) - Moneyweb
Opening the Fidentia can of worms (again)  Moneyweb
"panama papers" - Google News 15h
На оставленных ВСУ позициях в ЛНР обнаружили ферму по выращиванию марихуаны
Она расположена под Лисичанском и оснащена всем необходимым оборудованием.
Аргументы и Факты 15h
В Луганской области раздали 17 тысяч шоколадок «Алёшка»
Ранее в честь восьмилетнего мальчика Алёши, который регулярно встречает и провожает проезжающих мимо...
Аргументы и Факты 15h
No Arrests Made in Brutal Beating of Orthodox Jewish Brooklyn Man - National Review
No Arrests Made in Brutal Beating of Orthodox Jewish Brooklyn Man  National Review
"brooklyn news" - Google News 15h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 6PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 6PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 15h
Alex Murdaugh, Bill Gates, Biden in Israel, Brittney Griner. It's Thursday's news....
Alex Murdaugh, Bill Gates, Biden in Israel, Brittney Griner. It's Thursday's news.  USA TODAY
"Russian USA" - Google News 15h
OnPolitics: Why Israel-Saudi Arabia relations are so important to the US - USA TODAY
OnPolitics: Why Israel-Saudi Arabia relations are so important to the US  USA TODAY
"Russian USA" - Google News 15h
Family seeks answers about overdose death of Rikers inmate - New York Daily News
Family seeks answers about overdose death of Rikers inmate  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 15h
NYC Education Dept. projects enrollment will fall by 30,000 - New York Daily News
NYC Education Dept. projects enrollment will fall by 30,000  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 15h
Suspect in the Buffalo mass shooting has been indicted on federal hate crime charges
The white gunman has been held without bail since his arrest after the May 14 shooting that killed 10...
News : NPR 15h
Sculptures at Brooklyn Bridge Park explore Black identity
A temporary sculpture exhibition in Brooklyn Bridge Park is celebrating Black artists. As CBS2's Hannah...
CBS New York 15h
"Big Brother 24" first eviction episode airs Thursday on CBS2
The summer reality hit "Big Brother" is back for a 24th season. Sixteen contestants were barely settled...
CBS New York 15h
Sara Bareilles charting a new career as an actress on stage and screen
Singer/songwriter Sara Bareilles is charting a new path as an actress. She's currently starring in the...
CBS New York 15h
Candidates vie for new congressional seat
New York's most crowded and competitive race for Congress may be shaping up as a three-person race.
PIX11 News 15h
Mother of woman killed in burning car defends her daughter
The mother of Nikki Huang, a 22-year-old woman found fatally shot in the head in the passenger seat of...
PIX11 News 15h
New York City Council votes to further strengthen abortion access
The New York City Council voted to pass the NYC Abortion Rights Act on Thursday. If signed into law by...
PIX11 News 15h
NYC working to distribute monkeypox vaccine as cases grow
There are nearly 400 confirmed cases of monkeypox in New York City, but that number may already be much...
PIX11 News 15h
What to do in queer NYC July 14-17 - Gay City News
What to do in queer NYC July 14-17  Gay City News
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 15h
House lays out demands for Pentagon over Russia, extremism, inflation - The Washington...
House lays out demands for Pentagon over Russia, extremism, inflation  The Washington Post
"Russia" - Google News 15h
New York and Montreal bagel fans face off in Brooklyn, but don't call it a competition
New York and Montreal bagel fans face off in Brooklyn, but don't call it a competition. By Julia Gergely...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
Ivana Trump, a former wife of Donald Trump, dies at 73 - The Washington Post
... as they board their luxury yacht the Trump Princess in New York. ... a ceremony at Grand Army Plaza's...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
Caught on Camera: Men pull rabbi from his car, attack him in front of his young son
BROOKLYN, Ny. – South Florida's Jewish community is sending their support to a rabbi, who was beaten...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
The Beths Share 'Expert in a Dying Field' title track; North American tour starts...
29 - Brooklyn, NY @ BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Festival Sun. Jul. 31 - Denver, CO @ UMS - The Underground...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
Formula E in New York: How to watch, stream, preview for the New York City E-Prix...
CBS Sports speaks to Formula E co-founder Alberto Longo as the series returns to Brooklyn this weekend.
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
Brooklyn Developer Says Main Street "Eyesore" Will Become Trendy Bunkhouse Hotel
A Brooklyn, N.Y., developer said Thursday he plans to convert a longtime "eyesore" on East Main Street...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
The endorsements for New York's 10th Congressional District - City and State NY
Get it in your inbox. Sign Up Now! Elected officials: New York City Council Member Mercedes Narcisse....
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
Woman killed, 6-year-old injured after scooter crashes into SUV in Brooklyn - New...
A woman was killed when she drove a motorized scooter into an SUV with her 6-year-old son in tow in Brooklyn...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
Woman struck by stray bullet inside Brooklyn apartment, police say
LIVE UPDATESHow Coronavirus is Impacting New York.
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
A new Hermès store is opening in Williamsburg - Time Out
... in Brooklyn's trendy Williamsburg neighborhood is the latest sign that remote work is helping revitalize...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 15h
A Russian strike on a humanitarian hub is part of a pattern, Ukrainian officials...
A Russian strike on a humanitarian hub is part of a pattern, Ukrainian officials say – Nation & World...
"Russian World" - Google News 15h
Report: Russian Red Cross Violating Neutrality Pledge - Newsmax
Report: Russian Red Cross Violating Neutrality Pledge  Newsmax
"Russian World" - Google News 15h
Anniversary vigil held for 1-year-old child lost to gun violence - News 12 Brooklyn
Anniversary vigil held for 1-year-old child lost to gun violence  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 15h
Headstones Dating Back to 1600s Destroyed in Brooklyn Cemetery - NBC New York
Headstones Dating Back to 1600s Destroyed in Brooklyn Cemetery  NBC New York
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 15h
Dad speaks about daughter Amber Duncan-Wilson's 10-year-old cold case
It's been ten years since a Linden teenager was shot and killed just days after her high school graduation,...
CBS New York 16h
Progressives Have Abandoned Haredi Children - Jewish Currents
Progressives Have Abandoned Haredi Children  Jewish Currents
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 16h
Today in History: Today is Thursday, July 14, the 195th day of 2022. -
Today in History: Today is Thursday, July 14, the 195th day of 2022.
"Russian America" - Google News 16h
Brooklyn man accused of leaving 8 children unsupervised in condemned building in...
Brooklyn man accused of leaving 8 children unsupervised in condemned building in Ellenville  News 12...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 16h
Report: US airlines lost, damaged or delayed nearly 220K bags in June; 135% increase...
Report: US airlines lost, damaged or delayed nearly 220K bags in June; 135% increase from June 2021  News...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 16h
'Sopranos' star Tony Sirico laid to rest at Brooklyn funeral - New York Daily News
'Sopranos' star Tony Sirico laid to rest at Brooklyn funeral  New York Daily News
"brooklyn news" - Google News 16h
Пушков предрек очередной сильный удар по образу США в мире
Это связано с угрозами Штатов применить силу против Ирана.
Аргументы и Факты 16h
Президент РФ подписал закон об исполнении бюджета за 2021 год
Доходы федеральной казны составили 25,286 триллиона рублей, превысив утверждённые законом о бюджете показатели...
Аргументы и Факты 16h
‘That's Not Luck:' Group Steals Whole ATMS, $60K Cash From 42 NYC Businesses...
'That's Not Luck:' Group Steals Whole ATMS, $60K Cash From 42 NYC Businesses in 6 Months  NBC New York
"weather Brooklyn NY" - Google News 16h
NAACP National Convention begins Thursday in Atlantic City
The 113th NAACP National Convention is underway in Atlantic City for the next week.
CBS New York 16h
Car theft plaguing Nassau County on Long Island
Car theft is out of control on Long Island, and police in Nassau County are reaching across state lines...
CBS New York 16h
Formula E coming to Red Hook, Brooklyn
The streets of New York will be filled with race cars this weekend for the Formula E event. These are...
CBS New York 16h
Average monthly rent in Manhattan rises over $5,000
Living in New York City has always been expensive but not like this.
CBS New York 16h
New proposal aims to get rid of horse-drawn carriages in NYC
There is a renewed effort to get rid of horse-drawn carriages in New York City. The new proposal out...
CBS New York 16h
Ivana Trump, a former wife of Donald Trump, dies at 73 - The Washington Post
Ivana Trump, a former wife of Donald Trump, dies at 73  The Washington Post
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 16h
Caught on Camera: Men pull rabbi from his car, attack him in front of his young son...
Caught on Camera: Men pull rabbi from his car, attack him in front of his young son  WPLG Local 10
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 16h
Man dies after train drags him onto tracks: MTA officials - Spectrum News NY1
Man dies after train drags him onto tracks: MTA officials  Spectrum News NY1
"Midwood Brooklyn NY" - Google News 16h
'Hmong Community Explore Your Parks' Takes Place Saturday in Brooklyn Center -
'Hmong Community Explore Your Parks' Takes Place Saturday in Brooklyn Center
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
Police: Bridgeport woman arrested for helping murder suspect flee state to Tennessee...
Police: Bridgeport woman arrested for helping murder suspect flee state to Tennessee  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
Twitter service appears to return after outage - News 12 Brooklyn
Twitter service appears to return after outage  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 16h
Highly Opinionated: An Editor's Favorite New York-Style Pizza in Los Angeles - Eater...
Highly Opinionated: An Editor's Favorite New York-Style Pizza in Los Angeles  Eater LA
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 16h
Governor Hochul Announces $13.6 Million to Fight Gun Violence, Aid Victims and Survivors,...
Governor Hochul Announces $13.6 Million to Fight Gun Violence, Aid Victims and Survivors, and Bolster...
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 16h
Suspect Revealed In Fatal Bed-Stuy Shooting, Cops Say - Patch
Suspect Revealed In Fatal Bed-Stuy Shooting, Cops Say  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 16h
Woman struck by stray bullet inside Crown Heights apartment
Police are searching for a suspect after a woman was hit by a stray bullet while asleep in her apartment...
CBS New York 16h
Buffalo supermarket set to reopen 2 months after mass shooting
Two months after the Buffalo mass shooting, a grand jury Thursday issued hate crimes and firearms charges...
CBS New York 16h
NYC health department announces new monkeypox vaccine release strategy
New York City's health department has announced its new strategy for administering the monkeypox vaccine....
CBS New York 16h
Shark spotted at Tobay Beach in Oyster Bay
Officials on Long Island are warning beachgoers and swimmers to be on alert after a shark was spotted...
CBS New York 16h
US calls for halt to Russian 'filtration' operations, forced deportation of Ukrainians...
US calls for halt to Russian 'filtration' operations, forced deportation of Ukrainians  New York Post...
"Russian New York" - Google News 16h
Chelsea Peretti Makes Feature Directorial Debut With ‘First Time Female Director’...
Chelsea Peretti Makes Feature Directorial Debut With 'First Time Female Director' For Fox's MarVista...
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 16h
New York says applications for first cannabis retail licenses could open up next...
Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition at Javits Center in New York City. ..
Gothamist 16h
Bipartisan Legislation Looks to Increase Oversight of National Security Consulting...
Bipartisan Legislation Looks to Increase Oversight of National Security Consulting Firms to Prevent Chinese,...
"Russian America" - Google News 16h
US Treasury chief says inflation is 'unacceptably high' - Anadolu Agency | English
US Treasury chief says inflation is 'unacceptably high'  Anadolu Agency | English
"Russian America" - Google News 16h
Formula E in New York: How to watch, stream, preview for the New York City E-Prix...
Location: Brooklyn Street Circuit -- Red Hook, Brooklyn, N.Y.. Time: 1 p.m. ET TV: CBS Stream: Paramount+....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Homes for Sale in New York City
This week's available properties are in Downtown Brooklyn, ... some properties may no longer be available...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Preview: Formula E in New York - RACER
... fifth trip to Brooklyn's Red Hook neighborhood, and for a fourth time it's ... The New York races...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
10 Exciting Restaurant Debuts In NYC This Week - Thrillist
New offerings beyond ramen at Tonchin Brooklyn | Photo by Ashley Randall ... we highly recommend making...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
In response to Roe ruling, Democrats push abortion access bills - NY1
... pregnancies in search of illegal abortions, The New York Times reported. ... content producer for...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
Average Manhattan rent surpasses $5000 a month for the first time
Unlike in Manhattan and Brooklyn, the number of new leases signed in June shrunk by 1%, to 400 leases....
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
She Said: First trailer released for new film about Harvey Weinstein investigation...
Film follows New York Times journalists Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, played by Zoe Kazan and Carey Mulligan.
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 16h
New York and Montreal bagel fans face off in Brooklyn, but don't call it a competition...
New York and Montreal bagel fans face off in Brooklyn, but don't call it a competition  Cleveland Jewish...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 16h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 5PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 5PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 16h
Дизайнер Лебедев: мне и моим родным желали смерти после посещения ДНР
Также он побывал в Херсонской и Запорожской областях.
Аргументы и Факты 16h
Церемония вручения премии Grammy состоится 5 февраля в Лос-Анджелесе
Номинанты будут объявлены 15 ноября текущего года.
Аргументы и Факты 16h
Лукашенко: Украина была потеряна задолго до начала военной спецоперации
Он выразил уверенность, что украинский народ вернется в славянскую семью.
Аргументы и Факты 16h
Ivana Trump, ex-wife of former president Trump, found dead
Born behind the Iron Curtain and later facing the harsh media spotlight in New York City as her marriage...
CBS New York 16h
Ivana Trump, former president's first wife, dies at 73
Ivana Trump, the first wife of former president Donald Trump, was found dead in her Manhattan apartment...
CBS New York 16h
A faith divided: Ukrainian churches infiltrated by Moscow - Deseret News
A faith divided: Ukrainian churches infiltrated by Moscow  Deseret News
"Russian New York" - Google News 17h
Bragg charges woman who pepper-sprayed Asian women on NYC streets charged with hate...
Madeline Barker, 47, of Meritt Island, Florida, allegedly attacked four Asian women. [ more ›...
Gothamist 17h
Jousting with management? Medieval Times cast may join NJ's growing unionized workforce...
At the Medieval Times dinner theater in Lyndhurst, New Jersey, knights joust during a 2015...
Gothamist 17h
A Russian strike on a humanitarian hub is part of a pattern, Ukrainian officials...
More than 20 people were killed when Russian missiles hit several buildings in Vinnytsia, a central city...
News : NPR 17h
Lifeguard returns to work after shark bite at Smith Point - News 12 Brooklyn
Lifeguard returns to work after shark bite at Smith Point  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 17h
De Blasio lags in New York's 10th congressional district race; Carlina Rivera and...
De Blasio lags in New York's 10th congressional district race; Carlina Rivera and Yuh-line Niou leading...
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 17h
В ГД подготовили запрет на информацию с описанием отношений ЛГБТ с детьми
Глава комитета по культуре Елена Ямпольская заявила, что направила эту инициативу в кабмин для получения...
Аргументы и Факты 17h
Умерла первая жена Дональда Трампа Ивана
Ей было 73 года.
Аргументы и Факты 17h
Formula E in New York: How to watch, stream, preview for the New York City E-Prix...
Formula E in New York: How to watch, stream, preview for the New York City E-Prix  CBS Sports
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 17h
Brooklyn Developer Says Main Street "Eyesore" Will Become Trendy Bunkhouse Hotel...
Brooklyn Developer Says Main Street "Eyesore" Will Become Trendy Bunkhouse Hotel  The Chattanoogan
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 17h
Ivana Trump, first wife of Donald Trump, is dead at 73
Ivana Trump, the first wife of former President Donald Trump, has died at the age of 73, the Trump family...
News : NPR 17h
New York and Montreal bagel fans face off in Brooklyn, but don't call it a competition...
New York and Montreal bagel fans face off in Brooklyn, but don't call it a competition  JTA News - Jewish...
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 17h
What happens to Germany if Russia turns off the gas? - DW (English)
What happens to Germany if Russia turns off the gas?  DW (English)
Russia - Google News 17h
Organizers reveal results of annual Road Rally completion - Sanibel-Captiva Islander
Organizers reveal results of annual Road Rally completion  Sanibel-Captiva Islander
"Red Mafia" - Google News 17h
США ослабили санкции против России
Министерство финансов США разрешило проводить сделки с Россией по удобрениям, продовольствию, посевным...
Каспаров.Ru 17h
NYC Ferry service to launch discounted fare program in September, Adams says
A single ride can cost low-income New Yorkers, senior citizens and people with disabilities $1.35...
Gothamist 17h
Downtown Brooklyn jail gains support from community to close Rikers Island - Crain's...
Downtown Brooklyn jail gains support from community to close Rikers Island  Crain's New York Business
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 17h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 4PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 4PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 17h
USA and Canada Upstream and Oilfield Services Market Report 2022: Trends that Transformed...
USA and Canada Upstream and Oilfield Services Market Report 2022: Trends that Transformed the Regional...
"Russian USA" - Google News 17h
2516 Hubbard St Apt 2, Brooklyn, NY 11235 - HotPads
Brooklyn, NY 11235. $3,295Monthly Rent. 3Beds. 2Baths. Be the first to contact! Request to apply. Powered...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 11235 17h
Rolling Stones' writer expands on life with the band in revised book - New York Daily...
Rolling Stones' writer expands on life with the band in revised book  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 17h
NYC Subway Rider Killed in Terrifying Accident Wasn't Trapped by His Pants: MTA -...
NYC Subway Rider Killed in Terrifying Accident Wasn't Trapped by His Pants: MTA  NBC New York
"weather Brooklyn NY" - Google News 17h
Путин разрешил ТЦ расторгать договоры аренды с уходящими ритейлерами
Также они могут требовать от иностранных брендов прежние суммы арендной платы.
Аргументы и Факты 17h
Эксперт рассказал, как избежать мошенников при покупке авто за рубежом
В первую очередь нужно оценить надежность компании-продавца.
Аргументы и Факты 17h
Медведев опубликовал коллаж после новости о возможной отставке Драги
Зампред Совбеза допустил продолжение отставок западных политиков.
Аргументы и Факты 17h
NYC announces more monkeypox vaccination sites, appointments - Gay City News
NYC announces more monkeypox vaccination sites, appointments  Gay City News
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 17h
APSCA needs kitten fosters, adopters
Gemma Smith from ASPCA joined New York Living to urge New Yorkers to foster or adopt adorable kittens.
PIX11 News 17h
Park Slope Courier: July 15, 2022
Click here.
Brooklyn Paper 17h
Bay Ridge Courier: July 15, 2022
Click here.
Brooklyn Paper 17h
Mill–Marine Courier: July 15, 2022
Click here.
Brooklyn Paper 17h
Brooklyn Paper: July 15, 2022
Click here.
Brooklyn Paper 17h
Bay News: July 15, 2022
Click here.
Brooklyn Paper 17h
Brooklyn Graphic: July 15, 2022
Click here.
Brooklyn Paper 17h
Donovan Mitchell trade: What could Utah Jazz get from New York Knicks? - Deseret...
Donovan Mitchell trade: What could Utah Jazz get from New York Knicks?  Deseret News
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 17h
Missing Brownsville Teen Last Seen In Downtown Brooklyn, Cops Say - Patch
Missing Brownsville Teen Last Seen In Downtown Brooklyn, Cops Say  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 17h
Ukraine, Russia see positive signs for grain deal; wheat prices ease -
Ukraine, Russia see positive signs for grain deal; wheat prices ease
"Russian World" - Google News 18h
Ukraine Live Updates: WNBA Star Returns to Russian Court After Pleading Guilty -...
Ukraine Live Updates: WNBA Star Returns to Russian Court After Pleading Guilty  The New York Times
"Russian New York" - Google News 18h
Eric Adams proposes solution for NYC commuter ferry woes
Getting around New York should not feel like you are running a 5K." That's the way Mayor Eric Adams clarified...
Brooklyn Eagle 18h
Ковбои Harley Davidson из столицы Техаса тоже поддержали Украину
Собранные средства направили организации "Свобода Украине". Диллершип Харли-Дэвидсон в Техасе (Cowboy... 18h
Russian missiles kill at least 22 in Ukraine, wound over 100 - The Times of Northwest...
Russian missiles kill at least 22 in Ukraine, wound over 100  The Times of Northwest Indiana
"Trump and the Russian Mob" - Google News 18h
Viewpoint: Keep calm and carry on like Gramma Evelyn - Mount Desert Islander - Mount...
Viewpoint: Keep calm and carry on like Gramma Evelyn - Mount Desert Islander  Mount Desert Islander
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 18h
Extra Extra: *Meryl Streep removes glasses*
Because it's game over when Meryl's specs come off, here are your end-of-day links: Heat wave...
Gothamist 18h
On a Brooklyn Warehouse, Oscar Yi Hou Uplifts His Community - Brooklyn Reader
On a Brooklyn Warehouse, Oscar Yi Hou Uplifts His Community  Brooklyn Reader
"brooklyn news" - Google News 18h
What does euro dollar parity mean for businesses and consumers? - AS USA
What does euro dollar parity mean for businesses and consumers?  AS USA
"Russian USA" - Google News 18h
Захарова прокомментировала призыв посольства США в Киеве к согражданам
По ее мнению, Вашингтон провоцирует конфликт в стране, поставляя оружие.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
Финансист назвал несколько валют, которые можно покупать за рубли
В списке отсутствуют евро и доллар США.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
Эксперт рассказал о причинах «премьеропада» в Европе
Драги стал третьим европейским премьер-министром, объявившим об уходе в отставку.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
Our Favorite Hair Ties, Scrunchies, and Clips - The New York Times
Our Favorite Hair Ties, Scrunchies, and Clips  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 18h
Third Long Island Shark Attack in 10 Days Shuts Down Beach | News 4 Now
Another shark attack occurred this morning at Smith Point County Park, making it the third in just ten...
NBC New York 18h
Actress and singer Meg Donnelly in out of the world for 'Zombies 3'
Actress and singer Meg Donnelly joined the PIX11 Morning News to talk about "Zombies 3."
PIX11 News 18h
'Star Trek' O.G. George Takei sings a pretty tune while talking about his new movie...
George Takei sings a pretty tune while talking about his new movie "Paws of Fury" on the PIX11 Morning...
PIX11 News 18h
Celebrating National Mac & Cheese Day
Mac Shack in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn has perfected its recipe throughout the years. It's one of New York...
PIX11 News 18h
These Are the Priciest NYC Neighborhoods to Buy Property, Study Says - NBC New York
These Are the Priciest NYC Neighborhoods to Buy Property, Study Says  NBC New York
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 18h
As COVID protections end, foreclosures and homelessness in Brooklyn could be poised...
As homeowners struggle to recover from a loss of work or income brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic,...
Brooklyn Paper 18h
Brooklyn Home Prices Soar to Record Highs in Second Quarter, But Feverish Market...
Brooklyn Home Prices Soar to Record Highs in Second Quarter, But Feverish Market Could Chill  Brownstoner
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 18h
New quality-of-life squad in Paterson meant to address community concerns - News...
New quality-of-life squad in Paterson meant to address community concerns  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 18h
These are the 55 Brooklyn restaurants participating in Restaurant Week - Brooklyn...
These are the 55 Brooklyn restaurants participating in Restaurant Week  Brooklyn Reader
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 18h
New York City Opera's La traviata – FREE on August 12 at Bryant Park Picnic Performances...
New York City Opera's La traviata – FREE on August 12 at Bryant Park Picnic Performances  City Life Org
"Russian New York" - Google News 18h
🧀 Who can stack the most cheese sticks on Wake Up? - - News 4
🧀 Who can stack the most cheese sticks on Wake Up? - News 4
"Red Mafia" - Google News 18h
Manhole fire briefly shuts down Court Street in Downtown Brooklyn
Court Street in Downtown Brooklyn was temporarily closed to traffic on Wednesday night after a manhole...
Brooklyn Eagle 18h
Президент Шри-Ланки уведомил о своей отставке по электронной почте
Президент Шри-Ланки Готабая Раджапакса, покинувший страну на фоне массовых протестов, объявил об отставке,...
Каспаров.Ru 18h
Only 18% of Americans Want Joe Biden to Run Again
Hannah BleauOne in five Americans want President Joe Biden to run for reelection while the vast majority...
The Jewish Voice 18h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 3PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 3PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 18h
Nick Lachey reveals the surprising stories behind his children's names - Today Show
Nick said that Brooklyn's moniker is "an homage" to where she was conceived. "We were living in New York...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
Exclusive: Wordle is being turned into a board game | |
Hasbro approached the New York Times to make a party game after noticing ... Josh Wardle, a Brooklyn-based...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
Exclusive: Wordle is being turned into a board game - CNN
New York (CNN Business) Wordle is jumping from the P-H-O-N-E to the B-O-A-R-D. Hasbro is partnering with...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
What to Watch: Quiet-But-Quick Formula E Racing Series Is Back in the U.S. July 16-17
He has "made it" in New York City, winning three times since the ABB FIA Formula E World ... Sam Bird...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
What I learned about good writing from Francis X. Clines - Poynter
Francis X. Clines arrived at The New York Times in 1958, ... He grew up in Brooklyn and finished one...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
Fed Could Weigh Historic 100 Basis-Point Rate Hike After Inflation Scorcher - Bloomberg
San Francisco Fed chief Mary Daly, speaking in a separate interview with the New York Times late Wednesday,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
From Brooklyn to Roblox: Tommy Hilfiger Makes NYFW show 'Phygital' | Vogue
Tommy Hilfiger is returning to New York Fashion Week for the first time in three years with a "see now,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
A new Hermès store is opening in Williamsburg - Time Out
Popular on Time Out. The 50 best restaurants in NYC right now ... "A shopping boom in Brooklyn's trendy...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
Canoeing trips and cannabis magic: 12 things to do this weekend - Brooklyn Magazine
The East New York Farmers Market is on this weekend, representing a ... Thanks to former president Ronald...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
Average Manhattan rent breaks $5000 for the first time in history - New York Post
For its part, Brooklyn saw an average rent of $3,822, up 20% from last June's $3,185. Its median, meanwhile,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
Indian vegan, vegetarian food startup hosts exclusive dinner in New York
Co-founders of The Cumin Club, Ragoth Bala and Harish Visweswaran pose for a photo at the exclusive dinner...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
DALLAS, July 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- For the first time in history, ... Oceanic Global is based in Brooklyn,...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
Corina Knoll Named Los Angeles Bureau Chief | The New York Times Company
She previously wrote about two Brooklyn teenagers who had to find their own way after their mother died...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
NYC colleges update rules on transfer credits, other policies for immigrant students
NEW YORK — When Dugue Dumond first arrived in Brooklyn from Haiti 31 years ago, he worked full-time as...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times 18h
U.S. to send fresh military, humanitarian aid to Ukraine; Xi tells Putin he wants...
U.S. to send fresh military, humanitarian aid to Ukraine; Xi tells Putin he wants to see a settlement  CNBC
"Russian USA" - Google News 18h
Search Committee Established for New Brooklyn Law School Dean and President - The...
Search Committee Established for New Brooklyn Law School Dean and President  The Bakersfield Californian
"brooklyn news" - Google News 18h
The endorsements for New York's 10th Congressional District - City & State
The endorsements for New York's 10th Congressional District  City & State
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 18h
Hochul touts statewide efforts to reduce gun violence - Spectrum News NY1
Hochul touts statewide efforts to reduce gun violence  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 18h
Посольство РФ в Бразилии получило посылку с неизвестным содержимым
Предмет уничтожили взрывотехники.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
Подведены итоги фестиваля нового российского кино «Горький fest»
Фестиваль проходил в Нижнем Новгороде с 8 по 14 июля.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
Россия прекратила сотрудничество с Северным советом
Ранее Северный совет осуществлял деятельность информбюро в Санкт-Петербурге и Калининграде.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
США разрешили проводить операции с Россией по удобрениям и продовольствию
Ограничения также снимаются с транзакций, связанных с профилактикой и лечением COVID-19.
Аргументы и Факты 18h
'Field of Schemes:' Pols say state should enforce $10M penalty against Atlantic Yards...
Local pols and advocates are urging the state to collect on a $10 million debt they claim is owed by...
Brooklyn Paper 18h
Nanotronics Announces nControl™ Fueled by AIPC™ at SEMICON West | Business...
BROOKLYN, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nanotronics introduced its AIPC™ platform at the SEMICON West Annual...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
What to Watch: Quiet-But-Quick Formula E Racing Series Is Back in the U.S. July 16-17
The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship is in Brooklyn, N.Y., for the New York E-Prix doubleheader,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Karen Gillan, Jermaine Fowler, Kevin Nealon, More Set For Comedy 'Late Bloomers'
... has wrapped production in Brooklyn, NY. The film written by Anna Greenfield is loosely based on her...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
New York attorney general wants to block 'ghost gun' parts - NY1
A preliminary injunction has been filed against a half dozen firearm distributors to block the distribution...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Perpetual Groove Share 2022 Fall Tour -
s Ardmore Music Hall, Brooklyn, N.Y.'s Brooklyn Bowl, and Morristown, N.J.'s The Homestead. Then, they...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Las Vegas Aces vs. New York Liberty - July 14, 2022 - FOX Sports
New York Liberty game played on July 14, 2022. ... Barclays Center. Brooklyn, NY. WNBA>Scores>....
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Brooklyn, NY – Pedestrian Injured in Collision at Saratoga Ave & Macdonough...
Brooklyn, NY (July 14, 2022) – Authorities reported an auto-pedestrian collision in the Bedford-Stuyvesant...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Brooklyn woman shot through window while lying in bed, cops say - FOX 5 NY
A woman lying in bed in the middle of the night was shot when a bullet entered her bedroom in Crown Heights,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Firefighters take on Brooklyn blaze that left one seriously injured - amNewYork
Firefighters take on Brooklyn blaze that left one seriously injured · Jobs in New York · Home Pros ·...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Preview: Formula E in New York - RACER
The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship returns to the United States this weekend with its fifth trip...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Jonathan Richman reissuing four '70s albums for the first time, touring this fall
Jonathan's fall tour with drummer Tommy Larkins includes two Brooklyn shows. ... 17 Oct 2022 The Opera...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Governor Hochul announces gun violence prevention funding |
BROOKLYN, N.Y. (WHEC) - Governor Hochul held a press conference on Thursday in Brooklyn to announce new...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Lindelia Acosta Obituary (1973 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY - Legacy Remembers
Lindelia Acosta's passing at the age of 48 on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 has been publicly announced by Las...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
New York's first Amazon Fresh grocery store opens in Oceanside
This morning, New York's first Amazon Fresh grocery store will be opening on Long Island. The store is...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Matt Easton on We Have Tired of Violence at the Center for Fiction | The New Press
Brooklyn NY. Click here to register · Twitter logo · Facebook logo. The Center for Fiction hosts a hybrid...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Kresge commits $3 million via guarantee into climate tech firm BlocPower
ITHACA, N.Y. — The Kresge Foundation today announced it has committed a $3-million guarantee to BlocPower,...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Las Vegas Aces vs New York Liberty Jul 14, 2022 Game Summary -
Thursday, July 14th, 2022 11:00 AM ET. Aces @ Liberty. Barclays Center, Brooklyn, NY. WATCH ON NBA APP....
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Here are the winners of the 2022 Whiting Literary Magazine Prizes.
American Chordata (Brooklyn, NY), a budding independent magazine full of thought-provoking interplay...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Brooklyn, New York, Home With 2550 Square Feet and Five Bedrooms Asks $2.4 Million
This home in Brooklyn, New York, includes a number of distinctive features that will please the most...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Goran Dragic: Nets stint was 'difficult' because focus wasn't on team - New York...
Former Net Goran Dragic — who left for the Bulls in free agency — said he had a less-than-enjoyable season...
Google Alert - Brooklyn NY 18h
Search Committee Established for New Brooklyn Law School Dean and President - GlobeNewswire
Search Committee Established for New Brooklyn Law School Dean and President  GlobeNewswire
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 18h
CDC: 9 monkeypox cases identified in Connecticut - News 12 Brooklyn
CDC: 9 monkeypox cases identified in Connecticut  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 18h
Премьер-министр Италии Драги объявил об отставке
Премьер-министр Италии Марио Драги объявил совету министров, что уйдет в отставку, передает ANSA.
Каспаров.Ru 19h
The Fast Forward 2020 Winter Bookies reading list - The Boston Globe
The Fast Forward 2020 Winter Bookies reading list  The Boston Globe
"Russian Mafia in Brighton Beach" - Google News 19h
How do you move 250 elephants to their new home? Very carefully
One by one, the elephants are being sedated and moved from Malawi's overcrowded Liwonde National Park...
News : NPR 19h
Year in review: international arbitration in USA - Lexology
Year in review: international arbitration in USA  Lexology
"Russian USA" - Google News 19h
Transcript Of Press Conference From US Secretary Of The Treasury Janet L. Yellen...
Transcript Of Press Conference From US Secretary Of The Treasury Janet L. Yellen In Nusa Dua, Indonesia  Exchange...
"Russian America" - Google News 19h
Does a data breach like the Uber Tapes threaten Big Tech's credibility? - TechHQ
Does a data breach like the Uber Tapes threaten Big Tech's credibility?  TechHQ
"panama papers" - Google News 19h
Дана Борисова: мне не было стыдно просить деньги у подписчиков
Телеведущей перевели 25 тыс. рублей.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
City Tweaks Ferry Pricing in Wake of Audit With $4 Tix, But Is It Too Shallow?
THE CITY - All 19h
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 19h
Nanotronics Announces nControl™ Fueled by AIPC™ at SEMICON West - Business Wire
Nanotronics Announces nControl™ Fueled by AIPC™ at SEMICON West  Business Wire
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 19h
Winning Take 5 Lottery Ticket Sold At Westchester Gas Station - Daily Voice
Winning Take 5 Lottery Ticket Sold At Westchester Gas Station  Daily Voice
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 19h
De Blasio brushes off poor showing in new CD10 poll, Rivera leads the pack
The city's former chief executive Bill de Blasio is still quite unpopular with voters in his former council...
Brooklyn Paper 19h
Хроника российского вторжения в Украину 14 июля
Каспаров.Ru продолжает следить за событиями войны.
Каспаров.Ru 19h
Opinion: Engineering optimism fuels problem solving
Lately, it's been easy to focus on what seems to be a steady drumbeat of bad news and tragedy — enough...
Brooklyn Eagle 19h
Russian army needs 34,000 more soldiers to restore full force in Ukraine - The Telegraph
Russian army needs 34,000 more soldiers to restore full force in Ukraine  The Telegraph
"Russian World" - Google News 19h
Ukraine shows off military skills with masterful strike blowing Russia tank to pieces...
Ukraine shows off military skills with masterful strike blowing Russia tank to pieces  Express
"Russian World" - Google News 19h
'Very difficult decision' to return turbine for Russian pipeline -Canada's Trudeau...
'Very difficult decision' to return turbine for Russian pipeline -Canada's Trudeau  Reuters
"Russian World" - Google News 19h
India: How a fake 'IPL' cricket league ran for Russian punters - BBC
India: How a fake 'IPL' cricket league ran for Russian punters  BBC
"Russian World" - Google News 19h
NTSB now says a 13-year-old was not a driver in a Texas crash that killed 9 people
A Texas man, not his 13-year-old son, was driving the pickup truck that crossed into the oncoming lane...
News : NPR 19h
US regulators OK new COVID-19 shot option from Novavax
The U.S. is getting another COVID-19 vaccine choice as the Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday...
The Jewish Voice 19h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 2PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 2PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 19h
WHAT'S HOT – Time Magazine's World's Greatest Places 2022 - News 12 Brooklyn
WHAT'S HOT – Time Magazine's World's Greatest Places 2022  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 19h
Road Trip Close to Home: Outdoor summer fun at Wantagh Park - News 12 Brooklyn
Road Trip Close to Home: Outdoor summer fun at Wantagh Park  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 19h
'I lost a part of me.' Manhattan mother begs for justice after son, his friend shot...
'I lost a part of me.' Manhattan mother begs for justice after son, his friend shot and burned to death  News...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 19h
How Russia de facto recognised Kosovo – - EURACTIV
How Russia de facto recognised Kosovo –  EURACTIV
"Russian America" - Google News 19h
Manhattan saw highest average rent ever last month: report - Spectrum News NY1
Manhattan saw highest average rent ever last month: report  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 19h
Таджикистан собирается запретить критическое освещение призыва в армию
Возможность избежать призыва по-прежнему существует — ценой крупного штрафа.
Eurasianet: Русская Служба 19h
Президент России отменил НДФЛ при продаже золота
От НДС освобождены банковские операции по продаже физлицам бриллиантов.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Европейским фурам могут запретить въезд в Россию
Запрет на въезд может заработать с 1 октября.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Президент Италии не принял отставку Марио Драги
Он призвал главу кабмина обратиться к парламенту, чтобы оценить политическую ситуацию.
Аргументы и Факты 19h
Стала известна причина, по которой Драги решил уйти в отставку
Парламентская коалиция в Сенате развалилась после выхода из нее партии «Движение 5 звезд».
Аргументы и Факты 19h
New York attorney general wants to block 'ghost gun' parts - Spectrum News NY1
New York attorney general wants to block 'ghost gun' parts  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 19h
The 2022 Coney Island Mermaid Parade – A New York City Photo Essay - NewsWhistle
The 2022 Coney Island Mermaid Parade – A New York City Photo Essay  NewsWhistle
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 19h
Winning Take 5 Lottery Ticket Sold At Westchester Gas Station - Daily Voice
Winning Take 5 Lottery Ticket Sold At Westchester Gas Station  Daily Voice
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 19h
Tickets for Unwound's NYC reunion show on BrooklynVegan presale (password here) -...
Tickets for Unwound's NYC reunion show on BrooklynVegan presale (password here)  Brooklyn Vegan
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 19h
Workers Spotted at Crumbling 227 Abolitionist Place in Downtown Brooklyn
Workers were busy at the beleaguered former home of 19th century abolitionists in Downtown Brooklyn on...
Brooklyn Paper 19h
Russia's 5G Expansion Thwarted By Sanctions, Domestic Constraints - The Moscow Times
Russia's 5G Expansion Thwarted By Sanctions, Domestic Constraints  The Moscow Times
"Russia" - Google News 19h
'Super Moon' Lights Up Night Sky Over Russia - The Moscow Times
'Super Moon' Lights Up Night Sky Over Russia  The Moscow Times
"Russia" - Google News 19h
Median Brooklyn home price hits record high of almost $1 million - Crain's New York...
Median Brooklyn home price hits record high of almost $1 million  Crain's New York Business
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 19h
Brooklyn and NY Video News Review at 2 p.m. [Inoreader digest]
The Brooklyn News And Times 19h
Macron: Turn out the lights, brace for Russian gas cutoff - New York Post
Macron: Turn out the lights, brace for Russian gas cutoff  New York Post
"Russian New York" - Google News 20h
30 Foreign Airlines Are Still Flying To Russia - Simple Flying
30 Foreign Airlines Are Still Flying To Russia  Simple Flying
"Russian World" - Google News 20h
'Patriots' Review: Tom Hollander, Will Keen Crackle in Story of Russian Oligarch...
'Patriots' Review: Tom Hollander, Will Keen Crackle in Story of Russian Oligarch Who Tangled With Putin  Yahoo...
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 20h
Meet the Cori Bush Activist Who Wants To Burn Jews Alive
Adam Kredo(Free Beacon)Rep. Cori Bush (D., Mo.) spent years cultivating a relationship with a pro-Palestinian...
The Jewish Voice 20h
NYC Ferry single-ride fare increasing to $4; discounts available for some riders...
NYC Ferry single-ride fare increasing to $4; discounts available for some riders
"Coney Island" - Google News 20h
Hot diggity dog — a month to celebrate America's iconic foods - timesherald
Hot diggity dog — a month to celebrate America's iconic foods  timesherald
"Coney Island" - Google News 20h
Italian Premier Mario Draghi says he will resign after allies skip vote on relief...
Italian Premier Mario Draghi says he will resign after allies skip vote on relief bill  USA TODAY
"Russian USA" - Google News 20h
Stray bullet hits woman inside Brooklyn apartment: NYPD - PIX11 New York News
Stray bullet hits woman inside Brooklyn apartment: NYPD  PIX11 New York News
"brooklyn news" - Google News 20h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at The News...
Advertising at The News And Times 20h……The post… first appeared on Advertising...
Advertising at The News And Times 20h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at The...
Advertising at The News And Times 20h……The post… first appeared on Advertising at...
Advertising at The News And Times 20h……The post… first appeared on Advertising...
Advertising at The News And Times 20h
Opinion: Angela Merkel deserves as much blame – or more – as her predecessor for...
Opinion: Angela Merkel deserves as much blame – or more – as her predecessor for making Germany dependent...
Advertising at The News And Times 20h
Scholz rejects 'slanderous' criticism of his party's Russia policy – Expatica Belguim
Scholz rejects 'slanderous' criticism of his party's Russia policy  Expatica BelguimThe post Scholz...
Advertising at The News And Times 20h
The Berlin elite's Ukraine dilemma – The New Statesman
The Berlin elite's Ukraine dilemma  The New StatesmanThe post The Berlin elite's Ukraine dilemma...
Advertising at The News And Times 20h
Arrogant, incompetent and corrupt: war is shattering our delusions of the German...
Arrogant, incompetent and corrupt: war is shattering our delusions of the German elite  The TelegraphThe...
Advertising at The News And Times 20h
Gerhard Schroder's Shadow Is Hemming in Olaf Scholz and Germany on Ukraine – Bloomberg
Gerhard Schroder's Shadow Is Hemming in Olaf Scholz and Germany on Ukraine  BloombergThe post Gerhard...
Advertising at The News And Times 20h
This 60-year-old winery changed the way America grew grapes - The Washington Post
This 60-year-old winery changed the way America grew grapes  The Washington Post
"Russian America" - Google News 20h
Four high-end vehicles stolen overnight in Avalon, police say -
Four high-end vehicles stolen overnight in Avalon, police say
"Russian Mob" - Google News 20h
Арестованный экс-замглавы МЧС предложил отправить его на спецоперацию
Бывший чиновник считает, что пора прекратить кормить «здоровых мужиков» за государственный счет.
Аргументы и Факты 20h
Комитет Госдумы одобрил утверждение Мантурова вице-премьером
Министра промышленности и торговли РФ Дениса Мантурова могут повысить до должности вице-премьера.
Аргументы и Факты 20h
Московские рестораны Pizza Hut стали менять вывески на «Пицца Н‎»
Работник заведения рассказал, что название решили изменить в связи с санкциями.
Аргументы и Факты 20h
Ирина Шейк опубликовала фото русского салата и дубовых веников
Фотографию она сопроводила словами «среда по-русски».
Аргументы и Факты 20h
Perpetual Groove Share 2022 Fall Tour -
Perpetual Groove Share 2022 Fall Tour
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 20h
A hidden self-portrait of Van Gogh has been discovered. Here's what you can see so...
As it prepared for an exhibit, the National Galleries of Scotland found a previously unknown self-portrait...
News : NPR 20h
Italy's president rejects Prime Minister Mario Draghi's offer to resign
The premier offered to quit after a coalition ally refused to support a key bill, but the nation's president...
News : NPR 20h
Russia Wants Belarus in War to Cover Soldier Deficit, Zelensky Adviser Says - Newsweek
Russia Wants Belarus in War to Cover Soldier Deficit, Zelensky Adviser Says  Newsweek
"Russia" - Google News 20h
The Downballot: How the DCCC helps Democrats win the House, with Jason Bresler (transcript)...
The Downballot: How the DCCC helps Democrats win the House, with Jason Bresler (transcript)  Daily Kos
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 20h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 1PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 1PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 20h
RAA Commends Assembly Member Brian Cunningham’s Staunch Support of Israel & ...
RAA Commends Assembly Member Brian Cunningham's Staunch Support of Israel &  Opposition to the BDS...
The Jewish Voice 20h
PA: 'If Biden visit fails to meet demands, we will act against Israel and America'
By JNS.orgIn advance of U.S. President Joe Biden's visit to Israel, the Palestinian Authority leadership,...
The Jewish Voice 20h
Orthodox Jew hospitalized after Brooklyn beating, witnessed by 5-year-old son
By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel NewsA religious Jew was hospitalized Wednesday after taking a beating...
The Jewish Voice 20h
Security Video Shows Police Retreating, Holding Back During Uvalde School Shooting
Paul Bois (Breitbaret)Recently leaked security video from the Uvalde school massacre in May shows fully-armed...
The Jewish Voice 20h
Immediately after Roe was reversed, I laid out how our Administration would use executive action to protect...
President Biden (Twitter) 20h
Israeli President Herzog and I met earlier today to discuss the U.S.' ironclad support for Israel's security...
President Biden (Twitter) 20h
Chess grandmaster champion criticizes Novak Djokovic for supporting Russian players...
Chess grandmaster champion criticizes Novak Djokovic for supporting Russian players  Tennis World USA
"Russian World" - Google News 20h
Ukraine war: Small children killed as Russian missiles strike Vinnytsia - Sky News
Ukraine war: Small children killed as Russian missiles strike Vinnytsia  Sky News
"Russian World" - Google News 20h
Ukraine PM calls for confiscated assets from Russian oligarchs to fund recovery –...
Ukraine PM calls for confiscated assets from Russian oligarchs to fund recovery – as it happened  The...
"Russian World" - Google News 20h
Disney World Begins Destruction of 26-Year-Old Resort Venue - Inside the Magic
Disney World Begins Destruction of 26-Year-Old Resort Venue  Inside the Magic
"Coney Island" - Google News 20h
30+ new restaurants are coming to Fresno and Clovis. Here's a peek into what's is...
30+ new restaurants are coming to Fresno and Clovis. Here's a peek into what's is coming  Fresno Bee
"Coney Island" - Google News 20h
Amusement parks, part one | Columns | - The Courier-Express
Amusement parks, part one | Columns |  The Courier-Express
"Coney Island" - Google News 20h
U.S. basketball star Brittney Griner appears in Russian court before July 1 trial...
U.S. basketball star Brittney Griner appears in Russian court before July 1 trial  CBC Sports
"Russian USA" - Google News 20h
Police: 1-year-old infant suffers 2nd degree burns from spilled cup of coffee - News...
Police: 1-year-old infant suffers 2nd degree burns from spilled cup of coffee  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 20h
ALERT CENTER: 10-year-old girl reported missing in Hempstead - News 12 Brooklyn
ALERT CENTER: 10-year-old girl reported missing in Hempstead  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 20h
Turn to Tara: Job offer too good to be true? Employment scams are spiking. Here's...
Turn to Tara: Job offer too good to be true? Employment scams are spiking. Here's how to avoid them.  News...
"brooklyn news" - Google News 20h
Police: Nunchucks, knife and 6 pounds of marijuana seized; couple arrested in Trumbull...
Police: Nunchucks, knife and 6 pounds of marijuana seized; couple arrested in Trumbull  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 20h
Rail service restored into, out of Penn Station New York following earlier Amtrak...
Rail service restored into, out of Penn Station New York following earlier Amtrak overhead wire issues  News...
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 20h
Juneteenth 2022: What's Open, Closed For The Holiday In New York City - Patch
Juneteenth 2022: What's Open, Closed For The Holiday In New York City  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11209" - Google News 20h
Opinion | 'Emboldening and Humbling': Gasping at the Wonders of the Universe - The...
Opinion | 'Emboldening and Humbling': Gasping at the Wonders of the Universe  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 20h
Canoeing trips and cannabis magic: 12 things to do this weekend - Brooklyn Magazine
Canoeing trips and cannabis magic: 12 things to do this weekend  Brooklyn Magazine
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 20h
'The Boys' Season 3: Episode 5 - Recap And Ending, Explained - What Happened To Kimiko,...
'The Boys' Season 3: Episode 5 - Recap And Ending, Explained - What Happened To Kimiko, Maeve & Crimson...
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 20h
New York City proposes series of bills to mitigate rat problem - CBS New York
New York City proposes series of bills to mitigate rat problem  CBS New York
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 20h
Father and son shot over parking spot in East Flatbush: Cops • Brooklyn Paper - Brooklyn...
Father and son shot over parking spot in East Flatbush: Cops • Brooklyn Paper  Brooklyn Paper
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 20h
Премьер-министр Италии Марио Драги уходит в отставку
Он возглавил правительство страны 13 февраля 2021 года.
Аргументы и Факты 20h
Путин освободил граждан ЛДНР от пошлины при получении гражданства РФ
Размер пошлины составлял 3500 рублей.
Аргументы и Факты 20h
Новые автомобили в кредит смогут купить больше 1 млн семей
В России возобновляется программа льготного кредитования и лизинга автомобилей.
Аргументы и Факты 20h
Alert Center: 988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline goes live Saturday - News...
Alert Center: 988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline goes live Saturday  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 20h
Comptroller: 1 in 8 New Yorkers facing overdue utility bills - News 12 Brooklyn
Comptroller: 1 in 8 New Yorkers facing overdue utility bills  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 20h
NTSB: 2019 Dutchess County plane crash caused by loss of engine power due to no fuel...
NTSB: 2019 Dutchess County plane crash caused by loss of engine power due to no fuel  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 20h
Brooklyn Holt excited to join her sister, Brianna, at NC State - Backing The Pack
Brooklyn Holt excited to join her sister, Brianna, at NC State  Backing The Pack
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 20h
HEAT ALERT: Hot, humid and dry weather ahead for New Jersey; temps in the 90s today...
HEAT ALERT: Hot, humid and dry weather ahead for New Jersey; temps in the 90s today  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 20h
Perpetual Groove Detail 2022 Fall Tour - Relix
Perpetual Groove Detail 2022 Fall Tour  Relix
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 20h
Число погибших в Виннице выросло до 23 человек
По предварительным данным, в результате ракетного удара по центру Винницы утром 14 июля погибли 22 человека,...
Каспаров.Ru 21h
Our world in photos: July 14
                        The post Our world in photos: July 14 appeared first on Brooklyn Eagle.
Brooklyn Eagle 21h
Woman's Rush-Hour Collapse, Harrowing Subway Track Rescue Captured on Video - NBC...
Woman's Rush-Hour Collapse, Harrowing Subway Track Rescue Captured on Video  NBC New York
"Bay Ridge Brooklyn" - Google News 21h
I had the pleasure to join the first leaders meeting of the United States, India, Israel, and the United...
President Biden (Twitter) 21h
Wholesale inflation explodes to 11.3% in producer index, feds report
Bob Unruh(WND)Just a day after the government reported inflation, running rampant under Joe Biden's economic...
The Jewish Voice 21h
Biden, Lapid sign pledge to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons
Maayan Hoffman (JNS) U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Thursday signed...
The Jewish Voice 21h
'We made a mistake walking away from US influence in the Middle East'
Yoni Kempinski(A7)Speaking at a press conference this afternoon in Jerusalem, US President Joe Biden...
The Jewish Voice 21h
Competitive eater beats the guys in Franks and Beans Eating Contest – WRBI Radio...
Competitive eater beats the guys in Franks and Beans Eating Contest – WRBI Radio  Country 103.9 WRBI
"Coney Island" - Google News 21h
Russian basketball boss defends Brittney Griner in drugs trial -
Russian basketball boss defends Brittney Griner in drugs trial
"Russian World" - Google News 21h
EU condemns new Russian passports issued to Ukrainians in 'violation of international...
EU condemns new Russian passports issued to Ukrainians in 'violation of international law'  Express
"Russian World" - Google News 21h
Here are the twists and turns in the Murdaugh murder case in S.C.
Lawyer Alex Murdaugh's indictment on charges that he murdered his wife and son is the latest bombshell...
News : NPR 21h
Record inflation hitting rents, groceries and more
The newest figures are raising some serious concerns about our economy.
CBS New York 21h
First Alert Weather: Showers possible this afternoon
CBS2's Elise Finch has the latest weather forecast.
CBS New York 21h
Councilmembers introduce rat action plan
Officials want to tackle the growing rat population in the city.
CBS New York 21h
Preview: Formula E in New York - RACER
Preview: Formula E in New York  RACER
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 21h
Puerto Rican Day Parades + Weeksville Man Missing + Tunnel Smoke - Patch
Puerto Rican Day Parades + Weeksville Man Missing + Tunnel Smoke  Patch
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 21h
Путин одобрил снятие бюрократической нагрузки с учителей
Документ подразумевает переход школ на электронный документооборот.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Проверка не нашла нарушений в уральском интернате, где погиб подросток
Факты жестокого обращения с детьми не выявлены.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Омбудсмен заявил, что Зеленский и Арестович нарушили закон о языке
Президент Украины говорил на английском с гостями из Великобритании, а советник главы офиса президента...
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Путин разрешил разводить кур и кроликов на садовых и огородных участках
Согласно документу, заниматься разведением кур и кроликов на данных участках можно для собственных нужд.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
В РФ одобрен закон о запрете делить имущество на микродоли
Сделки, заключенные с нарушением этого закона, будут признаваться ничтожными.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Путин подписал закон об индексации пенсий военных
Индексацию на 10% произведут с 1 июня.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Di Fara Pizza's South Street Seaport Location Is Now Open - Eater NY
Di Fara Pizza's South Street Seaport Location Is Now Open  Eater NY
"Midwood Brooklyn NY" - Google News 21h
Shark attack victims speaks out about encounter
Suffolk County is strengthening safety in the water after a series of shark attacks. CBS2's Jennifer...
CBS New York 21h
NYC handing out COVID tests as cases surge
Officials say the Omicron subvariant BA.5 now makes up most cases in the country. CBS2's John Dias has...
CBS New York 21h
President Biden meets with Israeli prime minister
The president is using the visit to assure Israel the U.S. will not allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons.
CBS New York 21h
Hochul announces gun violence prevention funding
The governor says violence interrupters are working and introduced more funding for intervention programs.
CBS New York 21h
Bosnian region raises Q3 price of Russia-imported gas by 23.3% -
Bosnian region raises Q3 price of Russia-imported gas by 23.3%
"Russia" - Google News 21h
UPDATE 1-Russia says Ukraine must recognise 'territorial reality' for peace - Interfax...
UPDATE 1-Russia says Ukraine must recognise 'territorial reality' for peace - Interfax  Yahoo Finance
"Russia" - Google News 21h
Oil prices extend slide, erasing much of the gain seen after Russia's invasion of...
Oil prices extend slide, erasing much of the gain seen after Russia's invasion of Ukraine  MarketWatch
"Russia" - Google News 21h
МВД объявило в розыск участницу Pussy Riot Анну Кузьминых
МВД объявило в розыск участницу Pussy Riot Анну Кузьминых "по статье УК", следует из базы ведомства.
Каспаров.Ru 21h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 12PM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 12PM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 21h
USA faces problems in organizing supervision over spending funds transferred to help...
USA faces problems in organizing supervision over spending funds transferred to help Ukraine – Spartz  Інтерфакс-Україна
"Russian USA" - Google News 21h
Eugenio Scalfari, revolutionized Italy's journalism, dies - Spectrum News NY1
Eugenio Scalfari, revolutionized Italy's journalism, dies  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 21h
Ukrainian Military Strikes With Western Arms Disrupt Russian Supply Lines - General...
Ukrainian Military Strikes With Western Arms Disrupt Russian Supply Lines - General  U.S. News &...
"Russian World" - Google News 21h
Macron: France Needs to Brace for Russian Gas Supply Cuts - U.S. News & World Report
Macron: France Needs to Brace for Russian Gas Supply Cuts  U.S. News & World Report
"Russian World" - Google News 21h
Tracy Morgan, The Rock, 'Jackass' cast join Shark Week lineup - New York Daily News
Tracy Morgan, The Rock, 'Jackass' cast join Shark Week lineup  New York Daily News
"Brooklyn in New York Daily News" - Google News 21h
Dry, warm weather to continue through workweek - News 12 Brooklyn
Dry, warm weather to continue through workweek  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 21h
Driver shot to death crossing Washington Bridge
Police say the 41-year-old man was driving from Manhattan into the Bronx when he was fatally shot. CBS2's...
CBS New York 21h
Fire hydrant floods Bronx street
Chopper 2 captured video overhead the issue in Melrose.
CBS New York 21h
Stuffed Animal Tree of Bergen Beach – Brooklyn, New York - Atlas Obscura
Stuffed Animal Tree of Bergen Beach – Brooklyn, New York  Atlas Obscura
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 21h
Russian fuel oil cargo arrives in Cuba as the island ramps up imports -
Russian fuel oil cargo arrives in Cuba as the island ramps up imports
"Russian America" - Google News 21h
Tips to eat healthy on a budget and grocery saving advice
Nutritionist Joy Bauer shares her tips for eating healthy on a budget.
PIX11 News 21h
Menopause support in the workplace
Menopause is one of the least-discussed issues in the workplace and yet it's caused one in five women...
PIX11 News 21h
Tips for traveling in the car with kids
Hitting the road with the family can be exciting but also a little stressful if you're traveling with...
PIX11 News 21h
Opinion | Biden Trip to Saudi Arabia Is a Signal to All Brutal Dictators of the World...
Opinion | Biden Trip to Saudi Arabia Is a Signal to All Brutal Dictators of the World  Common Dreams
"Russian Mob" - Google News 21h
В МИД РФ напомнили условия соглашения с Украиной
Соглашение с Украиной должно фиксировать ее нейтральный статус, признание Киевом статуса Крыма, ДНР,...
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Автоэксперт одобрил закон о мерах наказания за «автомобильный мусор»
Документ устанавливает административную ответственность за выброс мусора из транспортных средств на обочины...
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Еще два населенных пункта ДНР освободили от украинских войск
ВСУ понесли значительные потери в живой силе и технике.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Рэпер Face* ликвидировал бизнес в России
Исполнитель ликвидировал ИП, зарегистрированное им в 2018 году.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Прекращающая работать в РФ сеть Starbucks устраивает глобальную распродажу
Она закончится в конце августа.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Эксперт объяснил, почему море в районе Анапы окрасилось в красный цвет
Вода сменила цвет из-за шторма и водорослей.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Путин подписал закон о банке данных экстремистских материалов
Такой банк данных повысит эффективность оперативно-розыскных мероприятий и следственных действий.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
Москвич обманул жителей Челябинска на 8 млн рублей
Задержанному грозит до десяти лет лишения свободы.
Аргументы и Факты 21h
В Минобороны Украины объявили информацию о потерях гостайной
Замглавы ведомства Анна Маляр заявила, что эти данные не следует размещать в свободном доступе до окончания...
Аргументы и Факты 21h
BJP leaders protest against non-implementation of PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana - The...
BJP leaders protest against non-implementation of PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana  The Hindu
"Red Mafia" - Google News 21h
Andrew Delbanco is named this year's Jefferson Lecturer in the Humanities
The honorary lecture series is deemed the highest honor the federal government gives for intellectual...
News : NPR 21h
Hermès is opening a long-term pop-up in Brooklyn - Time Out
Hermès is opening a long-term pop-up in Brooklyn  Time Out
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 21h
Dallas Black Dance Theatre Comes to SummerStage Next Week - Broadway World
Dallas Black Dance Theatre Comes to SummerStage Next Week  Broadway World
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 21h
NYC teachers get little to no training on lockdown drills
When Mohammad Jehad Ahmad began teaching almost six years ago, he wasn't familiar with lockdown drills....
Brooklyn Eagle 22h
What makes people willing to risk their lives to save others?
After an 18-year-old shooter murdered 19 elementary school students and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas,...
Brooklyn Eagle 22h
Were New York's primary elections a progressive failure? - People's World
Were New York's primary elections a progressive failure?  People's World
"andrew cuomo resigned" - Google News 22h
EXCLUSIVE Saudi Arabia doubles Q2 Russian fuel oil imports for power generation -...
EXCLUSIVE Saudi Arabia doubles Q2 Russian fuel oil imports for power generation  Reuters
"Russian World" - Google News 22h
Ukrainian military strikes with Western arms disrupt Russian supply lines - general...
Ukrainian military strikes with Western arms disrupt Russian supply lines - general
"Russian World" - Google News 22h
ALERT CENTER: Long Beach woman reported missing - News 12 Brooklyn
ALERT CENTER: Long Beach woman reported missing  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 22h
130 people swim across Great South Bay for Maggie Fischer Memorial Cross Bay swim...
130 people swim across Great South Bay for Maggie Fischer Memorial Cross Bay swim  News 12 Brooklyn
"brooklyn news" - Google News 22h
Review: In 'The Rehearsal,' All the World Is Staged - The New York Times
Review: In 'The Rehearsal,' All the World Is Staged  The New York Times
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 22h
A Running List of New Restaurants That Opened in New York City, July 2022 - Eater...
A Running List of New Restaurants That Opened in New York City, July 2022  Eater NY
"Brooklyn in The New York Times" - Google News 22h
The BA.5 Variant: What We Know about this Subvariant -
The BA.5 Variant: What We Know about this Subvariant
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 22h
What's next for gas prices in NY, NJ?
Patrick de Haan, chief petroleum analyst at GasBuddy, joined PIX11 Morning News to talk about the latest...
PIX11 News 22h
#LiveFromUkraine: Katya Savchenko Survived Bucha—and Wrote About It - Lawfare
#LiveFromUkraine: Katya Savchenko Survived Bucha—and Wrote About It  Lawfare
"Bucha" - Google News 22h
Rail service restored into, out of Penn Station New York following earlier Amtrak...
Rail service restored into, out of Penn Station New York following earlier Amtrak overhead wire issues  News...
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 22h
В Госдуме оценили возможность досрочной пенсии для всех спасателей
Предлагается оценить опасность труда спасателей МЧС и других сотрудников аварийно-спасательных служб.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
После ДТП с автобусом в Анапе 6 человек попали в больницу
По предварительной информации, виновником аварии стал водитель легкового автомобиля.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Путин подписал закон о реестре фармацевтов и студентов-медиков
Регистр будет вести Минздрав РФ.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Диетолог рассказал, как правильно похудеть с помощью имбиря
Корень способствует обмену веществ и помогает избавиться от лишних килограммов.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Путин подписал закон о мерах наказания за «автомобильный мусор»
За выброс отходов на обочины грозит штраф, а также конфискация транспорта.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Попова рассказала, из-за чего может начаться рост заболеваемости COVID в РФ
Она подчеркнула, что готовность «к новым вызовам» должны быть высокой.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Собянин пригласил москвичей на гастрономический фестиваль «Вкусы России»
Мэр Москвы заявил, что представленные на мероприятии товары пользуются спросом.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Gov. Hochul address gun violence prevention
Gov. Kathy Hochul made an announcement about gun violence prevention on Thursday in Brooklyn.
CBS New York 22h
Voices: Russia is about to play its most dangerous cards – and the west is not ready...
Voices: Russia is about to play its most dangerous cards – and the west is not ready  Yahoo Movies UK
Russia - Google News 22h
Jonathan Richman reissuing four '70s albums for the first time, touring this fall...
Jonathan Richman reissuing four '70s albums for the first time, touring this fall  Brooklyn Vegan
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 22h
Viergella Chery Obituary (1938 - 2022) - Elizabeth, NJ -
Viergella Chery Obituary (1938 - 2022) - Elizabeth, NJ
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 22h
Lindelia Acosta Obituary (1973 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY -
Lindelia Acosta Obituary (1973 - 2022) - Brooklyn, NY
"Brooklyn NY" - Google News 22h
NPR News: 07-14-2022 11AM ET
NPR News: 07-14-2022 11AM ET
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 22h
The Uber files: Leaked documents reveal a strategy of chaos – has anything changed?
Uber has had a controversial history since its founding in 2009, from violent conflicts among drivers...
Brooklyn Eagle 22h
This morning I sat down with Israeli Prime Minister Lapid to sign a new strategic U.S.-Israel partnership...
President Biden (Twitter) 22h
Hochul touts statewide efforts to reduce gun violence - Spectrum News
Hochul touts statewide efforts to reduce gun violence  Spectrum News
"Brooklyn Politics" - Google News 22h
Here are a few places where you can celebrate National Ice Cream Day in New York...
Here are a few places where you can celebrate National Ice Cream Day in New York City  AMNY
"Coney Island" - Google News 22h
New York's Coney Island comes to the heart of Glasgow this summer - STV News
New York's Coney Island comes to the heart of Glasgow this summer  STV News
"Coney Island" - Google News 22h
"Coney Island Beyond The Boardwalk": Photographer Records People In Their Homes And...
"Coney Island Beyond The Boardwalk": Photographer Records People In Their Homes And Places Of Worship...
"Coney Island" - Google News 22h
A new reality reverberates through Russia's music scene - Houston Public Media
A new reality reverberates through Russia's music scene  Houston Public Media
"Russian Brooklyn" - Google News 22h
Brittney Griner returns to Russian court a week after pleading guilty to drug charges...
Brittney Griner returns to Russian court a week after pleading guilty to drug charges – Nation &...
"Russian World" - Google News 22h
EU weighs lifting some sanctions on Russians due to legal concerns - Al Arabiya English
EU weighs lifting some sanctions on Russians due to legal concerns  Al Arabiya English
"Russian World" - Google News 22h
COVID-19 outbreak hits popular summer camp for New Yorkers
Frost Valley YMCA canoes The camp in the Catskills was forced to close its first session...
Gothamist 22h
New York passed a law defining no-guns zones. Where exactly? That's complicated....
New York passed a law defining no-guns zones. Where exactly? That's complicated.  Brooklyn Daily Eagle
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 22h
Hochul touts statewide efforts to reduce gun violence - Spectrum News NY1
Hochul touts statewide efforts to reduce gun violence  Spectrum News NY1
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 22h
Wake Up, Billionaires: The Occupiers Are Coming for the Hamptons - The New York Times
Wake Up, Billionaires: The Occupiers Are Coming for the Hamptons  The New York Times
"Brooklyn NY 11214" - Google News 22h
Russia and China dropped from skating Grand Prix calendar - FRANCE 24 English
Russia and China dropped from skating Grand Prix calendar  FRANCE 24 English
"Russian America" - Google News 22h
Price Cap on Russian Oil Exports Would be Futile; West Should Opt for Tariff Instead...
Price Cap on Russian Oil Exports Would be Futile; West Should Opt for Tariff Instead  Russia Matters
"Russian America" - Google News 22h
Pentagon Faces Wake Up Call on Cruise Missiles - Foreign Policy
Pentagon Faces Wake Up Call on Cruise Missiles  Foreign Policy
"Russian America" - Google News 22h
Best Criminal Underworlds in Movies, Ranked - MovieWeb
Best Criminal Underworlds in Movies, Ranked  MovieWeb
"Russian Mafia" - Google News 22h
Officials: Russian missiles kill at least 21 in Ukraine - The Times of Northwest...
Officials: Russian missiles kill at least 21 in Ukraine  The Times of Northwest Indiana
"Russian Mob" - Google News 22h
Breakthrough at Ukraine grain export talks as heavy shelling continues - Prothom...
Breakthrough at Ukraine grain export talks as heavy shelling continues  Prothom Alo English
"russian fifth column" - Google News 22h
NYC gunman opens fire on Brooklyn street, injuring woman
A gunman unloaded multiple rounds on a Brooklyn street – striking and wounding a 31-year-old woman, new...
brooklyn | New York Post 22h
Officials: Swimming resumes at Robert Moses Field 3 following reported shark sighting...
Officials: Swimming resumes at Robert Moses Field 3 following reported shark sighting  News 12 Brooklyn
"Brooklyn News" - Google News 22h
Путин подписал закон об усилении защиты персональных данных россиян
Операторам запретили отказывать в оказании услуг гражданам, не согласившимся на обработку персональных...
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Вдова Мамонова: никто из друзей не помог с установкой памятника артисту
Ольга Мамонова самостоятельно поставила памятник на могиле мужа.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
В третий тур выборов премьер-министра Великобритании вышли пять кандидатов
Лидирует экс-глава минфина Риши Сунак.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Сейм Латвии в финальном чтении утвердил запрет на газ из России
Согласно документу, поставки должны быть прекращены с 1 января 2023 года.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Путин подписал закон о засекречивании данных о золотовалютных резервах РФ
Из-за недружественных действий иностранных государств эта информация должна быть защищена.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Участница Pussy Riot Анна Кузьминых объявлена в розыск
Не уточняется, по какой именно статье она разыскивается.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Карпин оформил Fan ID в Ростовской области
Главный тренер российской сборной также раздал автографы.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Макрон: Франция не хочет нового мирового конфликта из-за Украины
Французский президент добавил, что лето и осень будут тяжелыми.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Путин подписал закон об обращении со вторичным сырьем
Россияне будут обязаны обеспечивать раздельный сбор вторичных ресурсов.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Песков оценил планы Казахстана принять ушедшие из РФ компании
В Кремле считают такой подход абсолютно нормальным.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Сергей Собянин вручил награды сотрудникам «ТВ Центра»
Среди награжденных были раненные в Донбассе журналисты.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Вячеслав Володин посетил ЛНР с рабочим визитом
Спикер Госдумы выступил перед депутатами Народного совета республики и передал приветствие от президента...
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Цена на нефть марки Brent опустилась ниже $95 за баррель
Это произошло впервые с 21 февраля 2022 года.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Путин подписал закон об ужесточении наказания за пытки
Закон дополняет статью 286 «Превышение должностных полномочий» УК РФ.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Путин подписал закон о введении единого налогового счета с 2023 года
Нововведение позволит оплатить все налоги одной операцией.
Аргументы и Факты 22h
Вучич: мир ждет ад, если Запад не примет условия Путина
По словам сербского лидера, президент РФ вскоре обратится с предложением к Европе.
Аргументы и Факты 22h

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